Civica is a consulting firm, based in Pescara (Italy). Since founding in 1999, we have supported local authorities, universities, NGO, startups and SME's in accessing EU Funds. Main programmes: H2020, LIFE+, Creative Europe, INTERREG V (Italy/Croatia, MED), EMFF, ERDF, ESF.
Civica offers high quality services (information, training, business modelling and planning, R&D support, proposal writing, access to finance), a wide range of reliable partners and expertise in project management.
With regard to projects funded within the frame of Blue economy sectors, we have relevant experiences in the following areas: processing and marketing of fisheries products, digital transformation of coastal activities, pollution monitoring/clean up or management, sustainable tourism, renewable energies.
- Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
- Private sector
- Biodiversity and ecosystems
- Climate change
- Diversification of marine activities
- Education/training networks & jobs
- Environment
- Fisheries/Marine resources
- Heritage
- Public private funding
- Renewable energy
- Tourism
- Transport/shipping
- Circular economy
- Ports and harbours
- Looking for partnerships within EU programs/Consulting services