events event: Co-Evolution of coastal human activities & Med natural system

Date: December 08, 2022 to December 09, 2022

Place:  Hotel RAMADA PLAZA Gammarth, Tunis - Tunisia

Description of the event: 

The Co-Evolve4BG project aims at analysing and promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural eco-systems in touristic coastal areas, towards sustainable development of tourist activities based on the principles of Integrated Coast Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), promoting at the same time Blue Growth in the Mediterranean.

Under this framework, during the 8th and 9th of December, the workshop « Djerba - Toolkit » will take place in Tunis.


Day I.

  • Selection of indicators (Djerba - toolkit): 08.30 - 13.30
  • Fill «Djerba-toolkit» with data: 13.30 - 17.17

Day II.

  • Fill « Djerba-toolkit » with data

Type: By Invitation Only
