Theme 2. Sustainable maritime transport and ports
- EMUNI: Devote much more attention to the recreational boating, especially motorised. Local pollution originating from those boats is big, but unaccounted for. Set higher environmental standards for the region in terms of safety and polluting emissions.
- IOC-UNESCO: 1) In other regional seas, the Regional Convention has been successful addressing solutions to reduce marine pollution, the cases of HELCOM and OSPAR provide good lessons learnt to define a regional strategy for the future of the Mediterranean. 2) The majority of non-European countries in the Mediterranean are far to accomplish the objectives for open access and digitalization, a first step will be to ensure national commitment to understand the importance of open data, information and transparency. Once this is done, the work at regional scale will be easier, without this first step, all efforts will be useless. 3) Regional agreement with National authorities (with competences in Education and Professional Education) to adapt national curricula attending the needs of new emerging employment needs, to define a mechanism to ensure mobility of students, professional internships in private companies located in the Mediterranean, etc.
- 1) Mediterranean ECA’s rules. 2) New skilled human resources to be identified and trained (5G, IoT, etc.). 3) Is strictly necessary to plan and produce strategic visions because probably 50% of the typologies of jobs needed in the following 15 years from now in all the Maritime clusters are still inexistent nowadays!. CNR-INM (Italian National Research Council – Marine Engineering Institute)
- Long term investments in sustainable energy provision to maritime transport cannot wait any longer. FAO
- 1 – Introduction of bioenergetic and less wasting sources instead of oil and petroleum.
2 – Enhance technical capacity building of digitalization skills around the Mediterranean basin.
3 – Technical practice and encouraging blue start-ups and spin offs implementation for blue jobs. INSTM – Tunisia - More research and pilot studies should focus on bioremediation of pollution (including bioaugmentation and biostimulation) using both macro-organisms (e.g. filter-feeders) and micro-organisms. There is also need for more research on how to get bio-secure maritime structures. Most maritime structures, as currently designed, offer particularly favorable substrata for many invasive species, an issue which increases the already high risks of species invasions in harbors, marinas and ports. Currently we have no effective solutions to redress this issue. University of Bolognae
- Education and higher education are essentials for achieving the second and the third objectives. Coordinated or twinned training involving many partners of the Mediterranean area could be useful. CNR
- In general, we need to incentivize the modal shift in transport from roads and air to ferries and short sea shipping. There is a need for an ambitious strategy. Maritime transport is the most efficient mode of transport resulting in low CO2 emissions. Compared to road transport short sea shipping is two to four times more fuel-efficient. Passenger transport by sea emits less than one-tenth of that from air transport. Shifting passengers and goods to inland waterways, ferries, and short sea shipping will reduce CO2 emissions.
A UfM strategy for a clean and competitive shipping industry must involve all segments of the maritime cluster, as the shipping industry is dependent on the relevant bunker infrastructure, ports, fuels, engines and ship designs.
Port call optimization shows that substantial CO2 reductions can be achieved by optimizing the access of ships to ports in a planned schedule. Ports must also comply with their requirements to provide segregated reception facilities for all substances discharged from ships, including plastics.
UfM should evaluate the roll-out of infrastructure for the delivery of alternative (non-fossil) fuels in key Mediterranean network ports, including electricity (shore power). Shore-side
electricity is one of many solutions.
Digitalization can fall within the facilitation of port call optimization efforts and one aspect can be the proper implementation of the IMO maritime single window. A maritime single window enables all information required by public authorities in connection with the arrival, stay and departure of ships, people and cargo, to be submitted electronically via a single portal, without duplication. This type of system is recommended by IMO’s Facilitation Convention, the treaty which aims to reduce administrative burdens and make shipping and trade by sea more efficient.
Skills onboard are already covered by IMO training requirements for seafarers. Skills ashore again will arise from the developments on the port call optimization for ships and a better understanding of ship operations. Cyprus Shipping Chamber - 1) Reduce pollution
1-1 Good governance;
1-2 Strengthen the production circuit of the factories to reach the international standard;
1-3 Optimizing maritime transport in the Mediterranean
1-3 To reduce air pollution, we must follow the principles of sustainable development
1-4 Generalize the principle of circular economy in all industrial activities.
2) Develop online monitoring of emissions and strengthen the building capacity of stakeholders
3) Building capacity of local authorities. National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (Tunisia) - 1-Networking with business incubators
2-Putting these problems through competitions and conferences, and selecting the best participating participants
3-Implementing the initiatives submitted by entrepreneurs and caring for them
4-Involving educational institutions in developing solutions to these problems by presenting them to students of various disciplines
5-Share experiences between local and international business incubators and coordinate with each other to find solutions to these problems. Ministry of Economy – Palestine - All of the mentioned alternatives are important, and they seem complementary, but I think that the most urgent is to reduce marine pollution. New Technologies should be very useful to reach this goal. AMFORHT
- Let the polluter pay. Presa Puente Estrecho de Gibraltar, SA
- More and better surveillance, improve self-surveillance. Universidade de Évora, MARE
- Promouvoir les autorités portuaires pour l’adaptation de l’hydrogène en tant que combustible, pour les véhicules de mouvement des charges sur les ports. DynMed Alentejo – Associação para Estudos e Projectos de Desenvolvimento Regional Projectos de Dese.
- Engager une étude avec des objectifs clairs dans ce sens. Je recommande qu’elle soit réalisée par le Plan Bleu. Association Tunisienne de l’Ingénierie Côtière, Portuaire et Maritime (ATIM)
- Collaboration et dissémination des résultats auprès de tous les pays méditerranéens développant les infrastructures portuaires de commerce et encourager les pays à installer des réseaux d’électrification des quais surtout dans le pays du Sud-Med où les ports de commerce se trouvent en majorité enclavés dans les centres villes. La capacité de réaction face aux catastrophes d’origine humaine et naturelle, sachant que nous sommes devant un fait devenu top inquiétant dans notre bassin méditerranéen par le déversement de 600 Tonnes /jour de déchets marins en particulier les déchets de plastique le devenant « une mer poubelle » et aussi de la prévention de la pollution par les navires ;en coopération et dans le cadre légal convenu avec les organisations régionales concernées et par le biais d’initiatives régionales telles que le cadre régional méditerranéen pour l’intervention d’urgence contre la pollution marine accidentelle. Cluster Maritime Tunisien
- Actions and solutions and mitigation measures, would you propose to:1) reduce marine pollution (waste and oil spills) and air pollution emissions from the shipping sector;Application of management platforms (based on Internet of things) to obtain different sources of information and data: from sensors, open sources, field work, etc. to be able to correlate data with marine pollution and establish early responses and strategies to fight marine pollution.2) facilitate the transition to digitalization;I would propose dissemination and training actions aimed at policy makers and managers on how to integrate new technologies into their practices.3) adapt skills to new emerging employment needsPromote the digital transformation in the sector through concrete guidelines and capacity building actions. UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA
- Enforce laws of national and international environmental protection. Strong Monitoring systems. Facilitate technology transfer to southern countries to support the reduction and the monitoring. Strong capacity building programs for all stakeholders. RAED – Arab Network for Environment and Development
- Actions suggested are in response to the ” 3) adapt skills to the new emerging employment needs?”.Actions will require conducting: study for the fisheries and aquaculture industries to assess their current and foreseen skills required. Then, to review the current / future graduates to the market. Based on the identified gaps, skills match-making program can be designed in cooperation with the fisheries and aquaculture industries where they can announce the vacancies they have + technical competencies required. Accordingly, vocational training programme will be designed “Training for Hiring” directly linked to the fisheries / aquaculture institution offering the vacancy. To ensuring stability and sustainability; hiring can be using same “HOMERe –” platform to identify potential candidates, then the institution will conduct the interview to select the candidate(s) to hire. Once the decision is made, the candidate will be receiving the required training, then, at the end to be hired by the institution. / HOMERe Permanent Secretariat South Shore Mediterranean
- 1) Further investigation on other non petrol-depending engines (electrical, solar, wind, hydrogen, others). Optimise routes and optimise spaces in the ships ; 2) Implement a program of benefits to promote that transition. Disseminate the results and benefits; 3) New programs at school and universities. Many young people are not aware of these new opportunities and neither of the great possibilities that the Blue industry can provide. Again education, communication, dissemination and promotion from administrations. ECONCRETE
- To implement a monitoring system for measuring air-pollution and controlling emissions, such as the so-called ‘sniffer’ sensor that has been used on-board the Belgian Coast Guard aircraft to check for environmental and nautical violations. BETA Tech Center, UVic/UCC – Interreg MED Green Growth
- Cf. Document Stratégique de Façade : . wpd offshore France
- 1) sustained observing and data-driven emergency responses. 2, and 3 no idea. METU Institute of Marine Sciences
- MedCities strongly supports the roadmap agreed at UNEP MAP Cop 21 for the possible designation of the Mediterranean as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides in line with the terms of Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
From a local perspective we recognize the complexity of the multiple layers of competence for the management of a space and activity that being of crucial economic important it is also a huge pressure in terms of pollution, mobility, occupation and impact on sensitive ecosystems among others. Advancing and sharing of best practices with transferability potential for the management of the relation of ports and cities could be of high benefit Mediterranean wide. might play that role as a repository.
States and port authorities can legislate to prevent polluting ships from entering their facilities. On the opposite they can boost for responsible companies.
International funds must open calls for funding energy transitions to ports. MedCities - Promotion of clean fuels and technologies to measure the pollution emission impacts. Fundacion Valenciaport
- Rapid transition to non-diesel engines with increasing carbon taxes. University of Siena
- 1)Reduce marine pollution
• Implement multidisciplinary integrated methodologies to evaluate the impact of ships and harbours on the environment at transnational level, exploit new technologies and tools to monitor pollution.
• Towards zero emission ships and harbors: support the use of LNG, methanol, hydrogen, biofuels, the electrification of ships and ports, the use of fuel cells, the design of solar and wind power generation, the optimization of energy management, the research on new materials and technologies for drag, biofouling and noise reduction.
• Develop new vessel concepts, i.e. flexible, modular and high efficiency ships, using new materials (e.g. high strength, reduced weight, smart, etc.) and advanced design and production techniques, with lower manufacturing, construction, installation, dismantling and recycling costs from the perspective of the circular economy.
• Design and develop innovative green infrastructure solutions and tailored software to improve the sustainability of logistics and ports.
• Develop innovative solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of commercial as well as tourism-oriented maritime transports and port infrastructures in line with the European Commission’s long-term strategy for a climate neutral society by 2050 and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
• Monitor the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and contribute to the proposal of new regulations.
1)&2) reduce marine pollution & facilitate the transition to digitalization
• Conduct in situ measurements and develop modelling (including Big-Data modelling) tools to understand the distribution, intensity and sources of underwater noise, as well as its effect on marine species.
3) 3) adapt skills to the new emerging employment needs
• Implement a trans-Mediterranean training course on green technologies for shipping. National Research Council of Italy - – Achieve full ratification and implementation of pollution-related conventions and protocols, in particular the IMO MARPOL Convention, the Ballast Water Convention, the Anti-fouling Convention and the Barcelona Convention associated protocols
– Invest in sustainable energy provision in maritime transport (wind, solar) and increase funding for the electrification of Mediterranean ports and port operations
– Set science-based sustainability targets, including science-based decarbonisation targets, for the maritime transport sector in the Mediterranean region and urge large companies in the sector to do the same
– Support a joint and coordinated proposal for the designation of the Mediterranean as a Sulphur Emission Control Area to the IMO by 2022. WWF - 1-il est proposé que l’ensemble des pays membres puissent ratifier les annexes de MARPOL et aussi ceux qui traitent la pollution marine en générale.
2-la transition requière un appui logistique et théorique aux pays qui ont moins de moyens pour la digitalisation
3-besoin d’un échange de savoir-faire entre les pays parties de l’UpM. Ministère de l’agriculture, pêche maritime, développement durable eaux et forêts: département pêche maritime – Maroc - Education is primary and communication involved in the whole Mediterranean in a common policy will certainly assist in finding solutions and mitigation measures. Malta Maritime Forum
- Please see the recommendations of the Pharos4MPAs Interreg project (coordinated by WWF) related to maritime transport: . MedPAN, the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network
- – Accelerate the process for the possible designation of the whole Mediterranean Sea as an Sulphur Oxides Emission Control Area for (MED-SECA), survey possibilities to extend it into Nitrogen Emission Control Area (NECA) and define socio-economic and technical supporting measures in close cooperation with the private sector (cruise and ship companies), Marine Protected Area managers and local and port authorities.
– Authorities should implement speed restrictions as an important and effective measure to mitigate collision risk. In addition, lower speeds reduce potential acoustic impacts and emissions.
– Short-Sea Shipping for goods should be encouraged to help cut down emissions on land; it should however observe sustainable dynamics, i.e. using more carbon neutral energy/fuels.
– Maritime Spatial Planning and transit regulations are key to preventing accidents during vessel navigation and consequent environmental impacts. Marine Protected Areas managers must be part of the formal MSP process, where they can play an important role in promoting initiatives to public authorities, such as the establishment of Particularly Sensitive Areas (PSSA), Areas To Be Avoided (ATBA), or Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS).
– Small and Medium sized Ports (SMP) are a key factor of competitiveness in the MED area. They shall (i) optimize their operation and management by adopting new Information Communications Technology tools and telematic services, (ii) promote eco-innovation and (iii) implement circular economy activities.
– A more efficient logistics chain in the ports and an improved accessibility and connectivity to the territories/in-land should be sought in order to enhance sustainability and to avoid bottlenecks. Using railways should be encouraged for both goods and passengers. Med Blue Growth community - The implementation of Emissions Control Area (ECA) is critical to reduce air pollution and promote greener ships and ports. eco-union
- Concernant les ports durables ; nous avons démontré que les infrastructures portuaires (marinas et port de commerce) pouvaient jouer un rôle écologique positif (nurserie) pour l’environnement alentours si leur qualité d’eau était convenable et si leurs gestionnaires acceptaient de s’engager dans des actions d’écoconception. ECOCEAN
- Investir dans les installations de réception portuaires. Agence nationale des ports Maroc
- NOAH est en train de travailler sur l’élaboration d’un Blue Credit suivant le modèle du Carbon Credit.
Ce Blue Credit pourrait être adopté par les autorités et ports pour permettre la collecte auprès des armateurs, tout en créant une nouvelle dynamique d’avenir.
Ce Blue Credit pourrait être destiné à:
– l’offset des vieux navires pour un démantèlement ou recyclage écoresponsable (en fermes flottante par exemple, ou encore en production et stockage d’énergie renouvelable…)
– soutenir la R&D en vue de décarboner le transport maritime
– soutenir la R&D en vue de booster la digitalisation (notamment en matière de contrôle et protection des espaces maritimes, d’optimisation, de big data…)
Un tel Blue credit adopté conjointement par les membres de l’UfM (et la commission Européenne avec qui nous en discutons déjà) pourrait donner le coup d’envoi de cette transition, tout en créant un marché “bottom to the top” concurrentiel.
Nombreuses start-ups se constitueraient avec des solutions innovantes pour répondre à ces thématiques et espérer toucher un financement par le Blue Credit. NOAH ReGen - 1) uniformisation de la règlementation, critères et identification des moyens techniques et humains de contrôle, suppression du HFO en méditerranée
2) uniformisation des données et des formats, à l’instar du EMSW
3) programme gratuit d’enseignement à distance permettant une remise à niveau permanente. GRAND PORT MARITIME DE MARSEILLE - -la mise en ouevre effective de toutes les conventions internationales et regionales relatives à la pollution marine ,
-la mise en oeuvre sans delais de l’annexe VI de la convention Marpol 73-78 et les directives pertinentes de l’Organisation maritime internationaleen la matière
-Création d’une plateforme regroupant les experts et les différents acteurs opérant dans le domaine maritime. IMFMM - – Utiliser l’énergie la moins polluante dans le transport maritime
– Assurer l’échange Nord – Sud concernant la transition vers le numérique
– Assurer des formations de haut niveau pour les employés dans le secteur du transport maritime. Institut National de Recherche Halieutique - Marine Spacial Planning and maritime clustering. National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
- Improve forecast systems and data management systems. Both tools arereally useful for decission makers. Besides, underwater noise will be an important challenge: monitoring and measurement of its impact will be necessary. CETMAR
- Across all job functions soft skills will become increasingly important, especially so for high skilled professional job functions.
Emerging competences of higher skilled jobs mostly refer to how to learn, communicate,
interact and adapt to changing environments in addition to a high quality education.
Skill needs can be identified at various levels, ranging from assessments at the national or even European sector level to more precise assessments at the regional and company level.
Improve the information provision on skill needs and job requirements: essential for improving training and education. Regional Cluster “North-East” - We need some “blue sky” approaches to stimulate the identification of new solutions for pollution for monitoring and mitigation. There is vast capacity in Europe for digitalization, so what is blocking it in the maritime sector? The advantages of digitalization suggest that there are concrete bottlenecks to overcome by special programs.3) mobility and training through consortium building with Universities and creation of training positions similar to ERASMUS+ /da Vinci but at the level of companies in the transport sector. Centro de Ciências do Mar, Universidade do Algarve
- Concernant la question des déchets et fuites d’hydrocarbures, le recours à des taxes
dissuasives pourrait avoir un effet atténuant ;
– Equiper les navires susceptibles de polluer par des navires nettoyeurs ou barrages
flottants pour contrer l’effet des marrés noires ;
– Renforcer la législation en vigueur. Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines – Maroc - Adopt litter control policies, increase funding for marine pollution prevention and control, strengthen laws on marine litter and monitor marine pollution in a systematic way. As for digitalization, smart ships should change and shape the shipping industry and should be environmentally sound, energy efficient and safe. Moreover, training and awareness sessions on sustainable maritime transport should be often organized. Lebanese University – Green Community
- L’entretien et l’amélioration des services écosystémiques est un pilier clé du soutien à l’économie bleue. Un bon état du milieu marin
est une condition pour assurer une économie maritime robuste. En ce sens, le changement climatique se présente comme un défi
transversal à la conservation du milieu marin et des secteurs économiques. Dans les écosystèmes marins, la forte concentration
d’activités et de personnes dans les zones côtières exacerbe ce fait et augmente également le nombre de personnes exposées aux
impacts qui leur sont associés. Ces pressions humaines sont associées à la pollution (directe, indirecte, opportune et / ou diffuse),
aux changements d’usages (infrastructures côtières et nouvelles activités) et à la surexploitation des ressources naturelles
(professionnelles, récréatives ou touristiques) . Barcelona Advocats i Assessors - 1) promoting incentives to shipowners for the efficiency upgrade and gradual replacement of ship engines for the use of green or eco fuels (see electric and LNG engines)Moreover, considering actions for reduction of the impacts of port structures on the environment and on the coasts, we suggest:Promote research and development and application of new technologies for the sustainable management of sediments in ports and maritime passes in order to reduce the use of traditional dredging (having several impacts on environment and management and high administrative costs) paying also particular attention to the possibility of reuse of the material for littoral nourishment to contrast coastal erosion. CPRM
- 1- Remplacement des filets et du matériel de pêche en matière plastique par d’autres fabriqués à base de matière écologique
2- Adopter une stratégie 0 papier
3- Intégrer dans le processus de sélection des candidats une section importante sur la protection de l’environnement. ASSOCIATION DE PROTECTION DU LITTORAL A MAAMOURA – APLM - La priorité devrait être donnée à l’innovation dans les technologies notamment pour les nouveaux modes d’énergie pour les transports maritimes avec un plan marshall pour les transports maritimes équipés de technologies moins polluantes et un plan de soutien aux formations aux technologies émergentes pour le secteur maritime. eurorégion Pyrénés Méditerranée
- 1)Renforcement du Programme national de gestion des déchets ménagers pour qu’il intègre également la gestion des déchets marins sur les plages et en surface de la mer. Renforcer la prévention et la lutte contre la pollution marine par des hydrocarbures. Ministère de l’Energie, des Mines et de l’Environnement/Département de l’Environnement
- Il faut mettre en place des systèmes de surveillance pour diminuer la pollution des océans et de l’atmosphère grâce â la lutte contre les bateaux de pêche à usage industrielle.
Mettre en place des programmes de formation sur les techniques de transformation et de valorisations des ressources halieutiques pour diminuer le chômage et encourager le consommé local.
Intégrer des formations sur les techniques de nettoyage industrielle des usines de poissons. ONG ASSISTANCE COMMUNAUTAIRE et développement ASCOM - La participation de l’UpM dans la négociation de programmes de gestion directe de l’Union Européenne puis des Fonds Structurels et d’Investissement Européens, dans le but de faire présents ces objectifs. Generalitat Valenciana
- – Encourager les états de la méditerranée pour la promulgation des textes portant sur le rejet illicite en mer provenant des navires et l’application des sanctions pour tout cas de violation des lois et règlements au niveau des eaux territoriales;
– Renforcement du suivi et la surveillance des navires traversant les cotes méditerranéenne notamment ceux transportant des matières dangereuses ;
– Suivre les réalisations des compagnies maritimes traversant la méditerranée pour l’utilisation du diesel marin ou des énergies alternatives conformément à la nouvelle réglementation de l’OMI « Low Sulphur » entrée ne vigueur le 1er janvier 2020.
– Mesure et Surveillance la qualité de l’air et de l’eau de mer au niveau des ports de la méditerranée.
– Encourager la mise en place des installations de réception portuaires et prévoir des mécanismes de financement à cet effet ;
– Identifier les lieux de refuges des navires en détresse au niveau de la méditerranée ;
– Généraliser la mise en place des guichets uniques au niveau des ports de commerce;
– Améliorer la connectivité digitale des ports méditerranéens, à travers la dématérialisation et homogénéisation des procédures. DIRECTION DES PORTS ET DU DOMAINE PUBLIC MARITIME - 1) and 3) -Including underwater noise as a key pollutant derived from maritime transport.
-Capacity building actions to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge needed for: underwater noise monitoring, signal processing, implementation of propagation and prediction models, etc. in order to adapt skills to new emerging employments and filling the technical gaps between EU and no EU countries in the Mediterranean Region.
-Engagement of ports in the management of underwater noise issues.
2) -Management consulting for digital change.
-Implementation of IoT and GIS for monitoring the movement of goods.
-Implementation of Big Data for analysis of situations, improving decision making (SMART DATA)
-Web applications that improve the mobility and efficiency of port personnel. CTN – Marine Technology Centre - Develop propulsion system with low noise pollution.
During the vessels design it should be taking into account the capability to install oceanographic sensor aboard letting them be use easily as ships of opportunity. Cartagena Oceanographic Research Institute - In certain restricted areas as the coastal lagoons, we must to ensure that all the recreational boating fulfill the required environmental standards
Use port structures designed as life spots, allowing easily to be colonized by the local communities organism. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena - 1) promoting incentives to shipowners for the efficiency upgrade and gradual replacement of ship engines for the use of green or eco fuels (see electric and LNG engines)
Moreover, considering actions for reduction of the impacts of port structures on the environment and on the coasts, we suggest:
Promote research and development and application of new technologies for the sustainable management of sediments in ports and maritime passes in order to reduce the use of traditional dredging (having several impacts on environment and management and high administrative costs) paying also particular attention to the possibility of reuse of the material for littoral nourishment to contrast coastal erosion. Emilia-Romagna Region - The development of common reflections concerning governance of ports should be considered from all Mediterranean countries, in a concerted way. Future cooperation projects on governance level should be promoted, aiming at mitigating air pollution due to maritime transport and related communication networks and infrastructures, strengthening, and enhancing networking between Ports, Local Environmental Authorities and Scientific Institutions.
Promote technical projects and initiatives that address the monitoring and management of the environmental risks in an integrated perspective and in particular, foster the development of integrated monitoring networks on air pollution. These networks would use harbour activity information, territorial data, and air quality measurements, and through the use of modelling tools would allow a better air quality assessment both in space and in time.
Targeted investments in favour of innovative tools and/or procedures should be ensured, notably for: waste management and/or reduction, water and electricity consumption reduction, etc.
The acceleration of the process for the possible designation of the whole Mediterranean Sea as an Sulphur Oxides Emission Control Area for (MED-SECA), survey possibilities to extend it into Nitrogen Emission Control Area (NECA) and define socio-economic and technical supporting measures in close cooperation with the private sector (cruise and ship companies), MPA managers and local and port authorities.
MSP and transit regulations are key to preventing accidents during vessel navigation and consequent environmental impacts. MPA managers must be part of the formal MSP process, where they can play an important role in promoting initiatives to public authorities, such as the establishment of Particularly Sensitive Areas (PSSA), Areas To Be Avoided (ATBA), or Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS).
Authorities should implement speed restrictions as an important and effective measure to mitigate collision risk. In addition, lower speeds reduce potential acoustic impacts and emissions.
A more efficient logistics chain in the ports and an improved accessibility and connectivity to the territories/in-land should be sought in order to enhance sustainability and avoid bottlenecks. Using railways should be encouraged for both goods and passengers.
Small and Medium sized Ports (SMP) shall optimize their operation and management (need of adoption of new ICT tools and telematic services), stimulate eco-innovation and implement circular economy activities.
Short-Sea Shipping for goods should be encouraged to help cut down emissions on land; it should however observe sustainable dynamics, i.e. using more carbon neutral energy/fuels, speed control measures, etc. Intermediterranean Commission of CPMR - Acknowledge the importance and continue effective implementation of the Barcelona Convention, in particular the Prevention and Emergency Protocol, IMO-MARPOL Convention and relevant EU directives, with support of REMPEC. Note: A new strategy to combat pollution from ships until 2030 is under negotiation by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention.
- Provide political support, with cooperation with relevant sectors at national level, to the process for the possible designation of the whole Mediterranean Sea as an Sulphur Oxides Emission Control Area for (MED-SECA) in the framework of the UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention system, including survey possibilities to extend it into Nitrogen Emission Control Area (NECA), and define socio-economic and technical supporting measures in close cooperation with the private sector (cruise and ship companies) and local and port authorities;
- Coordinate regional efforts to contribute effectively to the implementation of the IMO Strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships, and support measures to decarbonize international shipping, including the use of alternative fuels and renewable energy, technological measures to improve energy efficiency of ships, port solutions to reduce GHG emissions, such as green port fees, alternative energy/clean burning fuels incentives, green procurements or shore power facilities.;
- Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and transit regulations are key to preventing accidents during vessel navigation and consequent environmental impacts. MPA managers must be part of the formal MSP process, where they can play an important role in promoting initiatives to public authorities, such as the establishment of Particularly Sensitive Areas (PSSA), Areas To Be Avoided (ATBA), or Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS);
- Sustain efforts to control the illicit oil ship pollution discharges through the Mediterranean Network of Law Enforcement Officials relating to MARPOL within the framework of the Barcelona Convention (MENELAS) and increase regional cooperation for ship surveillance, data sharing, prosecution and port state control;
- Strengthen regional and national efforts to control and manage ships’ ballast water and sediments, through investment from shipowners to equip their ships with a ballast water treatment system, from ports to provide adequate port reception facilities and authorities to inspect and enforce regulations. Encourage and support the good will of countries and the industry to control and manage ships’ biofouling to minimize the transfer of invasive aquatic species;
- Enforce the polluter pay principle and coordinate the prevention and reduction of ocean-based sources of marine litter by involving the primary source of pollution (i.e. merchant ships, ferries and cruise liners, fishing vessels, pleasure craft, offshore oil and gas platforms, and aquaculture farms). Support ports to provide incentives for ship-generated waste to be discharged at ports rather than at sea, in particular by adopting the No-Special-Fee system for the use of port reception facilities. At regional level explore synergies between the UNEP/MAP Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean and the IMO Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships.
- “Establishing higher environmental standards for the region in terms of safety and pollutant emissions. Greater monitoring of recreational boating, taking into account its impacts on air and water quality. Launching the debate within the UpM on the need to develop new energy sources that can replace the current heavy fuels used in marine transport, of which green Hydrogen seems to be a good example”. CCDRAlentejo