News: Fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: new report on 2020-2023 achievements

European Commission Ocean & Fisheries Website

The European Commission has just published the 2020-2023 report on its activities to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU fishing), in accordance with the IUU Regulation.

Improved traceability and digital tools at the service of IUU controls of fishery products destined for the EU market

One of the main achievements is the amended IUU Regulation, adopted within the revision of the EU fisheries control system.

The amendments introduced the IT system CATCH, which will support the implementation of the EU IUU catch certification scheme for imported fishery products. EU importers and Member States’ authorities will be using CATCH from 2026, while non-EU countries can join voluntarily.

Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius said:

CATCH will contribute to a better protection of the EU market and its consumers against imported products obtained from IUU fishing. This IT system has a potential to become a reference point as a digital environment for catch documentation schemes and international trade flows of fishery products thanks to its web-based approach and considerable interoperability opportunities.”

These amendments also modify the content of the catch certificate and accompanying documents to improve traceability and facilitate IUU controls of fishery products destined for the EU market.

Moreover, measures applying to non-cooperating countries in the fight against IUU fishing have been reinforced.

Learn more here

News Posted on 30/05/2024
