events event: The Mediterranean: scientific expertise for decision-makers International Conference

Date: September 02, 2020

Place:  Amphithèathre Maurice Toga - Faculté de Médecine, Marseille - France

Description of the event: The conference will cover a broad range of topics, including : evolution of the Mediterranean climate in the 21st century and its impacts on the environment, extreme events (floods, heat waves, marine submersions), water resources management and amplification of droughts, links between pollution and health, fluxes of contaminants from water, air and soil into living organisms, proliferation of invasive species on land and at sea and loss of biodiversity. On the occasion of the release of the new Report on the state of the environment and development in the Mediterranean, coordinated by the Plan Bleu as part of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP / UNEP), this conference will be the opportunity to review current knowledge available to stakeholders, and to open a dialog between decision-makers and scientists on climate and environmental issues in the Mediterranean. Decision-makers and scientists will be able to discuss the importance and achievements of European (such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive - DCSMM) and regional (such as the Barcelona Convention) agreements on the protection of the marine and coastal environment of the Mediterranean, as well as major international programs (PRIMA, BLUE-MED, etc.) aimed at the adoption of sustainable practices and the emergence of innovative technologies for sustainable and harmonious development in the Mediterranean Brochure (English): Brochure (French):

Type: Open
