Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Mallorca, Spain
Mallorca, Spain
InnoNauTICs project (Innovation for Nautical Development Sector in the Mediterranean Area) is a transnational cooperation project between Mediterranean islands aimed mainly at developing an electronic platform that enables the promotion of nautical Tourismism development and favours a direct meeting between the entrepreneurial sector and potential users. The InnoNauTICS project has created an online platform for the Tourismist and nautical sector for the promotion of island nautical Tourismism and enterprises, completed by a Nautical Company Catalog and a number of seminars for SMEs and presentations to local agents, related to the 4 pilot projects carried out by partners. It has also defined the Global Capitalization Plan of the project for the ulterior definition and implementation of the Local Capitalization Plans. Within the project, an Adhesion Protocol has been drafted and signed between partners and more than 10 local stakeholders from the participating territories.
- Permanent
Geographical coverage
- Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
Intended Users
- Administrations/Authorities
- Businessmen/Companies
Source of funding
- EU Funds
Country of project partners
- France
- Greece
- Italy
- Spain