icon Initiatives مبادرات

ابحث عن البرامج والمشاريع والمبادرات البحرية والملاحية عبر البحر الأبيض المتوسط باستخدام ميزة البحث أدناه أو تصفح الخريطة. يمكنك تحميل مبادرتك أو مشروعك أو برنامجك من خلال خيار “تحميل جديد”.

European Marine Training Portal

EMBRC - The European Marine Biological Resource Center

The EMBRC Marine Training Platform offers an overview of current Marine and Maritime training, whilst being a supporting framework to foster new Blue Growth training initiatives and supporting exchange of(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

The European Fisheries Areas Network

European Commission

FARNET is the community of people implementing Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). This network brings together Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), managing authorities,(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Mediterranean network of sustainable small-scale fishing communities

Regione Puglia - Department of Hunting and Fishing

FISHINMED (Mediterranean Network of sustainable small-scale fishing communities) is a cross-border cooperation project funded by ENPI CBC MED Program and implemented by public administrations and research institutions from the Mediterranean(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |


JAKOTA Cruise Systems GmbH

FleetMon Explorer is an interactive tool for live AIS vessel tracking. Provides a real-time view of the marine traffic, from the global overview to the single ship. It is a(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageGlobal |

Maritime Knowledge Centre - International Maritime Organization

International Maritime Organization

The Maritime Knowledge Centre (MKC) provides collections, information resources and services to support the IMO Secretariat, Member States, representatives and delegates. Its collections comprise the archives of official documents and(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageGlobal |

Invasive Species Compendium

CABI - Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International

The ISC is an encyclopaedic resource that draws together scientific information on all aspects of invasive species. It comprises detailed datasheets that have been sourced from experts, edited by CABI's(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageGlobal |

MAnagement of Port areas in the MEDiterranean sea basin

University of Cagliari

MAPMED (MAnagement of Port areas in the MEDiterranean sea basin) is a project funded under the ENP CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. Its objective is to improve the environmental sustainability(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |

Marine Species Identification Portal

ETI Bioinformatics

This site is an initiative of ETI BioInformatics (NL) in the KeyToNature programme, which is a project in the EC e-content Plus Programme. It gathers information from 31 species identification(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageGlobal |

Mediterranean & Black Sea Argo Centre

Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

MedArgo is the official Argo Regional Centre (MED-ARC) for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. It is part of the Italian 'Gruppo Nazionale di Oceanografia Operativa' (GNOO) and of the Mediterranean(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |

Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety

Department of Merchant Shipping, Republic of Cyprus

MEDESS is a project that started in April 2012 and ended in 2015. It was dedicated to the strengthening of maritime safety by mitigating the risks and impacts associated to(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment & Sustainability

MEDIES - Mediterranean Education Initiative For Enviroment & Sustainability

'MEdIES is the major educational and training tool of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development. It is an initiative on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), launched(...) Read more.

  • Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |