I am Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Ioannina, Greece. I hold a PhD in Economics and Business from the University of Reading, UK. I am currently expert member of the foresight group, coordinated by Plan Bleu, on the Mediterranean basin "MED 2050". I am expert panel member of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association. I have acted as an expert member of the body of knowledge and start-up mentor for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology on water scarcity in Southern Europe project. I have more than 10 years of professional experience with multi-sectoral networks across the knowledge triangle and have participated in more than 30 research projects funded by national and international bodies (European Commission FP7 & Horizon 2020, EU Directorates, National Bank of Greece, World Bank, Ministry of the Environment of Cyprus, etc). My work includes public policy assessment, natural resources with focus on renewables, hydrocarbons and water, Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus, sustainable development, institutions, labour markets, technology innovation, economy energy and environmental modelling and scenario analysis. I have consulted nationally and internationally in sustainable development, energy, environment and public policy issues. I have published in leading energy and economics peer reviewed journals (Economics letters, Environmental Science and Policy, Energy Economics, Economic Systems, Science of the Total Environment, Resources Policy, etc.) in edited volumes and in the media.
- Mediterranean (widespread)
- Research/academia
- Aquaculture
- Biodiversity and ecosystems
- Climate change
- Diversification of marine activities
- Education/training networks & jobs
- Environment
- Fisheries/Marine resources
- General maritime and Mediterranean information
- Oil & gas - Mineral resources
- Public private funding
- Renewable energy
- Scientific research / technologies / innovation
- Spatial planning/areas management
- Transport/shipping
- Circular economy
- Citizen science
- Governance and Legislation
- Pollution / marine litter
- Ports and harbours
- public policy assessment, natural resources with focus on renewables, hydrocarbons and water, Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus, sustainable development, institutions, labour markets, technology innovation, economy energy and environmental modelling and scenario analysis. I have consulted nationally and internationally in sustainable development, energy, environment and public policy issues