Search for organisations, experts and consultants working in the private or public sector both in the Mediterranean as in other coastal regions. You can upload your personal profile or your organisation through the “UPLOAD NEW” option.
MEET Network
The “Mediterranean Experience of Eco-Tourism Network” is a multi-level and multi- stakeholder network aimed at improving the cooperation between Protected Areas in sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region. It was(...) Read more.
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
Provincia di Lucca
Province of Lucca is a public local authority situated in North-West Tuscany, Italy. After the new institutional reform, Provinces have become public entities of vast area with some specific competences(...) Read more.
- Geographical working areasGlobal |
Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA - UNEP/MAP)
RAC/SPA was established in Tunis in 1985 by decision of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, which entrusted it with responsibility for assessing the situation of natural heritage and(...) Read more.
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
Renewables Grid Initiative e.V.
Launched in 2009, RGI is a unique collaboration of NGOs and TSOs from across Europe. We promote transparent, environmentally sensitive grid development to enable the steady growth of renewable energy(...) Read more.
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
EGTC EFXINI POLI-Network of European Cities for Sustainable Development- SOLIDARCITY NETWORK
EGTC Efxini Poli-Network of European Cities for Sustainable development is the conversion of EFXINI POLI, a network of Greek local authorities aiming to advance its members’ social, cultural, environmental, touristic(...) Read more.
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
Civil Protection Of Puglia Region
We’re involved in different Projects and Programme, such as IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme, the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, ERDF Regional operational programme (ROP) 2014-2020, ADRION programme,(...) Read more.
- Geographical working areasNational/local |