PROJECTS PROJECTS: Design of a common agrochemical plastic packaging waste management scheme to protect natural resources in synergy with agricultural plastic waste valorization website

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece

The project aims at designing an Environment friendly and economically viable APPW management scheme by transferring know-how from existing schemes and LabelAgriWaste, by identifying problems and bottlenecks faced by existing schemes in Europe and by designing and implementing effective pilot schemes in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. The schemes in operation in Spain and France will benefit by adapting technical solutions developed by LabelAgriWaste.The project aims at designing an Environmentalonmental friendly and economically viable APPW management scheme by transferring know-how from existing schemes and LabelAgriWaste, by identifying problems and bottlenecks faced by existing schemes in Europe and by designing and implementing effective pilot schemes in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. The schemes in operation in Spain and France will benefit by adapting technical solutions developed by LabelAgriWaste.
  • Finalised
Geographical coverage
  • Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
Intended Users
  • Administrations/Authorities
  • General public
Source of funding
  • EU Funds
Country of project partners
  • Cyprus
  • France
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Spain