News: WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance presenting major achievements and developments at SeaFuture 2023

European Commission WestMED Website

With the support of the WestMED (WM) Assistance Mechanism and the Italian national clusters CTN BIG and Federazione del Mare, the Maritime Clusters Alliance organised an event during SeaFuture 2023 in LaSpezia Italy focused on the WestMED Maritime Cluster Alliance

The main objective was to provide an overview of the cooperation among maritime clusters that are part of the WestMed Maritime Cluster Alliance (WM MCA) after two years since its inception- including:

  • jointly created, submitted and awarded projects requesting funding;
  • the significant impact on the southern shore dynamics (thanks to the proactivity of the Cluster Maritime Tunisien and the establishment of the Mauritanian Marine and Maritime Cluster);
  • the intensified Italian-Portuguese cooperation;
  • the inclusive approach of CTN BIG and Federazione del Mare towards the Mediterranean ecosystem as a whole.

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News Posted on 31/10/2023
