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Maritime Technology Cluster FVG – mareFVG

mareFVG is the technology cluster of Friuli Venezia Giulia region regarding the maritime technologies domain (shipbuilding, boatbuilding, offshore, transports, infrastructures, logistics, services for navigation and yachting). mareFVG aims to promote,(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

GAL Terra è Vita

The territorial context created by the aggregation of the municipalities, belonging to the LAG "Terra è vita”, puts the area in different territorial areas of the Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Innova BIC s.r.l.

Technology transfer, business development marketing strategy, communication

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

Luca Santarossa

International projects Manager

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

Serge Gomes da Silva

Think tank on environmental economy, ecosystem services, blue growth.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Ferdinando Boero

Marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Stefano Piraino

Expertise on jellyfish blooms causes, consequences, countermeasures. Expertise on marine biodiversity and conservation.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Saloua Sadok

Our research interests are multiples with special emphasis in the development of new seafood products and the utilisation of their by-products. The extraction/purifiaction of bioactive from aquatic source and tasting(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

George Petihakis

Management tools for aquaculture.

  • Geographical working areasRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

Heritage Malta

National agency for museums, conservation practice and cultural heritage

  • Geographical working areasNational/local |