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Soukissian Takvor

Blue (ocean) energy (offshore wind, wave, tidal/currents). Experience in data analysis, stochastic modeling, and forecasting. Development of the "Smart Wind Chart" for the Mediterranean and Black Seas (COCONET project, offshore(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Research in animal husbandry, vegetable production, viticulture, arboriculture, phytopathology, molecular agrobiology, post harvest management of agricultural products, hydroponic systems, water management, greenhouse technology, applications of Renewable Energies in Agriculture(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Vangelis Papathanassiou

Coordinator of EU Projects IASON, SESAME, PERSEUS

  • Geographical working areasMediterranean (widespread) |

Jessica Heard

Interested in all aspects of operational ecology, involved in knowledge exchange and communications, project management and working with partners across Europe.

  • Geographical working areasNational/local |

Sarantis Sofianos

Physical Oceanography, Operational Oceanography and Climate Change Research

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Jean-Noel Druon

Modelling and mapping of potential habitat of key marine species (tunas species, hake nurseries, fin whale, small pelagics); Marine fish productivity; Chloroplyll-a fronts and physical oceanographic covariates; Operational oceanography for(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |


An independent SME working for space agencies and users of satellite imagery, coupling scientific research and engineering of complex environmental systems

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |


IMR is a Norwegian governmental research institute, with approx 700 employees Main activities is research in aquaculture, fisheries and the marine environment. The institutes owns two major aquaculture research stations(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

BMT Group Limited

Leading design, engineering, science, research, risk management, consultancy

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Christopher Bridges

Aquaculture, Diagnostics and Services, Tuna Aquaculture, Ocean Acidification

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Catherine Piante

EU project management on MPA management effectiveness / Maritime Spatial Planning / MedPAN Board Director

  • Geographical working areasRegional (only Mediterranean sea basin) |

David Shaw

Spatial planner with experience of working across Europe and more recently within the MENA region particularly Egypt. I have worked on many transnational projects and increasingly the interface between the(...) Read more.

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

George Assonitis

Consultative services, implementation of EU projects

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |

Peter Pissierssens

Oceanographic data and information exchange, training and education, project management

  • Geographical working areasGlobal |