icon Union for the Mediterranean Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE)

The Union for the Mediterranean Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) (former UfM Working Group on Blue Economy) meets on a regular basis in order to steer and support the implementation of the UfM Ministerial Declarations on Blue Economy agreed by the 43 member countries of the UfM and the related Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on SBE:

The Platform is Co-Chaired by the Jordan and EU UfM Co-Presidency, with the support of the UfM Secretariat, and it brings together national representatives designated by the UfM member countries (UfM Focal Points on Sustainable Blue Economy) and Permanent Observers in order to:

  • Shape and implement the regional SBE agenda and portfolio in line with the Ministerial recommendations/priorities;
  • Create synergies among existing and emerging joint initiatives/projects/programmes and promote the convergence and coordination of efforts (technical and financial) at regional level;
  • Exchange information, views, best practices, and know-how among countries, experts, and stakeholders.


Detailed information about the meetings of the Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy (former UfM Working Group on Blue Economy) can be found here and below: