UPTEC Mar, Sala C2, Av. Da Liberdade S/N 4450-718, Leça Da Palmeira, Portugal

Fórum Oceano is the managing entity of the Portugal Blue Economy Cluster, certified and recognized by the Ministry of Economy and the Sea. It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and value the sea economy in Portugal, supporting the sustainable development of the maritime sector in Portugal, promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and cooperation between entities in the sector. For this, it develops several initiatives and projects aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of companies and institutions that operate in the sea economy.

Forum Oceano’s mission is to strengthen strategic cooperation between actors – companies, RT&D centres, higher education institutions, public administration bodies – and to promote the competitiveness of the main value chains that use the Sea and marine resources as central elements of their activity in order to contribute sustainably to economic growth, exports and employment. Forum Oceano represents 50% of the Blue GDP in Portugal, with over 160 associates from the various sectors of the activity of the Sea economy, as well as consolidated activities such as Fisheries and Aquaculture, Conservation, Fish Processing and Commercialization, Marine Industries, Ports, Maritime Transport and Logistics and Nautical Tourism, as well as emerging activities such as Ocean Renewable Energies,Marine Biotechnologies and Ocean Technologies.Among the main activities of Fórum Oceano are the promotion of research and development of new technologies, facilitating access to finance and investment, and supporting the internationalization of companies and institutions in the sector. 
The entity responsible for creating the global business model of Hub Azul Portugal, a network of innovation infrastructures for the Blue Economy, the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Plan. Is also the leader of the Portugal Blue Digital Hub consortium, a digital innovation hub for the Blue Economy.  Fórum Oceano is also the global headquarters of the BlueTech Cluster Alliance (BTCA), a global network of BlueTech clusters committed to collaborating and developing joint projects and sharing information. 

Geographical working areas
  • Global
Type of player
  • Private sector
Areas of expertise
  • Aquaculture
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems
  • Climate change
  • Diversification of marine activities
  • Education/training networks & jobs
  • Fisheries/Marine resources
  • General maritime and Mediterranean information
  • Marine biotechnologies
  • Maritime stakeholders / clusters
  • Public private funding
  • Renewable energy
  • Tourism
  • Transport/shipping
  • Circular economy
  • Pollution / marine litter
  • Ports and harbours
Main Interests
  • International Cooperation