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Improving national capacities in observation and management of marine environment in Tunisia
INCOMMET project intended to reinforce cooperation with Europe’s neighbours. The final aim of INCOMMET is to contribute to reinforce the capacities of INSTM to become a national and regional research(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Indicators for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Guidelines for their use in the Mediterranean
The aims of InDAM(Indicators for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Guidelines for their use in the Mediterranean), among other and through a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, are to provide policy(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
InnoNauTICs project (Innovation for Nautical Development Sector in the Mediterranean Area) is a transnational cooperation project between Mediterranean islands aimed mainly at developing an electronic platform that enables the promotion(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Desarrollo integral (agrario, rural, medioambiental, cultural y turístico) en el ámbito de la Reserva de la Biosfera Intercontinental del Mediterráneo
This project was approved in 2010 and is at the heart of the POCTEFEX programme. It is integrated in the Action Plan for establishing and consolidating the Mediterranean Intercontinental Biosphere(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Integrated and Interoperable Maritime Transit Management System
The INTE-TRANSIT project (Integrated and Interoperable Maritime Transit Management System) aims in a better organization of MED ports and their logistic activities areas and establish a cooperation framework between relevant(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
International Union for Conservation of Nature - Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation projects
LOGISMED Training Activities
LOGISMED Training Activities (LOGISMED –TA) will reinforce the transport sector and will enhance the competitiveness of the logistics in the region, complementing existing training programmes and supporting the Mediterranean countries(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Supporting research potential for marine biodiversity and genomics in the eastern Mediterranean
MARBIGEN is a European project of the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture. Its objective is to fully exploit and further develop the research potential of the Institute of(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
MARE (Mediterranean Activities for Research and Innovation in the Energy sector) is a FP7-INCO project that will bring together actors from the whole value chain of innovation (RTOs, Intermediaries, Business(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Exploring Marine Resources for Bioactive Compounds: From Discovery to Sustainable Production and Industrial Applications
The MAREX project (Exploring Marine Resources for Bioactive Compounds: From Discovery to Sustainable Production and Industrial Applications) will collect, isolate and classify marine organisms, such as micro- and macroalgae, cyanobacteria,(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageGlobal |
NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of MARitimeSAFEty and security
MARSAFENET - the acronym for NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of MARitimeSAFEty and security - aims to bring together experts in international law of the sea in order(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageGlobal |
New Directions in Seismic Hazard Assessment through Focused Earth Observation in the Marmara Supersite
The recent devastating earthquakes and associated tsunamis in Japan, Indonesia, and Haiti, which killed more than half a million people, highlighted how mankind is still far away from a satisfactory(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
The project will strengthen the relations among the towns of the MED region and their markets, focusing on the following priority axes: A) Promotion of the local food production and(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
MED Port Community System
The project consists in achieving an effective implementation of the "PORT COMMUNITY SYSTEM" in several Mediterranean ports, as well as developing a platform allowing an effective communication of such systems.(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |
Mediterranean Information Traffic Application. Building a logistic community
MED.I.T.A project main subject are the maritime transport and the connections among ports, dry ports and freight villages. The project is based on the establishment of a network between ports(...) Read more.
- Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |