Alexandria, Egypt
A specialized non for profit organisation with over 50 years of global experience in the maritime education, training, consultancy and research.
Geographical working areas
- Mediterranean (widespread)
Type of player
- Research/academia
Areas of expertise
- Aquaculture
- Biodiversity and ecosystems
- Climate change
- Diversification of marine activities
- Education/training networks & jobs
- Environment
- Fisheries/Marine resources
- General maritime and Mediterranean information
- Legislation
- Maritime safety/surveillance/security
- Maritime stakeholders / clusters
- Oil & gas - Mineral resources
- Renewable energy
- Scientific research / technologies / innovation
- Spatial planning/areas management
- Tourism
- Transport/shipping
- Oceanography
- Circular economy
- Pollution / marine litter
- Ports and harbours
Main Interests
- Maritime Capacity Building, Research and Development, Marina Design, CFD simulations