News: WestMED Implementation report 2023-2024

WestMED Initiative Website

You can now access the 2023-2024 West Med Implementation Report and read all about the achievements of these past two years.

In 2024, the WestMED Initiative completed six years of implementation and it’s time to take stock of the achievements made so far regarding its objectives, namely to help achieve a safer and more secure maritime space, create a smarter and more resilient Blue Economy and improve the maritime governance for the western Mediterranean. 

Next to the objectives and progress made in general, it gives an overview of the co-presidencies, the new ministerial declaration (established in Malta), the activities of the five thematic/ technical stakeholder groups, cooperation with key partners such as the World Ocean Council, Ascame and Interreg, synergies across seabasins with the Atlantic and the Black Sea and a list of projects supported during this time-frame

Learn more here.

News Posted on 27/02/2025
