Casablanca, Morocco
The Industries Federation of Transformation and Promotion of Fishery Products (Fédération des Industries de Transformation et de Valorisation des Produits de la Pêche - FENIP) is a professional organisation established on 21 November 1996. She succeeded the “Fédération des Industries de la Conserve du Maroc - FICOMA” created in 1948. Sectoral federation and member of the CGEM, the FENIP aims are essentially:
- represent and defend the interests of its members;
- explore measures to develop processing industries for fishery products and to improve the conditions of production, distribution and sale of products;
- provide its members any assistance to promote and grow their business.
Within the website there are:
-a library which includes several documents in regard to the fisheries value chain, sustainable fishing and beyond within the Moroccan context;
- useful addresses and links to Moroccan realities (Ministries, Chambers of Commerce, etc.).
- Permanent
Geographical coverage
- National/local
Intended Users
- Administrations/Authorities
- Businessmen/Companies
- General public
- Organisations/Associations
- Policy-makers/managers/planners
Country of project partners
- Morocco