Piazza Libertà, Bracigliano, Italy

The territorial context created by the aggregation of the municipalities, belonging to the LAG "Terra è vita”, puts the area in different territorial areas of the Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan (PTCP): the "Salerno Metropolitan Area Valle dell'Irno Picentini" area, the "Agro" area Nocerino Sarnese” and the" Costiera Amalfitana” and the centrality of Cava de 'Tirreni”. Promoting the development of rural territory increasing its competitiveness e attractiveness through valorisation of the endogenous potentialities and realization of a synergistic process, inclusive and innovative cultural, economic and social upgrade. The specific objective of the strategy is placed in widest scenario of the territorial development policies defined on a national and regional level. The strategy aims to promote social inclusion and local economic development acting on the territory as a source of a competitive advantage with the aim of enhancing and strengthen the economic synergies between the local actors (SNAI). In this direction, the strategy aims to encourage the emergence of a organized system of relations such as allow the development of local activities reinforcing the peculiarities in a plus wide perspective of competition national and international (Pact for Development of the Campania Region. The Gal “Terra è Vita” action was built to involve local operators to ensure a better integration between subjects and actions. The Action plan will be implemented by adopting a design methodology inspired by the PCM (Project Cycle Management), carried out in different actions as follows: • information and assistance to the territory with regard to the actions and actions indicated in SSL; • coordination of the implementation of LAG cooperation actions and exchanges of experience with other LAGs; • implementation of operations directly managed by the LAG; • implementation of an indirect management operation of the LAG with the activation of the RDP measures; • examination of the financial, physical and procedural progress of the Action Plan (actions direct and indirect) and its possible modifications/integrations and recalibrations.
Geographical working areas
  • Global
Type of player
  • Clusters
Main Interests