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Mediterranean Advisory Council
The MEDAC is made up of European and national organizations representing the fisheries sector (including the industrial fleet, small-scale fisheries, the processing sector and trade unions) and other interest groups(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Production of biodiesel from Algae in selected Mediterranean Countries
To foster the development of microalgae as alternative fuel, the MED-ALGAE project will contribute to the establishment of a new value chain for the production of renewable energy based on(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Mediterranean climate evolution and connection with the Atlantic Ocean: inferences from high-resolution marine archives
The scope of this project (Mediterranean climate evolution and connection with the atlantic ocean: inferences from high-resolution marine archives) is to develop long, continuous high-resolution climate records on a variety(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Mediterranean Implementation of the European Energy Award
The proposal deals with the dissemination and implementation in the Mediterranean regions of the successful methodology named - European Energy Award - eea® which rewards cities and towns with a(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information System
The MedFisis project (Fishery Statistics and information system in the Mediterranean) aims at creating a Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information System, which contributes to the sound management of the fisheries(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Integrated Actions to Mitigate Environmental Risks in the Mediterranean Sea
The Med-IAMER PROJECT (Integrated Actions to Mitigate Environmentalonmental Risks in the Mediterranean Sea) provides recommendations on integrated trans-boundary actions required to mitigate Environmentalonmental risks in the Mediterranean Sea by putting(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Marine ecosystems dynamics and indicators for North Africa
MEDINA (Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Indicators for North Africa) is designed to enhance Northern African Countries' monitoring capacity of their coastal areas ecosystems, including fish stocks resources, and consequently their(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Sustainable management of environmental issues related to water stress in Mediterranean islands
The rationale behind MEDIWAT project consists in identifying and developing innovative and integrated solutions or tools (technical, operational and administrative) for managing Environmentalonmental issues related to water shortage and quality(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Enhancing management approach and mitigation measures against jellyfish proliferations impacts
MED-JELLYRISK is the first CBC (Cross-Border Cooperation) project assessing the socio-economic impacts of jellyfish blooms and the implementation of mitigation countermeasures. MED-JELLYRISK addresses an integrated coastal management approach into 10(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Regional project for the development of marine and coastal protected areas in the mediterranean region
The MedMPA (Regional Project for the Development of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Region) project's general objective is to strengthen the conservation and sustainable management of the(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Mediterranean Network for Custom Procedures and Simplification of Clearance in Ports
European project, co-financed by the MED Programme, aimed at simplifying and harmonizing maritime and port procedures within the Mediterranean region. At the end of its lifetime, the project will primarily(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Mediterranean FLAGs Pesca
Project, brings together different actors involved in the development of coastal Mediterranean areas to increase the visibility of fisheries products and heritage around the Mediterranean. It is an initiative for(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Mediterranean Organization Structure and Strengthening of Innovation Capacities for Sustainable Development
MEDOSSIC is the Mediterranean transnational project proposal to support reinforcing of innovation capacities by strengthening strategic cooperation between regional development agencies and other development actors and stakeholders in the project.(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Development of aquaculture sector of Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey
The project aims at contributing towards the sustainable and competitive development of the aquaculture sector in Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey, and focuses on post harvest aspects related to market(...) Read more.
- Geographical Macro-themesAquaculture |
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
France-Italy Maritime Cooperation
The programme France Italy Maritime Cooperation aims to improve cooperation between the border areas - marine and coastal areas of the North Tyrrhenian-arc - in the fields of accessibility, innovation(...) Read more.
- Geographical Macro-themesEnvironment | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Tourism | Transport/shipping |
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |