Rechercher les programmes, les projets et les initiatives marines et maritimes dans la région méditerranéenne en utilisant la fonction de recherche ci-dessous ou naviguez sur la carte. Vous pouvez charger votre initiative, projet ou programme via l’option «TELECHARGER NOUVEAU».
TRANSversal key competences for lifelong learning
The aim of TRANSIt (TRANSversal key competences for lifelong learning: TraIning teachers in competence based education) is to have a positive impact on the development of students’ key competencies through(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Modular Multi-use Deep Water Offshore Platform Hamessing and Servicing Mediterranean, Subtropical and tropical Marine and Maritime Resources
The TROPOS Project aims at developing a floating modular multi-use platform system for use in deep waters, with an initial geographic focus on the Mediterranean, Tropical and Sub-Tropical regions, but(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageGlobal |
Unravelling and exploiting Mediterranean Sea microbial diversity and ecology for xenobiotics' and pollutants' clean up
The project ULIXES (Unravelling and exploiting Mediterranean Sea microbial diversity and ecology for xenobiotics' and pollutants' clean up) aims to unravel, categorize, catalogue, exploit and manage the microbial diversity available(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Improvement of Mediterranean territorial cohesion through setup of a tourist-cultural itinerary
To contribute to the improvement of territorial cohesion in order to overcome the seasonal misbalances in tourism sector within the Mediterranean territory through promotion of sustainable tourism based on synergies(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Water And Territorial policiEs for integRation oF multisectoRial development
The WATER FRONT project has favoured the integration between Sicily’s western coast and Malta to valorise, through sustainable development, the cross-border resources of the area from a cultural, economic, and(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Bringing a modular technology for fresh water sea-transportation to full scale
Bringing a modular technology for fresh water sea-transportation to full scale. XXL-REFRESH is a sustainable solution for long distance water transport. Scarcity of fresh water is an issue of increasing(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Zero Emission Communities
A key role in the European energy efficiency policy must be played by public bodies because in local communities more than 50% of the GHG emissions are created and up(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Promote Zero waste practices and tools
The Zerowaste Pro aims to capitalize the results and outputs along with the know-how and expertise acquired in the Med and other EU projects implemented by the partnership with the(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Knowledge about marine GMDSS Communication
The project aims to enhance safety in maritime control region of southeastern Mediterranean sea lanes with the supply and installation of technologically upgraded shipping risk frequency monitoring equipment. The main(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation
The Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation (TREC) is an initiative, in the field of renewable forms of energy, of The Club of Rome, the Hamburg Climate Protection Foundation and the National(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Renewables Grid Initiative
The Renewables Grid Initiative is a unique collaboration of NGOs and TSOs from across Europe. We promote transparent, environmentally sensitive grid development to enable the further steady growth of renewable(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Energy Efficiency in the Construction Sector in the Mediterranean
A regional project funded by the European Union. It aims to increase the use of Energy Efficiency measures and Renewable Energy systems in buildings in southern and eastern Mediterranean countries.(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Multi-terminal DC grid for offshore wind
MEDOW is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) consisting of 11 partners (5 universities and 6 industrial organisations) with collective expertise on the manufacturing, design, operation, and control of(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageGlobal |
The South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme
The South East Europe Programme aims to develop transnational partnerships on matters of strategic importance, in order to improve the territorial, economic and social integration process and to contribute to(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Building Bridges across Borders, Scientific Domains and Gender
The work already done in the EUMEDELID project has led to a pilot Grid Infrastructure which covers almost all the Mediterranean Area. EUMEDELID-Support will start from there and make a(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |