Ciheam Iamb - Istituto agronomico mediterraneo Bari, Italy
Bari, Italy
ERANETMED is an EU FP7 initiative that aims at co-ordinating research activities of the different national research programmes from EU Members States, Associated Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries. In particular, the ERANETMED objective is to strengthen the collaboration and common capacity of research programme owners from above countries to address some of the major challenges that the Mediterranean is facing and strengthen Euro-Mediterranean research co-operation. The actual transnational research call includes renewable energies, water resources and their nexus as the key goals.
Geographical coverage
- Mediterranean (widespread)
Intended Users
- Administrations/Authorities
- General public
Source of funding
- EU Funds
Country of project partners
- Algeria
- Belgium
- Cyprus
- Egypt
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Israel
- Italy
- Malta
- Morocco
- Portugal
- Spain
- Tunisia
- Turkey