Theme 4. Marine renewable energies
- It is much needed to test the societal acceptance of so-called clean energy and explore the resilience against it. Take society’s concerns seriously rather than just impose policies. Present transparently (with info and visuals) challenges associated with the so-called clean energy, then seek adequate solutions to expand them, in accordance with the societal views. EMUNI
- National authorities have the final mandate and competence to provide licenses for marine renewable energy initiatives to be implemented. Projects and activities at regional level should focus in “demo” sites which might be more effective and real than theoretical research. Member States must understand the importance of marine renewable energies in the short and the long term. IOC-UNESCO
- the development of a reliable framework for planning and funding. MED JS
- Several marine renewable energies exist and should be enhanced as solar energy and green energy from micro and macroalgea with tidal and wind energy. Biogaz production by marine micro-organisms represent a highly new source for renewable energies. INSTM – Tunisia
- Network of tide-gauges around the Mediterranean, especially for the countries of north Africa. National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), Egypt
- We need more research and pilots on multifunctional-concept offshore infrastructure, such as floating breakwaters combined to wave energy converters, or floating breakwaters combined to urban aquaculture. University of Bolognae
- Optimising device design to achieve low-cost energy production. CNR
- -Raise awareness of authorities to use the marine energy,
-Invest prototypes in Mediterranean cities,
-Identify the regions which are characterized by high potential of marine energy. National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (Tunisia) - 1-Benefiting from the surface area of the seas and oceans, by utilizing solar energy
2-Developing a marine turbine system by making full use of wave water energy
3-Utilizing the energy of the ocean’s internal waves
4-Create artificial islands equipped with all the tools needed to generate energy
5-Networking with neighbouring countries to adopt a policy of transmitting electric energy according to the need among them
6-Investing in entrepreneurial ideas to improve the quality of energy resources generated from the marine sector. Ministry of Economy – Palestine - Streamline the legal frameworks for implementation of offshore farms give incentives. Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
- Encourage the investment on this kind of industry: taxation policy, financial facilitation for firms and new investors. AMFORHT
- Clean renewable energies are essential and their production and use should be encouraged. Presa Puente Estrecho de Gibraltar, SA
- Sensibiliser les gouvernements et autres autorités pour lancer des projets et programmes d’engagement dans les énergies renouvelables, d’une façon consistante. DynMed Alentejo – Associação para Estudos e Projectos de Desenvolvimento Regional Projectos de Dese
- Il faut commencer par état des lieux et mettre en place des objectifs concrets. Association Tunisienne de l’Ingénierie Côtière, Portuaire et Maritime (ATIM)
- To facilitate the generation of scientific knowledge and the promotion of participatory policies to develop these activities. UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA
- More real North South cooperation. This covers technology, finance and capacity development. Southern countries to establish national strategies to cope with the challenge. RAED – Arab Network for Environment and Development
- The needed actions to create and apply the enabling conditions for a large sale promotion of renewable energies in the Mediterranean region include a series of interlinked interventions involving different settings and disciplines. Apart from institutional settings and instruments for financing and appropriate physical planning, it is essential that the relevant installations respect stringent environmental / nature protection and social criteria in order to minimize and mitigate the environmental and aesthetic disturbances and to make these investments truly sustainable and acceptable by the society. Cooperation between companies and local communities and systems of external “management auditors” could greatly facilitate these approaches which are most needed for making the Mediterranean an important source of clean energy. Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE)
- Research, investigation and promotion of StartUps and scientific centers. Involvement of the private sector in supporting those StartUps and scientific research. Universities and Research Centers should be linked to private companies specialized in the sector to involve from a very early stage young researchers and students to make the most of the educational public system and the powerful private companies to get the best results. In addition administrations should promote electrical bonuses and savings to companies that provide clean energy to the regional/national/statal electric system. ECONCRETE
- Les gouvernements devraient fixer une planification spatiale maritime ambitieuse :
• Politiques pour fournir 450 GW d’ici 2050.
• Fixer des objectifs ambitieux pour les énergies renouvelables dans les Plans climatiques (PNCE) jusqu’en 2030 et au-delà
• Spécifier des politiques détaillées pour atteindre ces objectifs, en commençant immédiatement en 2020, y compris le calendrier des appels d’offres et les mécanismes de soutien en vigueur
• Coordonner pour garantir la solidité des objectifs nationaux agrégés
• Coordonner les plans énergétiques et climatiques nationaux (PNCE) avec le
Commission européenne en ce qui concerne la disponibilité rapide des sites utilisant
Plan d’aménagement du territoire maritime (MSP) de chaque pays
• Les plans maritimes spatiaux nationaux devraient être alignés sur les objectifs des NCEP
• Coordonner au niveau international, partager les plans nationaux et coordonner
les décisions au niveau du bassin pour optimiser l’utilisation de l’espace marin
• Mettre en place des forums régionaux pour des discussions de planification
• Concevoir un cadre réglementaire pour permettre la co-utilisation des parcs éoliens
avec d’autres utilisateurs de la mer, y compris l’aquaculture, la pêche, d’autres énergies
sources et activités de défense
• Explorer et promouvoir la coexistence de parcs éoliens et de parcs naturels
protégées, exploitant le potentiel de l’énergie éolienne pour objectifs de restauration et de conservation
• Augmenter la zone de location de l’énergie éolienne offshore à partir de 2025 en avant afin de réaliser la vision 2050
• Accélérer la mise en œuvre de la stratégie environnementale Évaluations (EES)
• Harmoniser les méthodologies pour réaliser les études d’impact environnemental
• Créer un référentiel open source pour collecter et partager les informations et données d’études d’impact environnementalLes gouvernements devraient veiller à ce que les autorités disposent de l’expertise et des ressources nécessaires pour superviser les processus d’autorisations.
• Etudier les bonnes pratiques et partager des informations entre les autorités
• Établir des guichets uniques pour les projets et travailler à la simplification des procédures d’autorisation conformément à la refonte de la Directive sur les énergies renouvelables
• Explorer les procédures d’autorisation en guichet ouvert, et laisser la possibilité aux industriels d’initier les travaux de développementLes gouvernements devraient accélérer l’expansion des infrastructures de réseau on et offshore.
• Laisser aux développeurs la possibilité de créer leurs propres connexions au réseau
à terre pour les projets éoliens offshore afin de poursuivre les réductions de coûts
• Coordonner entre les pays et GRT Régionaux les calendriers d’appels d’offres et les schéma de développement du réseau pour permettre la connexion des parcs aux interconnections
• Coordonner une vision à long terme avec des jalons clairs pour une intégration
basée sur des connexions radiales, hybrides et maillées, stockage et power-to-x
• Accélérer l’autorisation et la construction de projets d’intérêt commun
• Coordonner et partager les meilleures pratiques pour l’optimisation du réseau et la gestion du fonctionnement de systèmes intégrant une grandes quantités d’énergie renouvelable
• Augmenter les fonds pour développer et renforcer les infrastructures électriques au niveau national
• Augmenter l’interconnectivité entre les pays à 15% d’ici 2030
• Mettre à jour les résultats de la modélisation du réseau pour TYNDP-2018 avec les volumes 2030 pour identifier les travaux et renforcements nécessaires et les mettre en œuvre dans les plans nationauxL’UE devrait élaborer un cadre réglementaire clair pour l’offshore projets hybrides, comprenant.
• La compatibilité des actifs hybrides offshore avec l’article 16 du règlement de l’UE sur l’électricité qui établit 70% des capacité de transmission dans toutes les interconnexions à des fins commerciales
• Conformité avec les règles d’allocation des capacités et de gestion de la congestion
• Mécanismes de stabilisation des revenus applicables aux hybrides offshore
y compris la valeur des technologies de flexibilité comme le stockage et power-to-x
• Cohérence avec les règles de séparation dans le troisième paquet énergie
en ce qui concerne la propriété, la construction et l’exploitation des actifs hybride offshoreLes gouvernements devraient accélérer l’électrification des transports, chauffage et procédés industriels.
• Ce processus doit être adapté dans les plans énergétiques et climatiques nationaux
(NECP) au vu des potentiels identifiés pour les EMR, l’éolien en mer et les technologies de réseaux
• Fixer des objectifs d’électrification clairs dans les plans nationaux sur l’énergie et le climat
(NECP)Les gouvernements devraient garantir la visibilité et la confiance dans les volumes et les mécanismes de financement.
• Concevoir des modèles de stabilisation des revenus et des mécanismes d’enchères pour favoriser la compétitivité
• Mettre à jour les mécanismes de vente d’énergie et services réseau à l’échelle nationale pour fournir des revenus stables
• Les normes techniques doivent être harmonisées pour améliorer les techniques en favorisant l’innovation. La mise en œuvre de ces les normes doivent être coordonnées dans toute l’Europe. wpd offshore France - Need to invest in fundamental research and capacity development. METU Institute of Marine Sciences
- Approving rules that establish quota for the mix of energy generation in every state according to each territorial reality in order to both boost renewable sources and stuck the fossile ones. Combining natural sanctuaries with energy sanctuaries so the MPA can become also, when possible, renewable energy generation reserves. MedCities
- Start supporting the implementation of such solutions in all the countries according to potentials. Involve architects in contests for “beautiful” solutions. Up to now many of them are not really nice since they are in the development phase. University of Siena
- • Increase the competitiveness of MREs with respect to other consolidated forms of renewable energy also by studying and improving the acceptability of MRE projects through an enhanced knowledge of their environmental interactions and a thorough multidisciplinary evaluation including socio-economic dimension;
• Define and launch awareness-raising actions among industries, research sector and civil society to increase public understanding and facilitate the acceptance of MRE projects;
• Encourage governments to provide regulatory frameworks and clearly evaluate available marine renewable resources to support the development of MREs;
• Analyse potential co-activities of MREs for designing integrated multi-purpose platforms that can serve both energy and other maritime sectors, combining green energies production and storage (hydrogen, etc.) with fishing and aquaculture, tourism, offshore research, marine life and environmental monitoring, maritime surveillance and pollution monitoring;
• Modelling of economic impacts and MREs’ interactions with other maritime uses and activities;
• Strengthen capacity building and the development of specialised skills to increase the fraction of installed MRE power plants. National Research Council of Italy - – Planning of offshore wind farms should reflect conservation priorities and aim to avoid ecologically valuable and protected areas and involve a comprehensive stakeholder consultation process
– Impact assessments of offshore wind farms projects should promote the exemplary nature of the avoid-mitigate-compensate approach and take into account cumulative impacts
– Data collection, research on species and ecosystem functioning should be widely promoted to achieve a better evaluation of the impacts of offshore wind farms. WWF - Il y a besoin de disposer de cartes de potentialités énergétiques pour l’ensemble des pays membres et adapter les opportunités aux moyens disponibles. Ministère de l’agriculture, pêche maritime, développement durable eaux et forêts: département pêche maritime – Maroc
- Research and Development projects in sustainable renewable energies. Funding in Wind and wave energy projects are certainly in the right direction. Malta Maritime Forum
- Please see the recommendations from the Pharos4MPAs Interreg project regarding the wind energy sector: . MedPAN, the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network
- – Maritime Spatial Planning and ICZM implementation and enforcement should accelerate the development of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) by (i) identifying potential areas for MRE development and regulating co-existence between Marine Renewable Energy and other economic sectors; and (ii) considering multi-use opportunities deriving from joint use of marine space by different Marine Renewable Energy typologies or coupled with other maritime activities (e.g. aquaculture, nature protection, tourism).
– Funding and financial authorities should ensure support to all phases of Marine Renewable Energy development by providing stable mobilization/allocation of public funds/resources for all-stage research, optimizing the use of funds for the Marine Renewable Energy sector and typology of enterprises, and concentrating efforts on a limited number of promising technologies.
– Sub-national, regional and local administrations should be more actively engaged in the consultation process prior to the development of MRE projects and able to participate in final decision-making while evaluating true socio-economic impacts on local communities and the environment. It should facilitate the social acceptance of Marine Renewable Energy.
– The important environmental benefits of Marine Renewable Energies need to be highlighted in emerging and future policy, especially with respect to climate change mitigation.
– Blue Energy Cluster platforms (e.g. PELAGOS Interreg MED ptojects’s platform) can solve gaps in the lack of innovation and cooperation regarding the rising field of blue energy. In particular, these platforms may offer organisations cooperation opportunities in the field of Marine Renewable Energy, as well as showcase innovative technologies and services in this field.
– National webgis platforms (e.g. MAESTRALE’s Interreg MED geodatabase), that are open access can provide information on marine renewable energy potentials, existing technologies (in the form of case studies) and stakeholders maps, and may be really useful in a Mediterranean level. They can be, also, widely used as a supporting tool for training students in the field of blue energy.
– Creation and adoption of educational schemes (e.g. BLUE DEAL Interreg MEd project with its BLUE DEAL labs), through participative processes and use of concrete outputs, concerning feasibility studies of pilot projects. These “Blue Energy Plans” will target large coastal areas in Med regions and will support actions of mainstreaming in national/regional policies, in order to foster entrepreneurial initiatives in the Blue Energy sector. Med Blue Growth community - Marine renewable energies should be carefully but surely developed by investing massively in Research & Development, ensuring transparent dialogue with local communities, involving local and national governments as well as engaging with RE industry. eco-union
- -Poursuivre leur déploiement
-Aider les opérateurs à obtenir les autorisations d’exploitation en amont des AO pour éviter de perdre trop de temps
-Utiliser ces zones d’EMR pour développer des coactivités (R&D, écoconception, algoculture etc). ECOCEAN - Travailler sur des projets pilotes et communiquer sur les résultats. Agence nationale des ports Maroc
- Il y a nombreuses opportunités en matière de production et stockage d’énergies renouvelables à partir des ressources maritimes et côtières: il y a l’éolien off-shore (flottant ou ancré), l’hydrolien, la marémotrice, la houlomotrice, le solaire flottant, la biomasse, l’hydrogène, un combiné de plusieurs de ces solutions. En matière de stockage, les hautes pressions des profondeurs doivent aussi permettre l’implantation de solutions efficaces et sécurisées et il y a nombreuses technologies qui peuvent être découvertes.
Tout repose sur le financement. Les initiatives existent, les technologies existantes doivent pouvoir être améliorées et testées. Le manque d’accès au financement est le frein principal.
Il semble important là encore, de s’appuyer sur la création d’une plateforme d’investissement “blended finance”, telle que le propose la NOAH’s BEIP.
Chaque prototypage doit pouvoir être “dé-risqué” au maximum par plusieurs phases d’investissements de sources différentes:
1- la R&D doit être couverte par des dispositifs fiscaux de type Crédit d’Impôts Recherche (CIR). Le CIR doit être léverégé par de la philanthropie.
2- une fois ces sources de fonds sécurisés, il faut le commitment des fonds publics internationaux (GCF, EIF, World Bank, AFD, KFW…), nationaux, régionaux… pour investir en “junior debt, first lost” afin de dé-risquer davantage les projets.
3- avec (1) + (2), nous avons un enfin un pipeline très attractif pour les investissements privés (private equity + private debt) et ainsi obtenir la bankability des projets innovants. NOAH ReGen - -Renforcement des capacités , échanges d’expert et d’expertise ;
-Mise en place des programmes de formation initiale au niveau de la formation proffessionnelle et universitaire (Ingénieur);
-Prevoir des appels à projet dans ce secteur ;
-Prevoir des aides et des subventions pour les jeunes promoteurs qui se lancent dans ce domaine d’activité. IMFMM - L’énergie éolienne est une grande oppotunité au niveau du contour méditerranéen, d’ailleurs dans plusieurs pays, il existe des stratégies nationales pour le développement de cette énergie. Institut National de Recherche Halieutique
- “Ensuring a sustainable harvested and productive Mediterranean Sea will depend on the development of a sustainable economy, management of resources, and on the integration of marine spatial planning with coastal management. Define science-based safe and sustainable thresholds for economic operations in the Mediterranean Sea driving the sustainable exploitation of non-renewable resources and the resources based on the Mediterranean Sea natural and cultural heritage. National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
- It is essential to have pilots demonstrating cost effectiveness. This is in conflict with ecological integrity as it frequently involves large unsightly objects that can be a danger at a number of levels. The sun in itself could deliver through solar energy but also through harnessing the algae cyanobacteria etc. This is in my opinion were money should go. I am not convinced that this limited area which is already under fierce pressure from tourism and commercial activities (shipping, leasure, aquaculture etc) should also be seen as a location for energy infrastructure. Why not use the sun and reserve maritime for other specific actions. Centro de Ciências do Mar, Universidade do Algarve
- Favoriser le développement des compétences dans ce secteur encore peu connu et le
renforcement des compétences à l’échelle locale
Evaluer le potentiel réel des énergies renouvelables marines et leur impact….
Etablir un cadre réglementaire définissant leur usage….Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines – Maroc - Wind, Solar and waves energy are techniques in sustainable energy sources. Mediterranean regions are rich in such resources and we should elaborate policies and strategies to use it. Lebanese University – Green Community
- The marine renewable energies (MRE) refer to all renewable energies generated from the marine environment; they include energies produced using offshore wind, waves, current, tidal or sea water salinity and temperature.At this stage the different types of MRE are limited or at very early stages of development in Mediterranean area.This development can be done with some conditions:
- a very good knowledge of the natural and environmental conditions with which MRE are directly linked to it;
- further efforts to reinforce research and development to get energy from the oceans;
- coordination of governments schedules of deployment and supporting policies for MRE in order to maximise regional cooperation also with stakeholders to increase investments
- additional funding instruments to provide access to low cost financing for pilot projects and to increase the funding for research and innovation focusing on cost-competitiveness
- training courses to develop “topic – related” specific skills;
- soft competences to enable the dialogue between the stakeholders and facilitate the decision and awareness to implement MRE projects
- public funds also to improve the public acceptance as well tax incentives
- clear legislative, regulatory and administrative framework regarding all the procedures to approve the construction and management of MRE parks;
- to tackle different difficulties in the market development like:
- a) energy production costs,
- b) operating life of equipment,
- c) logistics,
- d) energy storage,
- Lorsque l’on parle d’énergies marines renouvelables (EMR), on parle des technologies susceptibles de produire de l’électricité en exploitant l’énergie de la mer. Et celles-ci sont diverses. Néanmoins, les énergies marines renouvelables ont deux avantages face aux autres énergies renouvelables. Elles sont plus prédictibles et posent moins de problèmes liés à l’exploitation des sols.
Il s’agit également d’élaborer à court terme une première planification multi-scénarios pour ce qui concerne les EMR et avec les actions suivants:
Sensibiliser de nouveaux industriels aux atouts des EMR et les motiver à s’engager durablement dans cette filière
Disposer d’une cartographie à jour mettant en relation les demandes industrielles et l’offre de formation initiale et continue
Renforcer et financer la R&D, en lien avec le domaine d’innovation stratégique des activités maritime pour une croissance bleue ;
Renforcer la force de frappe à l’international
Promouvoir l’offre du port de la région MED en vue d’implanter des sites industriels ;
Développer des sites d’essais relatifs aux technologies houlomoteur et éoliens flottants ;
Encourager la partenariat entre les pays de la région MED en matière de R&D. Cedar organization Algeria - Mettre en place une plateforme de financement public à grande échelle avec l’appui des principales banques de développement européennes et africaines pour avoir un pool de projets collectifs notamment d’éoliennes offshore ou d’énergie flottante). eurorégion Pyrénés Méditerranée
- Pour le Maroc, il faut commencer par initier des projets pilotes pour exploiter les énergies renouvelables marines. Ministère de l’Energie, des Mines et de l’Environnement/Département de l’Environnement
- Il est nécessaire de disponibiliser des programmes de formation sur l ‘exploitation des en énergies renouvelables grâce tout appliquant des études d’impact environnementale
Favoriser l’applicabilité des jeunes diplômés chômeurs pour diminuer l’immigration clandestine et la fuite des cerveaux. ONG ASSISTANCE COMMUNAUTAIRE et développement ASCOM - La participation de l’UpM dans la négociation de programmes de gestion directe de l’Union Européenne puis des Fonds Structurels et d’Investissement Européens, dans le but de faire présents ces objectifs, puis une meilleure coordination avec la Comission Européenne (DG MARE, DG REGIO et autres). Generalitat Valenciana
- – Encourager la recherche en matière d’énergie houlomotrice et marémotrice ;
– Financer des projets pilotes pour l’utilisation de ce type d’énergie au niveau des ports et installations offshores;
– Élargissement des connaissances de base en la matière au niveau des instituts maritimes et des écoles d’ingénieurs. DIRECTION DES PORTS ET DU DOMAINE PUBLIC MARITIME - Promoting the development of an offshore test site in the Mediterranean sea in order to facilitate the scale-up of marine renewable energy prototypes adapted to the Mediterranean sea conditions.
Promoting the collaboration between energy developers and stakeholders such as harbours, marinas, holidays resorts, desalination plants, etc. in order to deploy marine renewable energy devices to produce energy at low scale, e.g. power supply for a marina. CTN – Marine Technology Centre - The Mediterranean is today at the centre of a battle for the control of oil and gas resources with projects of new platforms and grids. There is no shared vision of the transition to renewable sources or of the environmental protection needed. This situation must be changed or the impact of climate change can’t be stopped. The first action is an agreement to stop new oil and gas explorations, that is why we ask to keep fossil fuels under the sea and in the ground. The second action is to create joint research and development of offshore windmills projects, particularly floating for the important production that it could guarantee. Collaboration between States is needed, because of the complexity of interventions that need resources and knowledge, new grids and infrastructures. But the potentiality are really important, both for energy security and for economic development. Legambiente Onlus
- The marine renewable energies (MRE) refer to all renewable energies generated from the marine environment; they include energies produced using offshore wind, waves, current, tidal or sea water salinity and temperature.
At this stage the different types of MRE are limited or at very early stages of development in Mediterranean area.
This development can be done with some conditions:
• a very good knowledge of the natural and environmental conditions with which MRE are directly linked to it;
• further efforts to reinforce research and development to get energy from the oceans;
• coordination of governments schedules of deployment and supporting policies for MRE in order to maximise regional cooperation also with stakeholders to increase investments
• additional funding instruments to provide access to low cost financing for pilot projects and to increase the funding for research and innovation focusing on cost-competitiveness
• training courses to develop “topic – related” specific skills;
• soft competences to enable the dialogue between the stakeholders and facilitate the decision and awareness to implement MRE projects
• public funds also to improve the public acceptance as well tax incentives
• clear legislative, regulatory and administrative framework regarding all the procedures to approve the construction and management of MRE parks;
• to tackle different difficulties in the market development like:
a) energy production costs,
b) operating life of equipment,
c) logistics,
d) energy storage,
e) interconnection with onshore energy grids. Emilia-Romagna Region - • Maritime Spatial Planning and ICZM implementation and enforcement should accelerate the development of MRE by (i) identifying potential areas for MRE development and regulating co-existence between and other economic sectors; and (ii) considering multi-use opportunities deriving from joint use of marine space by different MRE typologies or coupled with other maritime activities (e.g. aquaculture, nature protection, tourism).
• Funding and financial authorities should ensure support to all phases of MRE development by providing stable mobilization/allocation of public funds/resources for all-stage research, optimizing the use of funds for the MRE sector and typology of enterprises, and concentrating efforts on a limited number of promising technologies.
• Sub-national, regional and local administrations should be more actively engaged in the consultation processes prior to the development of MRE projects and able to participate in final decision-making while evaluating true socio-economic impacts on local communities and the environment. It should facilitate the social acceptance of MRE.
• The important environmental benefits of MRE need to be highlighted in emerging and future policy, especially with respect to climate change mitigation. This, while ensuring that MRE are included in Climate mitigation policies as potential solutions.
• E.g. PELAGOS Interreg MED project’s platform can solve gaps in the lack of innovation and cooperation regarding the rising field of blue energy. These platforms may offer organizations cooperation opportunities in the field of MRE, as well as showcase innovative technologies and services in this field.
• National WebGIS platforms (e.g. MAESTRALE’s Interreg MED geodatabase) that are in open access can provide information on MRE potentials, existing technologies (in the form of case studies), and stakeholders maps. They may be really useful in a Mediterranean level and could also be widely used as a supporting tool for training students in the field of blue energy.
• Creation and adoption of educational schemes (e.g. BLUE DEAL Interreg MED project with its BLUE DEAL labs), through participative processes and use of concrete outputs, concerning feasibility studies of pilot projects. These “Blue Energy Plans” will target large coastal areas in Med regions and will support actions of mainstreaming in national/regional policies, in order to foster entrepreneurial initiatives in the MRE sector.As a more general cross-cutting reflection, policies have been identified as a catalytic key player to develop MRE in the basin, which need to be further highlighted in emerging and future policy especially with respect to climate change mitigation (EU Green Deal, EU Climate Law, the new EU strategy on adaptation to climate change, the sustainable EU investment plan).
In addition, reinforcing Euro-MED cooperation on MRE should be ensured, finding and encouraging strong synergies among actors, initiatives and programmes dealing with this topic (e.g. UfM, IMC-CPMR, Blue Growth/Renewable Energy Communities of the Interreg MED, ENI-CBC-MED Programme, BLUEMED, EUSAIR, WESTMED etc.) would contribute to develop and implement impactful joint actions and mobilize the necessary dedicated investments. Intermediterranean Commission of CPMR - 1. ICZM and MSP implementation and enforcement should accelerate the development of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) by (i) identifying potential areas for MRE development and ensuring co-existence with other economic sectors (multi-use opportunities);
2. IFIs should ensure support Marine Renewable Energy development by providing resources for all-stage research and concentrating efforts on a limited number of promising technologies;
3. Putting in place consultation process prior to the development of MRE projects, supporting public participation in decision-making while evaluating socio-economic impacts on local communities and the environment;
4. The environmental benefits of Marine Renewable Energies need to be highlighted in emerging and future policy, especially with respect to climate change mitigation. UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention - There is the need to design all management plans of these projects in an holistic point based on an Ecosystem Approach (described by COP in 2000) and accomplishing the full 12 Malawi Principles. Underwater Gardens International
- Launch a broad debate within the UfM on the need to increase Renewable Energy, particularly wind and photovoltaic, in order to enhance its use also in the production of Green Hydrogen, in order to bring the UfM in line with the European Union’s Green Deal initiative.To create a macro-regional cluster that gathers the maximum scientific technical knowledge in the production of green H2, to support concrete actions to increase and an experimental production network in the countries of the UpM, seeking to accelerate the industrial process of creation and dissemination of this alternative energy source. CCDRAlentejo