events event: Unlocking the potential of Ports and Harbours in preventing and reducing the effects of Marine Litter

Date: September 14, 2021

Place:  CNR-ISMAR, Arsenale – Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, 30122, Venice - Italy

Description of the event: 

This workshop looks at the most promising R&I solutions undertaken, as well as the policy instruments implemented, in the management and valorization of plastic litter in Ports/Harbours and their hinterland at Mediterranean level. The aim of the event is to identify gaps and bottlenecks to be overcome for an effective prevention and mitigation from the impact of marine litter across the whole basin.

Although the workshop is planned to be organised in person, a digital connection modality will be activated during the event. In person access will be restricted to a limited number of participants, due to the reduced seats availability caused by COVID-19 Italian limitations.
The course is co-organised by the BlueMed GSO Working Group with the support of the European Commission and of the National Research Council of Italy, in collaboration with Federpesca and Cepesca in the frame of the Bluemed Pilot for a Healthy, Plastic free Mediterranean Sea.

Organisational support is provided by VO Communication group.
For any information, please contact:

Type: Open
