iconWorkshop 11: Blue mission in the Mediterranean region: promoting youth employability throughout developing skills and building capacities in the marine and maritime sectors.


  • There are excellent individual initiatives that offer the opportunity of building capacities, job-oriented training supporting career development in the sector of Blue Growth both on the northern and southern side of the Mediterranean. Such initiatives, demonstrate that talents exist, it is crucial to move from individual capacity building to institutional capacity by involving institutions and key persons;
  • The mission is now to provide a common ground for a Pan-Mediterranean network as a step beyond regional networks, supported by a steering group, and implemented through a web portal, a data base, and a coordinated offer of opportunities for the young generation. Such network must be ready to adapt to a rapidly changing economic environment and normative framework for environmental sustainability. A coordinated action is therefore needed to avoid replication of existing activities and initiatives;
  • Science diplomacy should be considered as a driving mechanism to achieve a full level of integration, harmonization and implementation of the Pan-Mediterranean network. Dialogue and international cooperation through scientific events, trainings and project partnerships may be considered the way forward. Some already ongoing initiatives such as the “Blue Growth Summer School” should be further supported.


Niccolò Bassan – University IUAV-Venezia, Italy

Mounir Ghribi – Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale -Sustainable – Blue Growth Initiative, Italy

Jerneja Penca – Euro-Mediterranean University EMUNI, Slovenia

Walid Kamali – Almanar University of Tripoli

Georgios Triantafillidis – MarInEM , Greece

Ahmed Youssef – Professor at the Arab Academy of Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt