events event: 2nd Annual Assembly and Webinar on Sustainable Blue Economy

Date: October 12, 2021 to October 13, 2021

Place:  Online, -

Description of the event: 

On the 12th & 13th of October, the Blue Growth Community will celebrate its 2nd Annual Assembly and a Webinar on Sustainable Blue Economy.

The event is organized in the margins of the General Assembly 2021 of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR). It consists of two main events: the Annual Assembly of the Community, including a meeting of the Advisory Board, and a Webinar on Blue Growth “Fostering Sustainable Blue Economy within and beyond the MED”, which is co-organised by the Community and the CPMR, involving all the CPMR Geographical Commissions and their members.

During the 1st day, the members of the Blue Growth Community will be gathered in order to exchange on past and future activities, reflect on current and future challenges related to the development of sustainable Blue Economy and plan together their next steps.

The webinar of the 2nd day will focus on "Innovative funding solutions (Blue funding)", on "Circular Blue Economy (with a focus on the aquaculture sector)" and on "Blue skills (with a focus on gaps in blue economy sectors)". The aim is to share results from Projects and regional practices, exchange views, contribute to some tools and studies in particular, among the different EU sea-basins (CPMR Geographical Commissions).

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the 2-days event will be held online.

Please check the provisional agenda. Registration is available here

Type: Open
