News: Interreg Euro-MED project “BLUE ECOSYSTEM”

Union for the Mediterranean Database

The 1st Steering Committee of the project took place online last 28th of March with the presentation of the partners and the sharing of the first activities, which are already underway. 

The overall objective of BLUE ECOSYSTEM is to enhance the capacities of quintuple helix stakeholders in developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of solutions through a co-creation and transformative innovation approach in the Blue Sustainable Economy.  Particularly, it will tackle challenges of the blue sustainable economy in several innovation domains such as marine ecosystem and coastal areas, blue biotechnologies, marine renewable energies, fishing and aquaculture, ports, shipbuilding, marine robotics, coastal and maritime tourism. 

In fact, as stated in the BlueInvest Investor Report 2024, from the period 2012-2017 to the period 2018-2023, investments in the blue economy have increased by 3. The three most dynamic sectors are blue renewable energy, blue tech and ocean observation, and aquaculture. The BLUE ECOSYSTEM project will therefore enable IMC member Regions to keep abreast of new approaches on innovation in the blue economy and how to integrate them in their territories, depending on the specific needs. 

Learn more

News Posted on 17/05/2024
