INITIATIVE INITIATIVE: Italy-Malta programme website

Managing Authority - Regione Siciliana, Dipartimento Regionale della Programmazione, Italy

Palermo, Italy

The Programme aims at achieving the following General Objective: “Strengthening the attractiveness and the competitiveness of the cross-border area, within a framework of environmental sustainability”. Therefore, also considering the socio-economic characteristics of the cooperation area and especially the limited budget of the Programme, apart from technical assistance that is dedicated to support the Programme’s management, the strategic choices have been directed to two intervention’s priorities. Priority Axis I - Competitiveness – Research and Innovation; Sustainable Development - intends to reach the following specific objectives: 1.1 Supporting research and innovation in order to promote sustainable development paths; 1.2 Improving cross-border accessibility and reinforcing transport systems that are more environmentally friendly; 1.3 Contributing to the improvement of the integrated tourist offer in the cross-border area; 1.4 Contributing to the strengthening of cross-border institutional partnership in the areas identified under Priority Axis I. Priority Axis II - Environment, Energy and Risk prevention - intends to reach the following specific objectives: 2.1 Contributing to the protection of the environment through the safeguarding, exploitation and monitoring of natural resources; 2.2 Contributing to the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency; 2.3 Promoting joint actions in the sphere of prevention of risks resulting from both natural and human causes; 2.4 Contributing to the strengthening of cross border institutional partnership in the areas identified under Priority Axis II. Priority Axis III - Activities of Technical Assistance, Awareness, Communication and Publicity - intends to reach the following specific objective: 3.1 Ensuring actions to support the Programme’s implementation, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the management and surveillance system of the OP.
  • Finalised
Geographical coverage
  • Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
Intended Users
  • Administrations/Authorities
  • Policy-makers/managers/planners
  • Researchers and scientists
Source of funding
  • EU Funds
  • Public funding
  • Aquaculture
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems
  • Climate change
  • Fisheries/Marine resources
  • Heritage
  • Maritime safety/surveillance/security
  • Maritime stakeholders / clusters
  • Scientific research / technologies / innovation
  • Transport/shipping
Country of project partners
  • Italy
  • Malta