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Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region Responding to User Needs
The general objective of CLIM-RUN project is to contribute to the creation in the Mediterranean area of a Climate Services Network, in line with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) on-going(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageGlobal |
Regional action strategies for coastal zone adaptation to climate change
COASTANCE project is based on two main operative purposes: the capitalization of knowledge and resources already acquired in the field of coastal protection: i. Sustainable Technologies for exploiting sand stocks(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Coastal Governance and Adaptation Policies in the Mediterranean
The COASTGAP project (Coastal Governance and Adaptation Policies in the Mediterranean) was born after more than 10 years of shared experiences in this field, among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Toward Coast to Coast network of marine protected areas coupled with sea-bed wind energy potential
The Project will identify groups of putatively interconnected MPAs in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas, shifting from local (single MPA) to regional (Networks of MPAs) and basin (network of(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageGlobal |
COMmunication and CAPitalization of Maritime Integrated Approach in the Mediterranean Area
The COM&CAP MarInA-Med project (COMmunication and CAPitalization of Maritime Integrated Approach in the Mediterranean Area) aims to coordinate communication and capitalisation activities for projects selected under the “maritime integrated approach”(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Integrated infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage in the west Mediterranean
The overall objective of COMET is to study the techno-economic feasibility of integrating carbon dioxide transport and storage infrastructures in the West Mediterranean area (Portugal, Spain and Morocco). The feasibility(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Creation and development of a Euro-Mediterranean network to accompany, support and manage the process of economic cooperation and integration of production between Sicily and Tunisia
Based on the principle of integration, the project promotes a strategy to guarantee complementarities and coordination in the main economic fields, in order to develop a system of coordination, integration(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Coastal and shallow-water monitoring through innovative low-cost technologies for blue growth in the Mediterranean
CoMPi (Coastal and shallow-water monitoring through innovative low-cost technologies for blue growth in the Mediterranean) project aims to assess the feasibility of an innovative service on integrated coastal monitoring, with(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageNational/local |
Ecosystem based management of corals, fish and fisheries in the deep waters of Europe and beyond
CoralFISH is assessing the interaction between cold water corals, fish and fisheries, in order to develop monitoring and predictive modelling tools for ecosystem based management in the deep waters of(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Maritime Clusters supporting Research & Innovation to enhance Blue Economy Entrepreneurship
CoRINThos project (Maritime Clusters supporting Research & Innovation to enchance Blue Economy Enterpreneurship) tackles R&D gaps as a driving factor of maritime clusters, identifying and contextualizing them within Blue Economy(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions of Europe
The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) has, since 1973, been targeting its action towards ensuring the needs and interests of its member Regions are taken into account in all(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Coordinating research in support to application of ecosystem approach to fisheries and management advice in the Mediterranean and Black seas
The CREAM (Coordinating Research in support to application of ecosystem approach to fisheries and management advice in the Mediterranean and Black Seas) establishes an effective collaboration network among key role(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
ΘΑΛΛ ΕΠΙΤ Crossborder Cooperation in Maritime Surveilance Issues
Cooperation between Greece - Cyprus' maritime space security issues, is one area of particular importance, as the intervention site is a gateway - output between the European Union and the(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Improving the goods circulation between the Middle East and the EU by networking and adopting shared procedures and Technologies
The general goal of the CUSTOM MED project (Improving the goods circulation between the Middle East and the EU by networking and adopting shared procedures and technologies) is urging Mediterranean(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Sciencies participatives en mer
The Cybelle Méditerranée relies on contributions from amateur crew members to conduct observation of open sea species (cetaceans, marine turtles and jellyfish). Simple and accurate methods were established by experts(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |