Fispmed, that is the “International Federation for Sustainable Development and the Fight against
Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea”, is a network born in 2004 made up of 239 members (public and
private institutions) from 39 Mediterranean Black Sea countries which manages the international work and
partnership tool Euro Mediterranean Black Sea Observatory, born in 2007 and whose activities have been
recognized by law.
Fispmed develops information and promotion actions for its network, it promotes conferences,
meetings, presentation of operational projects and specific project proposals by participating in public notices
and European tenders in agreement with its own or new partners.
FISPMED gives priority to environmental issues and those linked to sustainable development, in
particular to issues concerning training, education and citizen science in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black
Sea, which we believe to be strongly interconnected and therefore worthy of be addressed jointly for more
effective socio-sustainable development of this important basin.
- Mediterranean (widespread)
- Clusters
- Aquaculture
- Climate change
- Education/training networks & jobs
- Environment
- Fisheries/Marine resources
- General maritime and Mediterranean information
- Legislation
- Maritime stakeholders / clusters
- Public private funding
- Citizen science
- Pollution / marine litter
- Environment, blue economy, citizen scienze, education, training