events event: Smart specialisation for marine renewable energy Atlantic Strategy National Events of Pillar III & IV

Date: May 09, 2022

Place:  IH Cantabria Auditorium, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Cantabria, C. Isabel Torres, 15, 39011, Santander - Spain

Description of the event: 

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017

National Events organised by Pillar III: Marine renewable energy and Pillar IV: Healthy ocean and resilient coasts of the Atlantic Action Plan

This in-person event will focus on discussing the EU perspective on the Sustainable Blue Economy and EU Maritime Energy Strategy.

The Event will be a joint event between Pillar III and Pillar IV in order to understand the objectives of the Atlantic Action Plan and to better address the issues that MRE (Marine Renewable Energy) currently has when delivering sustainability and improving ocean health (EIA, etc). Moreover, a brainstorming session for potential project ideas on the subject of “The Future we want for Marine Renewable Energies in the Atlantic Area” will take place.

Type: Open
