events event: I International Forum on Marine Litter & Circular Economy in Islands Environments

Date: March 07, 2023 to December 08, 2022

Place:  Av. de Cristobal Colón, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife - Spain

Description of the event: 

MARLICE ISLANDS addresses the problem of marine litter from the singularity of isolated territories, seeking solutions on a local scale and bringing together experiences, studies and policies on islands in different seas and oceans of the planet.

MARLICE ISLANDS 2023 arises after the second edition of the MARLICE Forum, and is promoted by the Government of the Canary Islands in coordination with AEBAM. Under this framework, the First International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy in Island Environments will be held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife (Canary Islands) on March 7 and 8, 2023.

To register click here

Type: Open
