events event: Ocean Energy Europe Conference & Exhibition

Date: December 01, 2020

Place:  Online, -

Description of the event: 

Join OEE2020 from home: Meet us online 1 - 4 December

 OEE2020 is coming to you! Our annual event is moving online, so you won't miss out on anything this year. The new event dates are  1 - 4 December and registration will be open soon. 

Adapting the event to a virtual format means we can deliver the best event possible without compromising on safety or quality. 

While it's not quite business-as-usual, there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with your peers and get up to speed with the latest news from the sector. 

Going virtual also means that it is now easier than ever to join the event, from anywhere in the world! 

 Working together for a green tomorrow

The programme will highlight the innovative technologies in the water today, and bring you up to date on the latest developments ocean energy. Sessions will cover recent deployments, what's coming up next and how ocean energy can drive the green energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. 

As the global economy pivots towards recovery, a renewable energy system is a common goal. Ocean energy provides a flexible and predictable solution, a source of energy that is indigenous and infinite. A resilient industry, ocean energy continues to work hard even in the midst of a pandemic. 

OEE2020 @ Home will bring together national and European decision-makers, and ocean energy professionals from across the globe.  

Don't miss our first ever virtual conference!  

Type: Open
