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Costa Nostrum
Nazli Demirel
I am a marine biologist with a focus on fisheries conservation and the ecosystem approach to fisheries. My current researches focuses on estimating reference points using multiple tools for best(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisBiodiversity and ecosystems | Climate change | Fisheries/Marine resources | Oceanography |
- Geographical working areasNational/local |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
My name is Alban Mesonjesi, the focal point of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Albania. I'm head of the legal department at the ministry and also acting director(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisAquaculture | Diversification of marine activities | Legislation | Tourism | Circular economy | Governance and Legislation | Ports and harbours |
- Geographical working areasRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Groupement Interprofessionnel des Produits de la Pêche
Le GIPP est un organisme interprofessionnel chargé de la régulation du marché, de l'amélioration de la qualité, de l'encadrement des professionnels et de la promotion des exportations dans le secteur de la(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisAquaculture | Education/training networks & jobs | Fisheries/Marine resources | Marine biotechnologies | Maritime stakeholders / clusters | Public private funding | Scientific research / technologies / innovation | Spatial planning/areas management | Circular economy | Governance and Legislation |
- Geographical working areasNational/local |
RiverRecycle removes plastic waste from waterways and enables communities to prosper in a circular economy by creating jobs while improving the environment. We stop ocean plastic pollution by combining river plastic(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisCircular economy | Pollution / marine litter |
- Geographical working areasGlobal |
Ingrid Pechell Abdarazzak
Chargée de mission du DG de Lydec, opérateur privé et distributeur des services eau, assainissement et électricité de C asablanca,je suis également conseillère de la maire de Casablanca, sur les(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisClimate change | Education/training networks & jobs | Environment | Public private funding | Spatial planning/areas management | Citizen science | Governance and Legislation |
- Geographical working areasRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |
Wissam Hayek
Angela Klauschen
- Geographical Areas of expertisBiodiversity and ecosystems | Climate change | Education/training networks & jobs | Environment | Fisheries/Marine resources | General maritime and Mediterranean information | Heritage | Spatial planning/areas management | Tourism | Oceanography | Circular economy | Citizen science | Governance and Legislation | Pollution / marine litter |
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
Thalma Salem Redwan
The city of Aqaba is the southernmost part of Jordan, and at the north eastern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba, on the Red Sea. The total area of Aqaba(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisBiodiversity and ecosystems | Environment | Fisheries/Marine resources | Heritage | Tourism |
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
International Federation for Sustainable Development and the Fight against Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea
Fispmed, that is the “International Federation for Sustainable Development and the Fight against Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea”, is a network born in 2004 made up of 239 members (public(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisAquaculture | Climate change | Education/training networks & jobs | Environment | Fisheries/Marine resources | General maritime and Mediterranean information | Legislation | Maritime stakeholders / clusters | Public private funding | Citizen science | Pollution / marine litter |
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
Andalusian Maritime Marine Cluster
The Andalusian Maritime-Marine Cluster (CMMA) is an association of sustainable, innovative and technological companies specialized in the Blue Economy, based in all the blue subsectors: logistics, ports and infrastructures, shipbuilding(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisAquaculture | Biodiversity and ecosystems | Diversification of marine activities | Education/training networks & jobs | Fisheries/Marine resources | General maritime and Mediterranean information | Marine biotechnologies | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Maritime stakeholders / clusters | Renewable energy | Scientific research / technologies / innovation | Spatial planning/areas management | Tourism | Oceanography | Circular economy | Citizen science | Governance and Legislation | Pollution / marine litter | Ports and harbours |
- Geographical working areasGlobal |
italian blue growth srl
Established in 2018, Italian Blue Growth is responsible for the organization of regional, national and European events and initiatives aimed at fostering economic promotion and attracting domestic and foreign investments,(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisDiversification of marine activities | Education/training networks & jobs | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Maritime stakeholders / clusters | Tourism | Transport/shipping | Ports and harbours |
- Geographical working areasGlobal |
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
A specialized non for profit organisation with over 50 years of global experience in the maritime education, training, consultancy and research.
- Geographical Areas of expertisAquaculture | Biodiversity and ecosystems | Climate change | Diversification of marine activities | Education/training networks & jobs | Environment | Fisheries/Marine resources | General maritime and Mediterranean information | Legislation | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Maritime stakeholders / clusters | Oil & gas - Mineral resources | Renewable energy | Scientific research / technologies / innovation | Spatial planning/areas management | Tourism | Transport/shipping | Oceanography | Circular economy | Pollution / marine litter | Ports and harbours |
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |
Innovative Startup that monitors marine waters in real time and builds and maintains a hardware and software system for collecting local data as well as a big data platform for(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisClimate change | Maritime safety/surveillance/security | Telecommunication |
- Geographical working areasNational/local |
George Petihakis
POSEIDON system is an observatory research infrastructure of the Eastern Mediterranean basin, for the monitoring and forecasting of the marine environment, supporting the efforts of the international and local community(...) Read more.
- Geographical Areas of expertisClimate change | Environment | Scientific research / technologies / innovation | Oceanography |
- Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |