News: Stakeholder Consultation in Maritime Spatial Planning Survey

Union for the Mediterranean Database

The European Maritime Spatial Planning Platform (EU MSP) wants to hear from stakeholders who participated in, or wanted to, in national MSP consultation in EU countries.

As MSP has become a crucial component of environmental governance across the EU, Member States have adopted varied approaches to stakeholder consultation. This study aims to analyse these differing methods, particularly in light of recent and ongoing updates and revisions to MSPs. By examining the different approaches employed across the EU, this research seeks to identify best practices and areas for improvement in stakeholder engagement.

The European MSP Platform invites you to contribute to this study titled "Differences in approaches to stakeholder consultation undertaken by EU Member States and how has this changed with regards to the update and revision of MSPs?" by completing the survey.

Your insights will be invaluable in shaping the future of environmental governance, helping us to enhance public participation in MSP processes.

The European MSP Platform may want to quote what you say in this or potential follow-on research, but it will not be attributed to you, your organisation or country.

Responding to this survey

  • This survey will take approx. 10 minutes to complete,
  • The survey contains a mix of open and closed questions,
  • You can look through the survey before responding, return to earlier pages without losing your work, and complete it in more than one session.

If you have technical difficulties completing this survey, please alert the MSP Assistance Mechanism at


News Posted on 15/07/2024
