INITIATIVE INITIATIVE: Ecosystem based management of corals, fish and fisheries in the deep waters of Europe and beyond website

National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Galway, Ireland

CoralFISH is assessing the interaction between cold water corals, fish and fisheries, in order to develop monitoring and predictive modelling tools for ecosystem based management in the deep waters of Europe and beyond. CoralFISH implements the data collection into the World Data Centre for Marine Environmentalonmental Sciences (WDC-MARE/PANGAEA). This allows for rapid set up, ensures technical assistance for implementation, and guarantees that the CoralFISH data collection will be maintained beyond the duration of the project.
  • Finalised
Geographical coverage
  • Regional (only Mediterranean sea basin)
Intended Users
  • Administrations/Authorities
Source of funding
  • EU Funds
Country of project partners
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom