Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
Paris, France
Coriolis is a component of the French and European operational oceanography network, which articulates with Mercator-Ocean and Marine Service Copernicus. It contributes to ARGO and GODAE OceanView and provides data regularly to several national systems. In addition to its contribution to operational oceanography, Coriolis has also launched the necessary database to study climate variability envisaged under CLIVAR programs.
Coriolis is intended to operate and evolve a structure for the acquisition, collection, validation and dissemination of the real-time and delayed in situ data for the global ocean. Observations primarily record the following physical parameters: temperature, salinity and velocity in the form of profiles or sections in vertical or horizontal resolution, and time series. But also biogeochemical parameters can be measured by autonomous platforms, such as chlorophyll or oxygen.
Geographical coverage
- Global
Intended Users
- Organisations/Associations
- Researchers and scientists
Source of funding
- EU Funds
- Public funding
Country of project partners
- Cyprus
- France
- Greece
- Italy
- Malta
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Albania
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Israel
- Lebanon
- Montenegro
- Morocco
- Palestine
- Tunisia
- Turkey