UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan for the Barcelona Convention
Athens, Greece
The overall objective of this project is to support the UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention and its Southern Mediterranean Contracting Parties to implement the ecosystem approach in synergy and coherence with the implementation of the European Union (EU) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The project seeks to support these countries to implement the EcAp Roadmap, through assisting them in establishing new monitoring programmes in line with EcAp. This will enable, for the first time, a quantitative monitoring of the status of the Mediterranean Sea and coast on a regional basis, covering biodiversity and non-indigenous species, coast and hydrography, and pollution and marine litter monitoring in an interlinked manner. In addition, the project will: address some specific challenges of the EcAp Roadmap implementation in the Mediterranean; strengthen science-policy interface; address sub-regional implementation needs; respond to data and information challenges in the region.
Geographical coverage
- Mediterranean (widespread)
Intended Users
- Administrations/Authorities
Source of funding
- EU Funds
- Public funding
Country of project partners
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Israel
- Lebanon
- Morocco
- Tunisia