INITIATIVE INITIATIVE: Water And Territorial policiEs for integRation oF multisectoRial development website

Provincia Regionale di Trapani, Italy

Trapani, Italy

The WATER FRONT project has favoured the integration between Sicily’s western coast and Malta to valorise, through sustainable development, the cross-border resources of the area from a cultural, economic, and social view point. The exchange of experience and dissemination of good practices among the administrations involved has led to the harmonization of territorial planning techniques favouring the evaluation at a national, regional, and local level and strengthening, in fact, the implementation of environmental policy and programmes of risk prevention. The evaluation and re-interpretation of the risks and opportunities offered by the dynamics of the transformation of the coastal areas under survey was the starting point of the project which considered the water front a valid driving force for the sustainable development and innovation of territorial systems. Having acquired the present-day scenario, focused toward risk evaluation and the potential transformation of towns and their territories, there followed an analysis of the transformations in act and a census of the actors involved in territorial transformation. This brought about the definition of an atlas of tendencies and contrasts for the harmonisation of territorial planning techniques for an ecological, productive, urban, and integrated tourism development.
  • Finalised
Geographical coverage
  • Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
Intended Users
  • Administrations/Authorities
  • General public
Source of funding
  • EU Funds
  • Public funding
Country of project partners
  • Italy
  • Malta