events event: BlueMed 4th Platforms meeting and Young Ambassadors training

Date: October 15, 2019

Place:  Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona - Spain

Description of the event: The Barcelona premises of the Union for the Mediterranean next October 15-18 will be the venues of two important BlueMed events: -the 4th BlueMed Platforms meeting (Oct. 15-16); -the Young Ambassadors training (Oct. 17-18). Both the events, in different ways, contribute to realize the core mission of BlueMed: supporting the blue economy in the Mediterranean Basin through cooperation and knowledge sharing. The Platforms meeting, indeed, is a crucial knot of the Initiative, representing the ground where the pivots from the different countries meet, exchange knowledge and discuss the future actions. The Ambassadors training is the first step of the newly recruited BlueMed Young Ambassadors’ mandate to support Blue Growth and the BlueMed approach in non-EU countries.

Type: By Invitation Only
