INITIATIVE INITIATIVE: Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment between coast and sea website

Regione Emilia-Romagna - Servizio Difesa del Suolo, della Costa e Bonifica

Bologna, Italy

SHAPE project aims at the development of a multilevel and cross-sector governance system, based on a holistic approach and on an integrated management of the natural resources, risk’s prevention and conflicts resolution among uses and users of the Adriatic coast and sea. Project activities promote the application and the successful implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Protocol in the Mediterranean and the Roadmap for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic region.
  • Finalised
Geographical coverage
  • Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
Intended Users
  • Administrations/Authorities
  • Policy-makers/managers/planners
Source of funding
  • EU Funds
Country of project partners
  • Albania
  • Italy
  • Montenegro
  • Slovenia