INITIATIVE INITIATIVE: Cluster Observatory website

Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

The Cluster Observatory is an online, free and user-friendly platform that provides a single access point to data and analysis of clusters, cluster organizations and regional microeconomic framework conditions in Europe. Furthermore it provides a cluster library, and a classroom for cluster education. The Cluster Observatory also produces reports on clusters and regional competitiveness conditions. Its staff also offers cluster benchmarking, cluster program evaluation and coaching of cluster organization management on a fee basis. In 2012 the Cluster Observatory, was separated from the European Cluster Observatory (hosted at DG Enterprise and Industry), and is now run privately by CSC in Stockholm.
  • Permanent
Geographical coverage
  • Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
Intended Users
  • Businessmen/Companies
  • Administrations/Authorities
  • General public
Source of funding
  • Private funding
Country of project partners
  • Global