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WWF Mediterranean

MedTrends illustrates and maps the main scenarios of marine economic Med-EU countries for the next 20 years. Explore the impacts of human activities, the social and economic trends and the(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

Burcu Tuncer

SwitchMed is an initiative that supports and connects stakeholders to scale-up social and eco innovations in the Mediterranean. I work as the team leader of the SwitchMed Networking Facility. Please(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |


AIS Vessel Position Data Provider. Global database of vessel positions and movements. Marine research.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Pr Philippe LENFANT

Fish population dynamic - Marine Protected Area - Artificial reef - Ecological restoration of fish juveniles

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |


The ETC-UMA is an international Research Centre within the University of Malaga supporting since 2011 the development of knowledge to feed evidence-based policy. The ETC-UMA team has a wide expertise(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

FARNET (Fisheries Areas Network)

FARNET is the community of people implementing Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). This network brings together Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), managing authorities,(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

Euro-Argo ERIC

Coordination of the European contribution to the Argo observing network based on autonomous profiling floats that are deployed in all oceans. Expertise in Oceanography (physics and biogeochemical) , instrumentation, in(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Alessandra Carucci

Full Professor of Sanitary-Environmental Engineering, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the University of Cagliari; the research activity is mainly in the area of industrial and municipal biological wastewater treatment and(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |


Maritime safety and security have become matter of concern for many States and for the international community as a whole. However, the existing international legal framework does not yet recognize(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

Alberto Ribotti

The Section in Oristano of the Institute for the Coastal Marine Environment of the National Research Council of Italy (IAMC CNR) studies the interactions between marine organisms and their environment,(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

Thanos Contargyris - Dialogos Ltd

Information brokerage and other e-services for SMEs. Market studies and strategic studies on innovative services and products. Delphi studies on Information Society and Industrial R&D. R&D Roadmaps and Impact studies(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

ARPA Veneto

ARPAV is a public body founded in 1996. The goal of the Agency is to control and preserve the environment in order to help the identification and elimination of risks(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasNational/local |

MedPAN network of Mediterranean MPA managers

Since 1990, the MedPAN network has brought together the managers of Mediterranean MPAs and has supported them in their management activities. In 2008, MedPAN became a legally independent organisation with(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |