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Gaza desalination project

UNICEF State of Palestine

The project to be officially adopted by the UfM, will help meet most of the future medium- to long-term drinking water needs for the 1.6 million Palestinians living in the(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesRenewable energy |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Greece-Cyprus programme

Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development, Cyprus

The overall objective of the Programme is "the emergence of the region as a pole of sustainable development in the wider area of South-eastern Mediterranean towards enhancing competitiveness", through three(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesEnvironment | Heritage | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Tourism | Transport/shipping |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Greece-Italy programme

Greek Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism

The overall objective of the programme is to support strategic cross-border co-operation between Greece and Italy for a more prosperous and sustainable region across the Ionian Sea. Emphasis is placed(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesEducation/training networks & jobs | Environment | Heritage | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Scientific research / technologies / innovation | Tourism | Transport/shipping |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Commission Interméditerranéenne

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, France

The Intermediterranean Commission has forty Member Regions in 9 different countries and it is to all the different sub-national levels in all Mediterranean countries. Its mission is to encompass the(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesMaritime stakeholders / clusters |
  • Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |

IPA Slovenia-Croatia

Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy, Slovenia

The adopted Cross-border Co-operation Programme follows an INTERREG Community Initiative for the period 2000-2006. Its main purpose is to make the cross-border area between Croatia and Slovenia highly competitive and(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesAquaculture | Environment | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Tourism | Transport/shipping |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |


Regione Abruzzo, Direzione Affari della Presidenza, Politiche Legislative e Comunitarie Programmazione, Italy

The IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme is the result of joint programming work carried out by the relevant participating countries and is part of the cooperation process in the Adriatic(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesEnvironment | Tourism | Transport/shipping |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Italy-Malta programme

Managing Authority - Regione Siciliana, Dipartimento Regionale della Programmazione, Italy

The Programme aims at achieving the following General Objective: “Strengthening the attractiveness and the competitiveness of the cross-border area, within a framework of environmental sustainability”. Therefore, also considering the socio-economic(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesAquaculture | Biodiversity and ecosystems | Climate change | Fisheries/Marine resources | Heritage | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Maritime stakeholders / clusters | Scientific research / technologies / innovation | Transport/shipping |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Italy-Slovenia Programme

Managing Authority - Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

The "Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia" programme is designed to contribute to the achievement of the strategic goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The programme aims(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesAquaculture | Environment | Fisheries/Marine resources | Heritage | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Tourism | Transport/shipping |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Live your tour

ONG Ricerca e Cooperazione, Italy

The goal of the project is to increase the Sustainable Tourism in some areas of Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia, favouring off seasonal flows, the development of that areas and(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesTourism |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Mediterranean FLAG cooperation


Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs). This Charter for Mediterranean Cooperation aims to provide a framework for territorial marketing actions put in place and for the involvement of partners in Mediterranean(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesEducation/training networks & jobs | Fisheries/Marine resources | Tourism |
  • Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |

PIM Small Islands Initiative and Projects

Le Conservatoire du littoral, France

The Mediterranean Small Islands Initiave is based on the exchange and sharing of knowledge. Its aim is to set-up an effective and practical management structure for microcosms, achieved through scientific(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesBiodiversity and ecosystems | Environment | Scientific research / technologies / innovation |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Spain-external borders cooperation

Secretariado Técnico Conjunto POCTEFEX

This programme tends to focus more on capacity-building, socio-economic development at large - but with focuses on SMEs, agriculture and energy - cultural heritage and migration-related issues due to the(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesEnvironment | Heritage | Renewable energy | Tourism | Transport/shipping |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Euromed Heritage Programme IV

Regional Monitoring and Support Unit

Euromed Heritage 4 represents a further milestone in the process of recognizing 'culture' as a catalyst for mutual understanding between the people of the Mediterranean region. Today embedded in the(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesHeritage |
  • Geographical coverageMediterranean (widespread) |

INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020

Managing Authority of European territorial cooperation programmes

“Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020” transnational cooperation programme has been identified as a structured tool to strengthen cooperation in the area, capitalising on experiences and results achieved so far. Accordingly, the programme supports(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesEnvironment | Heritage |
  • Geographical coverageRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Gulf of Gabes Marine and Coastal Resources Protection Project

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Government of Tunisia

The Gulf of Gabes Marine and Coastal Resources Protection Project for Tunisia aims at Establishing a functional integrated monitoring and participatory management system for the project area to manage biodiversity(...) Read more.

  • Geographical Macro-themesEnvironment | Legislation | Spatial planning/areas management |
  • Geographical coverageNational/local |