Plastira str. 13, Athens, Greece
URBAN CAMEL is a niche strategic research & innovation agency for the low carbon economy, specialized in the water-energy-food nexus and blue growth.
Why cooperate with us?
To develop new ways to create value and transform your existing business and linear supply chain into a circular system that can:
- increase ROI while creating environmental benefits by solving inefficient resource flows
- boost customer experience
- improves your enterprise status
Open in synergies and collaboration with the industrial sector, businesses, the public sector, academia and research institutes.
Don't hesitate and drop a line!
Geographical working areas
- Global
Type of player
- Private sector
Areas of expertise
- Climate change
- Diversification of marine activities
- Education/training networks & jobs
- Environment
- General maritime and Mediterranean information
- Maritime safety/surveillance/security
- Maritime stakeholders / clusters
- Renewable energy
- Scientific research / technologies / innovation
- Circular economy
- Citizen science
- Pollution / marine litter
- Ports and harbours
Main Interests
- Circular Economy, Business models, Research & Innovation, Ocean literacy, Strategic partnerships, SDGs, ISO14001:2015