News: ECOncrete Webinar: Blue is the new Green - Ecological Enhancement of Coastal and Marine Infrastructure

With two-thirds of the human population concentrated around coastlines, alongside with growing threats from sea level rise and increased storminess, accelerated coastal development and changes to natural coastlines are inevitable, leading to habitat loss and reduction of biodiversity and productivity. While seawalls, breakwaters, and piers add ample hard substrate available for colonization, they are typically designed and built with no consideration to marine life developing on them. Consequently, they do not support communities similar to that of natural reefs, and are often dominated by nuisance and invasive species. The seminar will shed light on an emerging approach for planning, design and retrofitting of hard structures to create multifunctional Blue-Green Infrastructure using environmentally sensitive designs and construction technologies that enhance their ability to provide rich and diverse urban marine environments. You can access the webinar recording here: For further information, contact:

News Posted on 14/04/2020
