News: Ecomondo 2024 Beacon Conference - “Accelerating Blue Interregional Cooperation in the Mediterranean Basin” (7 November, Rimini)

Economondo Website

On November 7th, Ecomondo is organizing an event titled "Accelerating Blue Interregional Cooperation in the Mediterranean Basin. Sharing a common strategic vision, creating transferrable collaboration models."

The Mediterranean Sea basin is an area with a huge potential, given its 46.000km of coastline extension, its unique marine and fish resources and emerging opportunities in several blue economy sectors. Given the existing initiatives, opportunities and priorities to ensure a sustainable blue economy it’s crucial the cooperation among Mediterranean countries to boost sustainability and digitalization, in particular with the involvement of blue economy clusters.

The morning session will explore the emerging clusters initiatives in the southern shore countries and look at the various cooperation models and direct experiences of clusters coming from northern and southern shore countries. In the afternoon actions towards digitalization in the blue economy will be discussed, analyzing best practice in Italy and in other European and non-European countries. 

Learn more and access the agenda here.

News Posted on 07/11/2024
