Date: January 12, 2022

Place:  Palazzo Pancaldi , Viale Italia, 56, Livorno - Italy

Description of the event: 

The SICOMAR plus project, funded under the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme 2014-2020,  is drawing to its natural conclusion. In the historic venue of Palazzo Pancaldi, in Livorno, the project's final event will be held, bringing together the protagonists of this long crossing, which started in June 2018 and which, after sailing in the waters of the Pelagos Sanctuary, will drop anchor in Livorno on 12 January 2022. There are 16 Italian and French partners in this complex and ambitious project, led by the Region of Tuscany. Over the last three years they have worked together, side by side in a European and cross-border vision, to study, analyze, share, design, and finally produce not only strategic ideas and proposals but above all concrete and shareable tools, capable of contributing to safety at sea and safeguarding the marine environment, reducing naval risks in the Cetacean Sanctuary, the marine protected area that extends into the northern Tyrrhenian Sea between the French and Italian coasts and Corsica.
SICOMAR plus was ranked FIRST in the category Biodiversity, Maritime Habitat Conservation, and Combating Marine Pollution and received the WestMED Project AWARD at the WestMED Stakeholder Conference, organized by the WestMED Initiative under the chairmanship of Italy-Libya.

Type: Open
