4th Meeting of the UfM Working Group on the Blue Economy

The UfM Working Group on the Blue Economy is a technical group of representatives designated by UfM countries and co-chaired by the two UfM co-Presidencies, focusing on the implementation of the Ministerial Declaration on Blue Economy. Among other things, it (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 26, 2018
  • Place: Brussels - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 13, 2018

Meeting on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) is organizing a Meeting on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution 31 January 2018 in Brussels. The meeting will discuss possible options for initiatives that the CPMR could take in the field of marine (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 30, 2018
  • Place: Brussels - Brussels

The Future of European Aquaculture

Since the publication of the Strategic Guidelines on the sustainable development of European aquaculture, the European Commission has been working closely with Member States to address the obstacles hindering the development of the sector, primarily at the national level. As (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 02, 2018
  • Place: Brussels - Brussels
  • Posted On: February 20, 2018

5th World Ocean Summit

The 5th World Ocean Summit will be held at Riviera Maya, Mexico, on 7-9 March 2018 and will grapple with some of the ocean’s most intractable problems and explore new possibilities. The Summit, hosted by the Economist Group since 2012,  convenes (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 07, 2018
  • Place: Riviera Maya - Riviera Maya
  • Posted On: February 20, 2018

WestMED - 1st meeting of the Steering Committee

The Ministers and High level representatives from Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Mauritania, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia adopted the declaration on the Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean on 30 November 2017, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 01, 2018
  • Place: Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB) - Brussels
  • Posted On: February 20, 2018

5th Mediterranean Tourism Forum

The chosen theme this time is the Mediterranean; the Beautiful Life Unites Everyone (BLUE). Over 1000 people with an interest in Mediterranean Tourism are expected to attend from over 39 countries with the aim to discuss avenues for promoting tourism (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 01, 2018
  • Place: The Hilton -
  • Posted On: February 21, 2018

GSO BLUEMED Working Group

The GSO BLUEMED Working Group, coordinated by DG Research and Innovation in close cooperation with the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfMS), aims at promoting the extension of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and related activities (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 28, 2018
  • Place: DG RTD – Covent Garden, Place Rogier 16 - Brussels
  • Posted On: February 21, 2018

International Association of Maritime Universities General Assembly

IAMU AGA 2018 - The Annual General Assembly (AGA) is an international conference of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU). The conference brings together experts and official representatives of each member institution from all over the world to discuss (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 17, 2018
  • Place: Barcelona School of Nautical Studies - Barcelona
  • Posted On: February 26, 2018

Blue Invest 2018

The European Commission is looking for entrepreneurs active in the blue economy to take part in a high-profile event aimed at matching cutting edge companies with public and private investors. #BlueInvest 2018, the first European event of its kind will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 17, 2018
  • Place: Square Brussels Meeting Centre - Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, B-1000 Brussels - Brussels
  • Posted On: March 01, 2018

European Maritime Day 2018

The European Commission's Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Bulgarian EU Presidency and the Municipality of Burgas are happy to invite you to European Maritime Day 2018. EMD 2018 will bring you: i) Up to 20 stakeholder workshops; (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 31, 2018
  • Place: Burgas Free University - Burgas
  • Posted On: March 12, 2018

EMUNI Summer School 2018

Blue economy has been the long-term strategy of the EU, aiming at sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors. It forms part of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Blue growth is based on the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 11, 2018
  • Place: Palace Trevisini, Kidričevo nabrežje 2 - Piran
  • Posted On: March 15, 2018

Call for Applications, 1st ODYSSEA Summer School Operational Oceanography for Science, Business and Society

OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM The overall objective of the 1st ODYSSEA Summer School is to stimulate a scientific dialogue and create a learning experience about operational oceanography in the Mediterranean context.More precisely, after the end of the program, the trainees, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 03, 2018
  • Place: Akontisma Hotel, Nea Karvali - Kavala
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: March 27, 2018

Launch of the UfM labelled-project "Plastic Busters"

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the areas most affected by Marine Litter (ML) in the world. The impacts of ML on marine biota within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), including endangered species such as cetaceans and sea turtles, remain poorly (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 17, 2018
  • Place: Universitá di Siena - Aula Magna del Rettorato - Via Banchi di Sotto 55 - Siena
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 27, 2018

Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global

Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global (formerly the European Seafood Exposition/Seafood Processing Europe) is the world’s largest seafood trade event. More than 26,000 buyers, suppliers, media, and other seafood professionals from more than 140 countries visit the exposition. Attendees come to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 24, 2018
  • Place: Brussels EXPO - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 17, 2018

2nd Meeting of the WestMED Steering Committee

The meeting shall be focused on the study and discussion of action proposals by participating countries in order to distinguish a few shared priority areas for cooperation and, as a result, to identify some concrete project proposals at the regional (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 25, 2018
  • Place: Centre Borschette - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 23, 2018


On 7-8 June 2018, London will be celebrating the World Oceans Day by hosting the first edition of the Africa Blue Economy Forum (ABEF). Recognising Blue Economy as a major source of wealth and prosperity for the continent, the forum (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 07, 2018
  • Place: Radisson Blu Portman Hotel, 22 Portman Square - London
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 24, 2018

UfM Conference on Maritime Transport and Logistics

The UfM Conference on Maritime Transport and Logistics will take place under the theme “Success Stories fostering Intermodality and Connectivity in the Euro-Mediterranean Region”. It will bring together government representatives, port authorities, key international organisations, experts and other stakeholders in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 07, 2018
  • Place: Ismailia - Suez Canal
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 25, 2018

REGISTRATION OPEN for Kick-off event International Forum for MSP

EC DG MARE and IOC-UNESCO are jointly organising the kick-off event. The event targets maritime spatial planners from across the world as well as experts directly involved in planning. Plenary sessions are foreseen on European as well as international MSP, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 24, 2018
  • Place: Thon Hotel EU, room 'Belgium' - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 07, 2018

RE-CONNECTING TOURISM Promoting evidence-based policies for sustainable development

The MED Sustainable Tourism Community open conference with policy-makers, economic actors and international experts to make tourism sustainable, hosted by UNINT University in Rome. Tourism is about hospitality and welcoming travelers who have an extraordinary opportunity to enjoy a unique (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 29, 2018
  • Place: Università degli Studi Internazionali - Via delle Sette Chiese, 139 - Roma
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 10, 2018

CPMR Intermediterranean Commission General Assembly 2018

The Annual General Assembly of the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission, will be held in Patras next 28-29 June 2018. The 1st day will be dedicated to internal working group meetings, to the election of the new IMC Political Bureau for the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 28, 2018
  • Place: Astir Hotel - Agiou Andreou,16 - Patras - Patras
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 17, 2018

Vasco da Gama Summer School 2018

The summer school will take place in Taranto from the 2nd to 6th of July 2018 and be focused on “Safety: Navigation & Environment.” The course is a 4-credit full-time course. Presentations and workshops will be delivered in English. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 02, 2018
  • Place: Dipartimento Jonico in "Sistemi Giuridici ed Economici del Mediterraneo: società, ambiente, culture" - Taranto
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 17, 2018

EVENT: The Cluster approach for a sustainable Blue Growth in the Mediterranean

Save The Date: transnational Capitalization & Community Building event organized by InnoBlueGrowth entitled "The Cluster approach for a sustainable Blue Growth in the Mediterranean". This event will have a dual approach, revolving around the theme of "clusters." The first day (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 20, 2018
  • Place: Titania Hotel, Panepistimiou 52 - Athens
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 17, 2018

Interreg MED CO-EVOLVE project_5th Steering Committee

The Interreg MED CO-EVOLVE project organises its 5th Steering Committee and 2nd training session on 29-31 October in Barcelona. It will be the opportunity for its partners to exchange on the first results of the testing activities, taking place at (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 29, 2018
  • Place: UfM premises: Palacio Pedralbes (tbc) - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: July 31, 2018


SEAFUTURE is one of the most prestigious events – exhibition & business convention – in the naval, shipbuilding and maritime sector with the unique feature of dual use, both in the civil and military sectors. SEAFUTURE is the HUB able (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 19, 2018
  • Place: La Spezia NAVY BASE - La Spezia
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 30, 2018

Blue Sea Land 2018

Blue Sea Land is the Expo of the Mediterranean Clusters of Africa and the Middle East and of the Italian and Sicilian agri-fishing and food supply chains. On the wave of dialogue, integration and collaboration with the countries of the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 04, 2018
  • Place: Mazara del Vallo - Sicily
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 30, 2018


Ecomondo is the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo. An international event with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. Italy (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 06, 2018
  • Place: Rimini’s Exhibition Centre - Rimini
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 30, 2018

WestMED Initiative_3rd Meeting of the Steering Committtee_

The 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee of the “Initiative for the Sustainable Development of the Blue Economy in the Wester Mediterranean (WestMED)” will be focusing on the following: i) adoption of the summary record of last meeting; ii) utilization (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 28, 2018
  • Place: - - Marseille
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 31, 2018

CampusFrance : Sustainable Development Day with Mediterranean Countries

Sustainable development-focused seminar organised by Campus France for higher education institutions, universities and research centres from Mediterranean countries. The event aims at fostering the potential for academic and scientific cooperation in relation with sustainable development by putting together various stakeholders (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 26, 2018
  • Place: Campus Paul Valery - Montpellier
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 07, 2018

4th Meeting of the WestMed Steering Committee

The 4th meeting of the WestMed Steering Committe will have as priorities the adoption of the document summarizing common priorities and, on the other hand, the discussion on the draft Ministerial declaration of the Conference scheduled in December in Algiers. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 03, 2018
  • Place: - - Algiers
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: July 18, 2018

2nd International Research Conference on Sustainable Energy, Engineering, Materials and Environment

The conference offers a platform for worldwide researchers and scientists from academia, industry and government to discuss proposals and disseminate results on sustainable energy and materials and its impact on engineering and our environment. The formation of lasting productive partnerships (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 25, 2018
  • Place: - - Oviedo
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 18, 2018

Ocean Business 2018

The Ocean Business 2018 is an international blue industry event, which aims to foster networking and debate around sustainable ocean business solutions in all important key areas. The Ocean Business 2018 will focus emergent areas like green shipping, ocean engineering, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 18, 2018
  • Place: Gare Marítima de Alcântara - Lisbon
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 23, 2018

EIB Inaugural Donors Conference: Tackling global challenges together

Rising levels of forced displacement, chronic unemployment and global warming are among the greatest challenges of our time. Tackling these issues requires immediate and coordinated action form the EU, Member States and other donors. The European Investment Bank will host (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 14, 2018
  • Place: -- - Luxembourg
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: July 24, 2018

MOST Iberia

Motorways of the Sea Training course MOST Iberia - providing training in the MoS, short sea shipping, intermodal transport and maritime logistics. Four day training on board of a Ro-Pax vessel on the crossing between Barcelona and Civitavecchia. This edition (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 20, 2018
  • Place: Moll de Barcelona Nord,, Terminal Drassanes, Planta Baixa - Barcelona - Civitavecchia
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 02, 2018

MOST Italy

Motorways of the Sea Training course "MOST Italy" - providing training in the MoS, short sea shipping, intermodal transport and maritime logistics, with a special focus on Italy. Four day training on board of a Ro-Pax vessel on the crossing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 29, 2018
  • Place: Moll de Barcelona Nord,, Terminal Drassanes, Planta Baixa - Civitavecchia - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 02, 2018

SwitchMed Connect 2018

Leading start-ups and entrepreneurs, industry agents, initiatives, change agents, policy and financial institutions working on applications of productive, circular and sharing economies in the Mediterranean will come together in Barcelona on 13-15 November 2018. The agenda of the SwitchMed Connect (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 13, 2018
  • Place: SANT PAU ART NOUVEAU C/Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167 - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 27, 2018

5th International Conference Progress in Marine Conservation 2018

Every three years, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in cooperation with OZEANEUM Stralsund hosts the international conference on Progress in Marine Conservation. Some 200 scientists and nature conservationists from governmental and non-governmental organisations and from up to 20 countries (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 03, 2018
  • Place: -- - Stralsund
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 27, 2018

Mediterranean Coast Day 2018

As every year since 2007, PAP/RAC is preparing the Mediterranean Coast Day celebration. The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness on the value of the coastal zone, as well as on all the pressures threatening our coast and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 25, 2018
  • Place: -- - Split
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 31, 2018


The UfM Secretariat will host the BLUEMED Week. This event will dedicate a full week to the BLUEMED initiative, hosting the BLUEMED Steering Committee, the BLUEMED GSO Working Group, the Research Funders Workshop and the BLUEMED Platform meeting. The BLUEMED (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 23, 2018
  • Place: Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean Palacio de Pedralbes - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 31, 2018


In order to revert alarming trends in the status of Mediterranean and Black Sea fish stocks, in which roughly 90% of the scientifically assessed stocks are currently considered to be fished outside of safe biological limits, the demand for scientific (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 10, 2018
  • Place: FAO headquarters - Rome
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 31, 2018

UNIMED General Assembly

The UNIMED General Assembly, organised by UNIMED in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, is a key event where rectors, presidents and their representatives meet to exchange views and to determine policy for UNIMED, setting the stage for a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 25, 2018
  • Place: Ca’ Foscari University - Venice
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 31, 2018

Business2Sea 2018

The Business2Sea - Sea Forum of 2018 will take place from November 14 to 16 at the Alfandega Porto Congress Centre. The 8th edition of the event will be dedicated to the main theme '2030 Sea Challenges' and it is (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 14, 2018
  • Place: Alfandega Porto Congress Centre - Porto
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 10, 2018

Forum de la Mer - Bizerte 2018

La première édition du Forum de la Mer - Bizerte 2018 s’inscrit dans le cadre de La Saison Bleue, projet ambitieux rassemblant près de 150 évènements dans tous les domaines mettant en valeur le littoral tunisien. Le Forum de la (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 20, 2018
  • Place: - - Bizerte
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 20, 2018

Blue Growth Community's Mid-Term Conference

This conference aims to bring together experts and partners who are actively involved in blue growth in the Mediterranean region. It will focus on sustainability of blue growth, whether in terms of economic, social and environmental development, mitigation of pressures, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 22, 2018
  • Place: __ - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 28, 2018

Workshop on Marine Litter at the "Blue Sea Land" Expo

In the framework of the Blue Sea Land Expo, the workshop “Marine litter and biodiversity: Plastic Busters MPAs in action in the Mediterranean” will be organized by the Union for the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Sea is one of most affected (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 05, 2018
  • Place: Auditorium Mario Caruso - Mazara del Vallo
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 03, 2018


Blue Invest in the Mediterranean 2019 A match-making event that brings together innovators and the financial community to sustainably develop the Blue Economy of the Mediterranean Sea basin, while protecting its marine resources. Following the successful Blue Invest event of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 24, 2019
  • Place: Westin Dragonara Resort, St Julian's, Malta - St Julian's
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 16, 2018

2nd Meeting of the Working Group on Environment and Climate Change

As mandated by the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Climate Change (Athens, 2014), the 2nd Meeting of the Working Group on Environment and Climate Change (WGECC) will take place with the aim to review progress in the implementation up (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 12, 2018
  • Place: Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean Palacio de Pedralbes Calle Pere Duran Farell, 11 - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only

UN Biodiversity Conference - COP 14

The United Nations will call on decision makers from more than 190 countries to step up efforts to halt the biodiversity loss and protect the ecosystems that support food and water security and health for billions of people. The UN (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 17, 2018
  • Place: xx - Sharm el Sheikh
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 18, 2018

Stakeholder conference: Towards concrete ‘blue’ actions in the western Mediterranean

The European Commission and the Co-Presidency of the Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean are glad to invite you to attend the "Stakeholder conference: Towards concrete ‘blue’ actions in the western Mediterranean", which (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 03, 2018
  • Place: xx - Algiers
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 18, 2018

MITOMED+ International Workshop on maritime and coastal tourism

The MITOMED+ project is organising an International Workshop on marine and coastal tourism in the Mediterranean to launch a reflection on tourism sustainable management, discuss the state of the art of the EU agenda, hear experiences from different actors, and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 08, 2018
  • Place: xx - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 23, 2018

Blue Bioeconomy Forum

This forum is organized for industries, public agencies, financial organizations, researchers and civil society, working on or interested in the Blue Bioeconomy of the EU – aquatic and marine environments.

  • Date: December 07, 2018
  • Place: Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport - Amsterdam
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 03, 2018

BLUEMED 2nd Coordinators’ Meeting

BLUEMED 2nd Coordinators’ Meeting – “Sustaining the lessons learned and enhancing the Bluemed initiative synergies” – will take place in Malta on 25 January 2019. The single day event will revolve around key actions and achievements of funded projects, with (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 25, 2019
  • Place: TBC - TBC
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: December 07, 2018

JPI Oceans seminar

JPI Oceans seminar | Increasing the impact of European investments in marine and maritime research - What’s on the Horizon? The seminar, taking place in Brussels on 17 January from 12.00 to 17.00, aims to showcase ongoing JPI Oceans actions (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 17, 2019
  • Place: Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 13, 2018

EuroMarine General Assembly

In 2019, the EuroMarine General Assembly (GA) meeting will take place in Cádiz, Spain, on 30 January (all day) and 31 January 2019 (morning). It will be hosted and co-organised by the University of Cádiz (UCA). It will be preceded (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 30, 2019
  • Place: (U. Cádiz - CEI·MAR) - Cadiz
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: December 13, 2018

MARINA, final conference

The MARINA consortium is happy to invite you to the final MARINA conference to be held in Boulogne sur Mer, France on March 12th and 13th, 2019. Don't miss this last chance to be part of the only H2020 project (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 12, 2019
  • Place: Nausicaa Sea Centre - Boulogne Sur Mer
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 18, 2018

BLUEMED CSA High-Level Research Infrastructures Stakeholders Conference

The BLUEMED High-Level Research Infrastructures Stakeholders Conference will bring together the Mediterranean scientific community and high-level policymakers to enhance the dialogue on cooperation in the field of research infrastructures. This two-day event aims at further strengthening marine and research innovation (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 13, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Paris
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 24, 2019

Working Group on Small-Scale Fisheries (WGSSF)

Working Group on Small-Scale Fisheries (WGSSF) **DEADLINE FOR REGISTERING 10 FEBRUARY 2019**

  • Date: March 06, 2019
  • Place: CentreVille Hotel, Podgorica, Montenegro - Podgorica
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 24, 2019

Banking on the blue economy – How to accelerate impact-oriented investments in Blue Growth

The session will provide an overview on investment gaps and opportunities in the blue economy and financial sources available, with a particular focus on financial instruments. It will also present a new DG MARE initiative (‘BlueInvest platform’) to facilitate access (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 30, 2019
  • Place: European Parliament Brussels Room PHS 5B001 - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 24, 2019

High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives

SAVE THE DATE: High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives The conference will assess progress made towards the Malta Declaration and will renew commitment towards achieving the targets therein. Special focus will be placed on topics relating to social development for small-scale (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 11, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Marrakech
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: February 06, 2019

International Conference “Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean"

DGPM is pleased to announce the international conference on Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean: Observatories and Knowledge Networks promoted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in cooperation with the Republic of Portugal, under the kind chairmanship of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 14, 2019
  • Place: IPMA Auditorium - Lisbon/Algés
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 06, 2019

INvertebrateIT final event “Sustainable solutions for Aquaculture: the pathway to meet market demand”

Event Details: Date: 26th March 2019 (with optional visit to insect farms on 27th March 2019) Time: 09:00 – 16:30 CET Location: Wageningen International Congress Centre, The Netherlands Registration: Sign up here before 19 March 2019 The INvertebrateIT project (www.invertebrateitproject.eu) (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 26, 2019
  • Place: Wageningen International Congress Centre, The Netherlands - Wageningen
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 05, 2019

UfM Blue Economy working group

The UfM Working Group on Blue Economy will take place on of March 25th, in Brussels, chaired by European Commission in close collaboration with the UfM Secretariat. Agenda of the 5th Meeting of the UfM Working Group on the Blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 25, 2019
  • Place: Conference Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB), 36 rue Froissart - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: March 22, 2019

Information Session on Marine Litter

Information Session on Marine Litter, and Final Annual Project Meeting of Facility for Regional Policy Dialogue on Integrated Maritime Policy

  • Date: March 26, 2019
  • Place: TBC - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: February 27, 2019

Kick off of the EU funded SwitchMed II programme

The Kick off of the EU funded SwitchMed II programme on sustainable consumption and production will take place on 3 and 4 April in Vienna.

  • Date: April 03, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Vienna
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: February 27, 2019

3rd GSO BLUEMED Working Group meeting

The GSO BLUEMED Working Group, coordinated by DG Research and Innovation in close cooperation with the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfMS), aims at promoting the extension of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and related activities (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 04, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: February 27, 2019

UfM Task Force on Environment

UfM Task Force on Environment back to back with the final meeting of the SWIM – H2020 Support Mechanism, on 9 April in Brussels.

  • Date: April 09, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: February 27, 2019

European Maritime Day

The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action. It targets maritime professionals, entrepreneurs and ocean leaders. This year the event will take place on 16-17 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 16, 2019
  • Place: Lisbon Congress Centre - Lisbon
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 26, 2019

Conference: Valuing Marine Ecosystem services

There is a growing attention for the impact of the ocean economy in the European landscape. In order to plan for a sustainable Blue Growth, to manage ocean and coastal ecosystems, and to deal with the effects of climate change; (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 03, 2019
  • Place: Parlement Européen Bruxelles - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 26, 2019

Maritime Achievements and Future Challenges Final SEARICA Conference

Today, oceans are high on the agenda. Throughout the last four years, the SEARICA intergroup has organised various events and initiatives to support maritime legislation, funding and networking. SEARICA Members succeeded in establishing a Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 09, 2019
  • Place: Grand Central, Rue Belliard 190 - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 28, 2019

International Coastal Symposium

The symposium will be hosted by the Coastal Environments Research Group, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, under the auspices of the Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF) and the Journal of Coastal Research (JCR). The proceedings of the conference, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 20, 2019
  • Place: Coastal Environments Research Group, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla - Sevilla
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 28, 2019

4th EUSAIR Annual Forum

The 4th Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and 2nd Fora of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce, Cities and Universities will take place in BUDVA (Montenegro), on 7-8 May 2019, under the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 06, 2019
  • Place: Hotel Splendid, Budva, Montenegro - Budva
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 05, 2019

Blue Bioeconomy Forum Second Conference

The second conference of the Blue Bioeconomy Forum will be Tuesday the 25th of June, at the Brussels Marriot Hotel Grand Place. At this conference the European roadmap for the blue bioeconomy will be presented and discussed. You can contribute (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 25, 2019
  • Place: Brussels Marriot Hotel Grand Place - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 05, 2019

Maritime & Blue Logistics Startup Weekend

Do you have an idea you would like to pursue or a problem you would like to solve but don't know where to start or who to start with? For the first time, we will organize a Startup Weekend dedicated (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 17, 2019
  • Place: Avenida Catedral, 6, 1ª Planta, Barcelona , 08002 - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 12, 2019

3rd International MSP Forum

The 3rd International #MSPforum, jointly organised by EC DG MARE and UNESCO-IOC, will take place in Vigo, Spain. For more information please see https://en.unesco.org/mspglobal

  • Date: May 12, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Vigo
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 12, 2019

Med Lab Group: Innovative Practices in Coastal Tourism

Once a year the Southern Europe and the Mediterranean programmes meet to discuss about those topics that are of their interest. The past editions were focus mainly on the governance of the area and on the connection with the cooperation (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 13, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Palermo
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 12, 2019

Blue Economy WestMED Hackathons

The European Commission and the Co-Presidency of the Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean are holding the event Hackathons WestMED: "Blue economy contribution to the Summit of the Two Shores” on Tuesday 14 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 14, 2019
  • Place: Palermo - Palermo
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 02, 2019

Africa Blue Economy Forum 2019

ABEF is about bold new thinking to accelerate Africa’s structural transformation and create jobs for a young population on the rise. The first Africa Blue Economy Forum was hosted in London on 8th June 2018 to raise awareness on the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 25, 2019
  • Place: The Residence Tunis hotel - Tunis
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 02, 2019

International MEDCOAST Congress 2019

The Fourteenth International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management, and Conservation will be celebrated on 22 - 26 October 2019, in Marmaris, TURKEY The MEDCOAST congress in Marmaris (Turkey) is the fourteenth event of the biennial series (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 22, 2019
  • Place: Club Yazici Turban Hotel, Marmaris - Marmaris
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 30, 2019

2nd ODYSSEA Summer School:

The overall objective of the 2nd ODYSSEA Summer School is to stimulate a scientific dialogue and create a learning experience on oceanography and fisheries in the Mediterranean context. After the end of the program, the trainees will be able to: (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 02, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Alonissos Island
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: June 05, 2019


The HERMES project prepares for its 3rd Open Workshop in Tirana amidst increased recognition of its work. The deployment of two out of the four Oceanographic Stations (OS) and the production of word class reports highlighting the need to adopt (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 03, 2019
  • Place: IGEWE Main Building, Don Bosko nr.60, - Tirana
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 28, 2019

Call to attend the Triton project summer school on “Sustainable management of coastal heritage and actions to mitigate coastal erosion”

Triton project, funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020, launches a call for the selection of 16 students who will attend the Summer School on the issue of sustainable management of coastal heritage and actions to reduce (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 24, 2019
  • Place: University of Patras - Patras
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: July 15, 2019

Second edition of WestMED Hackatons

The second edition of the WestMED Hackatons will have a particular focus on the networking tables on Clean Transport (LNG project) and Cluster Development and Networking.

  • Date: November 23, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Rome
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 29, 2019

Capitalisation Conference promoted by the MITOMED project

This event corresponds to the Capitalisation Conference of the Interreg MED MITOMED+ (Models of Integrated Tourism in the MEDiterranean Plus) project. It aims to disseminate its results and encourage their replication beyond the project’s area. It is aimed to EU (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 07, 2019
  • Place: Delegation of the Generalitat de Catalunya - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 05, 2019

InnoBlueGrowth Final Event

The InnoBlueGrowth project which leads the Blue Growth Community celebrates its final event on 19/20 September 2019 in Brussels, in a joint event with the Green Growth Community, aiming at discussing the key elements necessary for a “Transition towards blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 19, 2019
  • Place: TBC - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 05, 2019


Organised under the Hellenic Presidency of the Programme, on 24th October 2019, in Athens, the Interreg MED Programme projects’ communities will unfold their results and demonstrate how the Programme architecture became operational and efficient. On this occasion, you will witness (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 24, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Athens
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 05, 2019

13th International Conference on Oceanography & Marine Biology

Euroscicon Ltd. offers invites participants to the “13th International Conference on Oceanography & Marine Biology” during September 26-27, 2019 at London, UK. It includes prompt Keynote presentations, Speaker presentations (Academic and Young research forum), Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

  • Date: September 26, 2019
  • Place: TBD - London
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 23, 2019

Sustainable Ocean Summit - Investing in Ocean Futures: Finance and Innovation for the Blue Economy

Mark your calendars for the next SOS – the annual gathering of the global ocean business community dedicated to advancing private sector action on ocean sustainable development, organized by WOC – the global Blue Economy Business Organization. With the theme (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 20, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Paris
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: September 23, 2019

BlueMed 4th Platforms meeting and Young Ambassadors training

The Barcelona premises of the Union for the Mediterranean next October 15-18 will be the venues of two important BlueMed events: -the 4th BlueMed Platforms meeting (Oct. 15-16); -the Young Ambassadors training (Oct. 17-18). Both the events, in different ways, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 15, 2019
  • Place: Palau Reial de Pedralbes - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: September 23, 2019


Join the MED Sustainable Tourism Community on the 9th of October 2019 for its event "Fostering sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region". This debate, organized as a side event of the European Week of Cities and Regions, has the objective (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 09, 2019
  • Place: Tuscany Region delegation to Bruxelles, Rond Point Schuman 14, B - 1040 Bruxelles - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 25, 2019


BLUE SEA LAND 2019 | 18-19 October | Mazara del Vallo A particular focus on the WestMed networking tables on Fishing, IUU, Aquaculture, Maritime and Coastal Sustainable Tourism, Clusters, Marine Litter.

  • Date: October 18, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Mazara del Vallo
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 02, 2019

BlueMed 4th Platforms meeting and Young Ambassadors training

The Barcelona premises of the Union for the Mediterranean next October 15-18 will be the venues of two important BlueMed events: -the 4th BlueMed Platforms meeting (Oct. 15-16); -the Young Ambassadors training (Oct. 17-18). Both the events, in different ways, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 15, 2019
  • Place: Union for the Mediterranean - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: October 02, 2019


Business2Sea is an international event dedicated to the development of projects and business in the different sectors of the Sea economy. It is open to the participation of all organisations: companies, business associations, higher education institutions and research centres. Business2Sea (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 11, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Porto
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 02, 2019

Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders

The 13th edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders (MedaWeek Barcelona 2019) will be held on 20th-22nd November 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.

  • Date: November 20, 2019
  • Place: Casa Llotja de Mar - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 02, 2019

Ocean Hackathon

Ocean hackathon® is a 48 hours non-stop event during which some teams imagine innovative use of ocean data. To do that, they will tackle challenges submitted a few months before by natural person or legal entity. Ocean Hackathon® is a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 11, 2019
  • Place: Various cities - Brest
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 02, 2019

WestMED, Steering Committee

On Wednesday 23 October, the WestMED Steering Committee (WMSC) will be meeting in Rabat, Morocco. The meeting will function as an opportunity for the WMSC to evaluate the implementation of the initiative, as well as to reflect on the outcomes (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 23, 2019
  • Place: TBD - Rabat
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: October 02, 2019

2019 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Info Day

Save the date – EMFF Info Day will take place on Monday 25 November 2019 at Albert Borschette Congress Center, in Brussels. New blue economy call will be presented in a series of presentations organised by EASME and the Directorate (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 25, 2019
  • Place: Albert Borschette Congress Center - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 25, 2019

ODYSSEA will hold its general assembly in Tangier, Morocco, in parallel to the deployment of a new submarine glider in Al-Hoceima Bay

he EU-funded ODYSSEA Project will hold its third general assembly on October 29-31, 2019 in Tangier marking the launch of North Africa’s first fully operational sea observatory in Morocco’s Al-Hoceima National Park. ODYSSEA is in advanced stages of developing, operating (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 29, 2019
  • Place: Movenpick Hotel - Tangier
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: October 28, 2019

La 3ème Assemblée Générale du projet ODYSSEA se tiendra à Tanger- Maroc du 29 au 31 octobre 2019

Le Maroc accueillera le premier observatoire maritime pleinement opérationnel en Afrique du Nord. Il s'inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet financé par l'Union européenne et intitulé ODYSSEA, qui intègre des réseaux de systèmes d'observation et de prévision sur tout le (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 29, 2019
  • Place: Mövenpick Hotel, Blvd. Mohamed VI - Tanger
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: October 28, 2019

Joint Plastic Busters workshop on creating synergies for consolidating the fight against marine litter

The Joint Plastic Busters workshop on creating synergies for consolidating the fight against marine litter aims to provide a concrete opportunity to the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project and the ENI CBC Med COMMON project, to get together and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 14, 2019
  • Place: Palau de Pedralbes - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: November 04, 2019

BBI JU Stakeholders Forum

The next BBI JU Stakeholder Forum will take place on 4 December 2019 in Brussels. The BBI JU Stakeholder Forum 2019 will bring together the bio-based industries community and facilitate open discussion on the impact, achievements and strategic direction of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 04, 2019
  • Place: Egg Congress and Meeting Center - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: November 04, 2019

Regional Seminar on Blue skills, careers and jobs

Objective of the regional seminar: The seminar aims at an interactive day of exchange on the following issues: - Presenting in a more structured manner the problems and causes of mismatch between available skills and employment challenges in the blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 19, 2019
  • Place: Conference Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB), 36 rue Froissart, Brussels - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: November 07, 2019

6th Meeting of the UfM Working Group on the Blue Economy

The 6th meeting of the Working Group on the Blue Economy (BE WG) will take place at the Centre des Conferences Albert Borschette (CCAB) in Brussels on 20 November 2019. The Working Group is an integral part of the UfM (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 20, 2019
  • Place: Conference Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB), 36 rue Froissart, Brussels - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: November 07, 2019

BlueInvest Day 2020

BlueInvest Day 2020 will bring together innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and enablers in the Blue Economy, with the objective of generating concrete business opportunities and visibility for your business. Register now and connect with captains of industry, impact investors and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 04, 2020
  • Place: QUARE - Brussels Convetion Centre Mont des Arts, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 12, 2019

[POSTPONED] International Coastal Symposium 2020

The symposium will be hosted by the Coastal Environments Research Group, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, under the auspices of the Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF) and the Journal of Coastal Research (JCR). The ICS brings together delegates (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 20, 2020
  • Place: Hotel Alfonso XIII - Seville
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 16, 2020

[POSTPONED] European Maritime Day Cork 2020

The European Maritime Day (EMD) Conference and Expo is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. EMD Conference and Expo is the place (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 14, 2020
  • Place: Cork City Hall - Cork
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 16, 2020

[POSTPONED] 2020 UN Ocean Conference

The General Assembly through resolution 73/292 decided to convene the 2020 United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The overarching theme of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 02, 2020
  • Place: TBD - Lisbon
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 16, 2020

Eurolag9 - conference on coastal lagoons and transitional environments

This conference seeks to bring together scientists, managers and stakeholders to discuss new scientific findings and experiences on the knowledge and use of coastal lagoons, from cold fresh-water Baltic lagoons to the warm hypersaline lagoons in the Mediterranean. Future vision (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 20, 2020
  • Place: Scuola Grande di San Marco Sala degli Angeli Ospedale SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Castello 6777, Venezia ITALIA - Venice
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 30, 2019

World Ocean Summit 2020

We are facing a perfect storm. On the one hand government and industry increasingly see the ocean as an important source of economic growth; on the other, they are tasked with countering the existential threat the ocean faces due to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 09, 2020
  • Place: Hotel Okura Tokyo, 2-10-4 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Minato City, 105-0001, Japan - Tokyo
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 27, 2020

EUBlueDeal Conference

The EUBlueDeal conference, focused on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, will take place on 25-26 March 2020 in Brussels. The conference will deal with: State of our Ocean in Europe; Tackling main pressures; Working together on the governance of the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 25, 2020
  • Place: TBC - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 14, 2020

WestMED Hackathons Barcelona

Building on the WestMED Palermo Hackathons in 2019, this edition will explore and clarify project concepts, funding, partnerships, and establish next steps towards successful project application. The session will be back to back with the UfM Regional Stakeholders Conference on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 11, 2020
  • Place: Barcelona - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 17, 2020

Announcement of the HERMES Virtual International Conference on “Adapting to Coastal Zone Challenges and Risks: Innovative Approaches and Solutions for Local and Regional Authorities in the Balkan-Mediterranean area” (Zoom Business, 18-19 June 2020)

Coastal zones across the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean are facing ever-increasing natural and anthropogenic disturbances, including the occurrence of extreme events in the form of intense and more frequent storms, sea level rise, coastal erosion and over-exploitation of their (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 18, 2020
  • Place: Zoom Business - Eleftheroupolis
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 29, 2020

Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference (OEEC) 2020

Offshore Energy addresses the technical, operational and commercial challenges associated with future sector growth. The three-day event includes an exhibition where an expected 600+ supply chain companies will showcase their products and services. Next to that, there is an accompanying (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 26, 2020
  • Place: RAI Amsterdam, Europaplein 2-22 - Amsterdam
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 08, 2020

Econcrete Webinar: Blue is the new Green - Ecological Enhancement of Coastal and Marine Infrastructure

With two-thirds of the human population concentrated around coastlines, alongside with growing threats from sea level rise and increased storminess, accelerated coastal development and changes to natural coastlines are inevitable, leading to habitat loss and reduction of biodiversity and productivity. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 21, 2020
  • Place: Zoom (Online) - Barcelona
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 14, 2020

International Coastal Symposium 2021

The symposium will be hosted by the Coastal Environments Research Group, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, under the auspices of the Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF) and the Journal of Coastal Research (JCR). The ICS brings together delegates (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 03, 2021
  • Place: TBC - Seville
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 28, 2021

European Congress of Marine Biotechnology

The European Society of Marine Biotechnology (ESMB) and the University of Malaga (UMA) will organise the European Congress of Marine Biotechnology (ECMB2020) on November 25-27, 2020, at the Faculty of Science of UMA, Malaga, Spain. ESMB was established in France (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 25, 2020
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 16, 2020


Marine science has arrived in the digital age with a constant flood of data providing opportunities to transform the way we study critical changes in the ocean and novel approaches for the management of its resources. This increasing flow of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 23, 2020
  • Place: BluePoint Brussels, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 16, 2020

EUMOFA webinar - fisheries and aquaculture

Practical applications of EUMOFA’s international trade database on fisheries and aquaculture products. Join our free webinar: 29 April 2020, 10:30 a.m. CET EUMOFA experts will present a step-by-step guide on how to extract import and export volumes, values and prices (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 29, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 16, 2020

Ocean Hackathon

Join the Ocean Hackathon® enterprise in 2020 by organising the event in your city from 9 to 11 October 2020. The weekend culminates in the selection of your award-winning team who will go on to pitch at the international competition (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 09, 2020
  • Place: N/A - Brest
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 16, 2020

[POSTPONED] Data Preparation meeting for Black Sea anchovy

Please note that, in connection with the COVID-19 situation, all scheduled GFCM meetings will be postponed until further notice. For further information, follow the GFCM website http://www.fao.org/gfcm

  • Date: July 06, 2020
  • Place: Tbc - Trabzon
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

[POSTPONED] SGSABS benchmark session for Black Sea anchovy

Please note that, in connection with the COVID-19 situation, all scheduled GFCM meetings will be postponed until further notice. For further information, follow the GFCM website http://www.fao.org/gfcm

  • Date: July 13, 2020
  • Place: Tbc - Trabzon
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

[POSTPONED] Benchmark assessment for round sardinella

Please note that, in connection with the COVID-19 situation, all scheduled GFCM meetings will be postponed until further notice. For further information, follow the GFCM website http://www.fao.org/gfcm

  • Date: May 04, 2020
  • Place: FAO HQ, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 - Rome
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

[POSTPONED] Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean

Please note that, in connection with the COVID-19 situation, all scheduled GFCM meetings will be postponed until further notice. For further information, follow the GFCM website http://www.fao.org/gfcm

  • Date: May 04, 2020
  • Place: FAO HQ, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 - Rome
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

[POSTPONED] Working group on VMS and related control systems (WGVMS)

Please note that, in connection with the COVID-19 situation, all scheduled GFCM meetings will be postponed until further notice. For further information, follow the GFCM website http://www.fao.org/gfcm

  • Date: May 12, 2020
  • Place: Tbc - Larnaca
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

[POSTPONED] Fourteenth session of the Compliance Committee (CoC)

Please note that, in connection with the COVID-19 situation, all scheduled GFCM meetings will be postponed until further notice. For further information, follow the GFCM website http://www.fao.org/gfcm

  • Date: May 15, 2020
  • Place: Tbc - Larnaca
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

[POSTPONED] Intersessional meeting on the strategy post-2020

Please note that, in connection with the COVID-19 situation, all scheduled GFCM meetings will be postponed until further notice. For further information, follow the GFCM website http://www.fao.org/gfcm

  • Date: June 09, 2020
  • Place: Tbc - Algiers
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

[POSTPONED] EUBlueDeal Conference

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the EUBlueDeal Conference has been postponed, probably to October (Tbc)

  • Date: May 11, 2020
  • Place: Tbc - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

Webinar Gaps in Protection of Important Ocean Areas: A Spatial Meta-Analysis of Ten Global Mapping Initiatives

There are numerous ongoing UN and non-governmental initiatives to map important marine areas at the global scale. As countries of the world seek to achieve numerical targets for marine protected areas, scientists must emphasize the "where" and the "how." To (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 28, 2020
  • Place: Zoom - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 21, 2020

Ocean Energy Europe 2020

This year’s conference programme looks at how innovative ocean energy technologies can drive the green energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. The impacts of the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic underline the importance of investing in robust, shock-resistant industries. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 01, 2020
  • Place: The Egg, Brussels, Belgium - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 29, 2020

Webinar: Solutions for environmental monitoring ocean energy

Every project installing ocean energy devices in real sea conditions includes measures to monitor potential environmental impacts. But even with the results of the monitoring carried out so far, knowledge gaps exist. It is not always easy to collect real (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 19, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 29, 2020

The Mediterranean: scientific expertise for decision-makers International Conference

The conference will cover a broad range of topics, including : evolution of the Mediterranean climate in the 21st century and its impacts on the environment, extreme events (floods, heat waves, marine submersions), water resources management and amplification of droughts, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 02, 2020
  • Place: Amphithèathre Maurice Toga - Faculté de Médecine - Marseille
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 29, 2020

Webinar: How can islands mobilise finance for their energy transition?

When? 06.05.2020 11:00 - 12:00 Where? GoToWebinar Organiser: EU Islands Secretariat Despite the great renewable energy potential and the availability of the financial sector to deliver the necessary resources, few islands manage to transform their ambitions into bankable renewable energy (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 06, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 29, 2020

Business2Sea 2020

The annual event Business2Sea will take from 16th to 20th of November 2020. This year the event will be fully organised online. The event is organised by Fórum Oceano in collaboration with CETMAR Foundation, from Spain

  • Date: November 16, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: November 09, 2020

BlueInvest Thematic Workshop

BlueInvest Events Regional thematic workshops will be organised across Europe to support start-ups and SMEs within a specific sector with their investment and market readiness. Each workshop will be organised within a relevant industry event and will offer acceleration coaching (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 08, 2020
  • Place: n/a - Hamburg
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 12, 2020

BlueInvest Thematic Workshop

BlueInvest Events Regional thematic workshops will be organised across Europe to support start-ups and SMEs within a specific sector with their investment and market readiness. Each workshop will be organised within a relevant industry event and will offer acceleration coaching (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 26, 2020
  • Place: n/a - Athen
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 12, 2020

BlueInvest Thematic Workshop at Sealogy

BlueInvest Events Regional thematic workshops will be organised across Europe to support start-ups and SMEs within a specific sector with their investment and market readiness. Each workshop will be organised within a relevant industry event and will offer acceleration coaching (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 20, 2020
  • Place: n/a - Ferrara
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 12, 2020

Blue Deal Debates: Aquaculture & the EU

The series features discussions on the essential need for a European Blue Deal in parallel with the European Green Deal, and how sustainability can be achieved throughout all sectors. The debates will focus on the inclusion of all relevant stakeholders, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 19, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 13, 2020

[SP] Jornada Virtual: Empresas y océanos sostenibles. Soluciones basadas en los océanos para alcanzar la agenda 2030

Jornada Virtual: Empresas y océanos sostenibles. Soluciones basadas en los océanos para alcanzar la agenda 2030 (Pacto Mundial Red Española) Descripción 15:30 BIENVENIDA • Cristina Sánchez. Directora ejecutiva – Red Española del Pacto Mundial 15:40 OCEAN STEWARDSHIP – RIDING THE (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 21, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 21, 2020

[SP] Economía Azul, el valor de nuestros océanos y mares

«El Clúster Marítimo Marino de Andalucía en colaboración con la Unión Europea, tiene el honor de conmemorar el año Europeo para la protección de los mares y océanos». El próximo 21 de mayo tiene lugar la celebración del Día Marítimo (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 21, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 18, 2020

[EN & FR] Webinar UfM & MEDports: Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ports and Maritime Transport in the Mediterranean Region

The webinar “Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ports and Maritime Transport in the Mediterranean Region”, has been jointly organized by the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the MEDports Association, on the 27th May 2020, from (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 27, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 21, 2020

International Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting - C2C

The event International Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting - C2C is a summit born with the aim of promoting the knowledge of tools for cooperation between clusters, the activation of international partnerships and the development of new projects activated through the action of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 10, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 22, 2020

Mediterranean Coast Day 2020

The Mediterranean Coast Day 2020 will be held in Valletta, Malta on 25 September 2020. More information coming soon.

  • Date: September 25, 2020
  • Place: TBD - Valletta
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 28, 2020

Webinar: Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility

When: June 11th 10AM EST Please join us for another very insightful CFA Webinar, hosted by our Marine and Coastal Finance Working Group. The webinar will feature the Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility, and will focus on recently released report (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 11, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 29, 2020

EUSEW 2020 side event OEE-IRENA webinar

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) brings together policymakers, stakeholders and citizens to achieve climate and energy goals for the EU. In the framework of EUSEW 2020, Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will host (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 19, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 03, 2020

World Oceans Day

On World Oceans Day, people around our blue planet celebrate and honor our ocean, which connects us all. Get together with your family, friends, community, and millions of others around our blue planet to start creating a better future. By (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 04, 2020

[FR] Webinar: Economie circulaire, pêche et aquaculture

Venez participer à un moment d’échanges sur le thème de l’économie circulaire au sein de la pêche et l’aquaculture, le mercredi 24 juin de 14h30 à 16h30. Animé par le Pôle Mer Méditerranée, avec le soutien du CPIE Bassin de (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 24, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 08, 2020

Webinar SEALINES: Results from the Start-up Action (BlueMed)

SEALINES: Results from the Start-up Action Webinar, June 17th, h 10:50- 12:15 CEST The international scale network represented an innovative way of working in defying methods, common standards and best practices for maintenance, monitoring and re-purposing of the sealines contemplating (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 17, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 10, 2020

Maritime Spatial Planning in Italy and the WestMED Basin

Within the WestMED Assistance Mechanism for Blue Growth and Blue Economy , the National Hub Italy, with the support of the National Coordinator, organises an online National Event on 25 – 26 June, with morning and afternoon sessions. Maritime Spatial (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 25, 2020
  • Place: Online - NA
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 18, 2020

WestMED National Event Tunisia | 30 June |Tunis

The National Hub Tunisia organises a National Event on the blue economy in Tunisia on June 30. This event aims to support the national process to develop the Blue Economy strategy.Many topics will be covered, such as maritime spatial planning, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 30, 2020
  • Place: Online - NA
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 18, 2020

WestMed Italy Sustainable Tourism

Within the WestMED Assistance Mechanism for Blue Growth and Blue Economy , the National Hub Italy, with the support of the National Coordinator, organises an online National Event on 25 – 26 June, with morning and afternoon sessions. Sustainable Coastal (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 26, 2020
  • Place: Online - NA
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 18, 2020

Training day - Information day for the application of the PPGIS

Training day - Information day for the application of the geographic information system of public participation (PPGIS) in the Region of Western Greece to deal with coastal erosion issues within the European project «TRITON» Thanks to «Triton», funded by Interreg (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 01, 2020
  • Place: Patras - Patras
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 30, 2020

Marine Spatial Planning Workshop: Balancing social, economic, cultural and ecological objectives

This workshop is the third capacity building activity organised by IMECaN, the Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network of IMBeR. This workshop on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is designed for approximately 150 early career researchers and professionals and will include presentations (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: August 17, 2020
  • Place: Online - Online
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 14, 2020

SeaDataCloud Online User Workshop Hi-Tech to High knowledge

Registration and online attendance to the training are free of charge. Main topic and Goal: Computer scientists and marine researchers will illustrate data services, metadata services and software tools provided by SeaDataNet. Target audience and benefits The workshop is intended (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 17, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 18, 2020

FOWT 2020: Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Following FOWT 2019's resounding success with nearly 810 participants from 28 different countries, preparation for FOWT 2020 is actively underway. We are pleased to announce that the next edition will return to Marseille and will be held on 7th&8th of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 07, 2020
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 19, 2020

INFODAY Blue Economy Window Call

Save the date!EASME is organising a virtual Info-day on the forthcoming 2020 Blue Economy Window call on 24 November 2020. For updates on the call publication, check regularly the F&T opportunity portal https://europa.eu/!bp89rj

  • Date: November 24, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 20, 2020


The first BLUE DEAL Business Forum will be organized by Dynamic Vision, aiming to transfer BLUE DEAL knowledge and tools to private stakeholders, fostering their interaction and creating opportunities for collaboration.WHEN AND WHERE:It will be incorporated into a major event (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 30, 2020
  • Place: TBC - Athens
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 27, 2020


What is the opinion of the key stakeholders involved in the fish supply chain?Would you like to learn more about Multipurpose Offshore Installations (MOI) to support of the growing global demand for seafood? What is your opinion about offshore aquaculture?Do (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 11, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 27, 2020

BlueInvest Thematic Workshop: Green Shipping

The BlueInvest Thematic Workshop is a one day virtual event co-organised by BlueInvest and BlueGrowth (Aephoria).The event features investors' pitches, corporate spotlight and one-to-one business meetings with potential partners, enablers and investors in the green shipping, smart ports and maritime (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 21, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 07, 2020

EU4Ocean workshop – Designing Ocean Literacy action in Europe

On 24 – 25 September 2020, the first EU4Ocean workshop– Designing Ocean Literacy action in Europe will be organised by the EU4Ocean Coalition – a new initiative on ocean literacy of the European Commission.Following the official announcement by the Commissioner (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 24, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 07, 2020

The Ocean Decade Virtual Series: Co-designing the science we need for the Ocean Decade: Part 1

This virtual session “Co-designing the science we need for the Ocean Decade” is convened by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO in partnership with the International Science Council, as part of the Ocean Decade Virtual Series.This virtual session will explore (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 24, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 07, 2020

Sea Tech Week

Sea Tech Week® – International event showcasing Campus mondial de la mer.Attracting almost one thousand participants to Brest every two years, Sea Tech Week® is an opportunity to experience the Campus mondial de la mer community’s expertise first-hand and to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 12, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 07, 2020

The Mediterranean and Climate Change: Impacts, people, action

The International Autumn School will bring together two content areas and two methodologies: oceans, climate change, foresight and participatory simulationThe event is open to all applicants who are ‘Mediterranean stakeholders’, people who, and organizations that, have an interest in planning (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 07, 2020

Online Workshop: Maritime Spatial Planning and Offshore Wind Energy

The first cross-sectoral workshop within the Capacity4MSP project platform will be dedicated to the Energy sector. The online workshop titled ‘Maritime Spatial Planning and Offshore Wind Energy’ will take place on 22 September 2020.The workshop aims to support the exchange (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 22, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 17, 2020

Virtual Brokerage Event on the European Green Deal Call

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation, the Research Executive Agency, the Executive Agency for SMEs, and the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, invite you to participate in the Info Day on the European Green deal Call, published (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 23, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 22, 2020

Webinar on Regional Seas Programmes and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

The United Nations Environment Programme, the European Commission and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity will organize a webinar briefing on the Regional Seas Programmes and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework on 1 October 2020.This webinar will be (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 01, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 22, 2020

Sea Teach Week session on "Cooperation Models for Ocean Knowledge and Innovation"

The Virtual Session “Cooperation Models for Ocean knowledge and Innovation” will be held on October 12, 2020 9am-11am (CEST).This virtual session investigates different ways of collaboration in France and in Europe, by relying on the following networks: EurOcean, Pôle Mer (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 12, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 22, 2020

InterregMed: #GovForMED

If you are are involved in governance issues in the Mediterranean, there is ONE great conference coming up on November 6th 2020.

  • Date: November 06, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 30, 2020

Circle the Med: The Mediterranean Hybrid Forum 2020

Circle the Med Forum represents a pathway to sustainability. It follows a new development model that decouples growth from resource constraints. We are promoting new production-consumption models and business initiatives in a “circular way”.A prosperous and peaceful Mediterranean region in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 09, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 05, 2020

Massive Open Online Course on Marine Litter Launch

UN Environment Programme and Open Universiteit have created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Marine Litter as a key activity of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (you can join the GPML). It is also part of the Clean (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 26, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 05, 2020

Ocean Energy Europe Conference & Exhibition

Join OEE2020 from home: Meet us online 1 - 4 December OEE2020 is coming to you! Our annual event is moving online, so you won't miss out on anything this year. The new event dates are  1 - 4 December and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 01, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 13, 2020

Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region

Plan Bleu (member of the #bluegrowthcommunity) is organizing two webinars "Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region", on the 3rd and 16th of November 2020.Based on the long-term trends and impacts of the aquaculture sector in the Mediterranean, these two (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 03, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 13, 2020

Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region

Plan Bleu (member of the #bluegrowthcommunity) is organizing two webinars "Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region", on the 3rd and 16th of November 2020.Based on the long-term trends and impacts of the aquaculture sector in the Mediterranean, these two (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 16, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 13, 2020

BLUE BIO MED open kick-off meeting

The BLUE BIO MED (Interreg MED) project officially kicked off in September this year and it is now up and running. The official open launch event will be on Tuesday 20 October (14.30-17.30).This will be the occasion for the project presentation, get (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 20, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 13, 2020

What Future for the Blue Economy?

The European Commission is in the process of shaping a new comprehensive approach to the blue economy. In this virtual meeting, we will present its general concept and orientations. Representatives of regions, clusters and NGOs as well as scientists and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 22, 2020

2nd International Ocean Governance Forum

The European Commission and the European External Action Service invite stakeholders worldwide to discuss ocean challenges and to define action-oriented solutions towards global sustainability objectives - at the 2nd International Ocean Governance Forum. The December 14-16 IOG Forum event will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 14, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 22, 2020

Offshore Energy’s 14th Edition

OEEC creates the perfect opportunity for people working in the offshore energy industry to establish new business relationships and maintain existing ones. You can expect plenty of interaction, information, presentations and innovations, lots of which will be live-streamed. Talk shows (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 26, 2020

Innovative projects for a sustainable Blue Economy

Directorate General for Maritime and Fisheries Affairs (DG MARE) and EASME are organising a side event on innovative projects for a sustainable economy. If you would you like to know more about the links between blue economy and circular economy, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 16, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 26, 2020

Webinar: “The Mediterranean: Mare plasticum”

“The Mediterranean: Mare plasticum”, and the IUCN plastics portfolioPresentation of new report which examines how much plastic has accumulated and continues to leak into the Mediterranean Sea. The event will also show current IUCN actions contributing to closing the “plastic (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2020
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 26, 2020

Blue growth Capitalization event "How to foster the development of Blue energies in the Med region?"

On November 10th-11th, the Blue Growth Community will celebrate the 1st Capitalisation Event on Marine Renewable Energies (MRE), in an online format.The main objective of this event is to ensure the capitalization and transferring of outputs produced by our community of projects dealing with Blue Economy issues (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 10, 2020
  • Place: online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 28, 2020

EuroSea 1st Anniversary Webinar

The EuroSea anniversary webinar will take place on 20 November 2020 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. The event will bring together the project’s funders and implementors as well as related European and global initiatives to discuss progress and look forward (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 20, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 28, 2020

The launch of ESPO’s 2020 Environmental Report

Join the ESPO team on 10 November 2020 at 11.30 am for a special event, providing key insights into the environmental priorities of European ports.  An exclusive presentation of the 2020 Environmental Report will be provided by Valter Selén, Senior (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 10, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 28, 2020

Musing on the concept of Good Environmental Status: the complexity of the status and the status of complexity

Effective linkages are needed between emerging knowledge, innovative approaches and techniques in marine science and its practical understanding, and possible uses within the MSFD context. This means that criteria, including threshold values, methodological standards, and proper representation of the MSFD (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 02, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 04, 2020

Ocean Decade Virtual Series - Empowering Women in the Ocean Decade

The Decade will provide a framework for collaborative and participative ocean research, and support better integration of diverse knowledge systems from different science disciplines and ocean communities.This session, moderated by Dr. Jaqueline Uku - President, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 10, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 05, 2020

Med2020 - Méditerranée : L'expertise scientifique pour les décideurs

La Méditerranée, l’une des régions du monde les plus sensibles au changement climatiqueLa Méditerranée, berceau de nos civilisations modernes et sujet d’enjeux géopolitiques croissants, est aussi une des régions les plus sensibles aux pollutions de tous types et au changement (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 16, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 10, 2020

Virtual school “satellite observations & data processing in operational oceanography”

Virtual school “satellite observations & data processing in operational oceanography”The training on observatories management will be organized from 23 to 27 November 2020. The deadline for the submission of applications is November 8th, 2020. In the framework of the EU HORIZON 2020 project ODYSSEA, The ODYSSEA Consortium, integrated by 28 implementing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 23, 2020
  • Place: Online - Tunis
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: November 12, 2020

École virtuelle « observations satellitaires et traitement des données en océanographie opérationnelle »

École virtuelle « observations satellitaires et traitement des données en océanographie opérationnelle ».La formation sur la gestion des observatoires sera organisée du 23 au 27 novembre 2020. La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 8 novembre 2020. Dans le cadre (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 23, 2020
  • Place: En ligne - Tunis
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: November 12, 2020

SHAREMED: First Capitalisation Workshop

SHAREMED is an Interreg MED Strategic Project led by OGS – Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, born from the specific request of the Med Secretariat and with the specific goal to define and test the implementation of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 14, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 13, 2020

MEDIA ADVISORY - Sustainability in the Black Sea Regional Cooperation: Advancing the Black Sea Synergy and the European Green Deal

On Monday 16 November, starting at 14:00 (CET), the European External Action Service with the support of the European Commission will host an online event on “Sustainability in the Black Sea regional cooperation: Advancing the Black Sea Synergy and the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 16, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 16, 2020

SEArica Conference on the Black Sea: How can regional frameworks foster sustainable blue growth in the Black Sea basin?

The workshop aims at providing a dialogue platform amongst EU and national policy-makers, and key regional stakeholders to encourage a debate that will allow for better understanding of the purpose of the main EU strategies focusing on the blue economy (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 03, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 16, 2020

Data management for sustainable tourism: Moving towards a network of tourism observatories for a better governance in the Mediterranean

The online workshop on Data Management for sustainable tourism is the first technical event organized by the Interreg project BEST MED. It has the purpose to present the overall goals of the project and, in particular, to showcase the results (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 09, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 27, 2020

Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean: Accelerating Progress on the 2030 Agenda in the Context of the Covid-19 Recovery

The side-event is designed as an interactive web-dialogue to discuss the need for a collaborative effort to accelerate a food systems transformation in the Mediterranean region, in the COVID-19 context. As the disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 crisis have highlighted the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 30, 2020
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: December 01, 2020

BlueMed CSA Final Conference

The event will take place between the 22nd and the 24th of February and will be broadcasted from a digital hub located at CNR in Rome (Italy). The official language will be English, but simultaneous interpretation will be provided in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 22, 2021
  • Place: Online - Rome
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

BlueMed CSA Final Conference

The event will take place between the 22nd and the 24th of February and will be broadcasted from a digital hub located at CNR in Rome (Italy). The official language will be English, but simultaneous interpretation will be provided in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 23, 2021
  • Place: Online - Rome
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

BlueMed CSA Final Conference

The event will take place between the 22nd and the 24th of February and will be broadcasted from a digital hub located at CNR in Rome (Italy). The official language will be English, but simultaneous interpretation will be provided in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 24, 2021
  • Place: Online - Rome
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

BlueInvest Day 2021

BlueInvest Day 2021 brings together innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and enablers in the Blue Economy, with the objective of generating concrete business opportunities and visibility for your business. Connecting entrepreneurs, captains of industry, impact investors and high-level representatives from government (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 26, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 05, 2021

BlueInvest Awards 2021

BlueInvest Awards 2021 will bring 20 of Europe’s top start-ups and SMEs in the Blue Economy to pitch on a virtual stage to a panel of investors and experts.This year's categories were identified from technologies that had the highest level (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 26, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 05, 2021

SEArica Blue Economy Conference

On Thursday 28 January 2021 from 10:00 to 12:30 (CET) SEArica, in cooperation with the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions,  will organise an online conference dedicated to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 28, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 19, 2021

Ecomondo 2021

Following close consultation with the market and the main companies operating in the sector, Italian Exhibition Group has announce the dates for Ecomondo: from Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 October 2021, at the Rimini Expo Centre. The international event dedicated (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 26, 2021
  • Place: Rimini Expo Center - Rimini
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 20, 2021

Ecomondo 2021

Following close consultation with the market and the main companies operating in the sector, Italian Exhibition Group has announce the dates for Ecomondo: from Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 October 2021, at the Rimini Expo Centre. The international event dedicated (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2021
  • Place: Rimini Expo Center - Rimini
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 20, 2021

Ecomondo 2021

Following close consultation with the market and the main companies operating in the sector, Italian Exhibition Group has announce the dates for Ecomondo: from Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 October 2021, at the Rimini Expo Centre. The international event dedicated (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 28, 2021
  • Place: Rimini Expo Center - Rimini
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 20, 2021

Ecomondo 2021

Following close consultation with the market and the main companies operating in the sector, Italian Exhibition Group has announce the dates for Ecomondo: from Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 October 2021, at the Rimini Expo Centre. The international event dedicated (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 29, 2021
  • Place: Rimini Expo Center - Rimini
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 20, 2021

Save the date: A Brave New Ocean: High-level virtual event

January 2021 marks the beginning of perhaps the most critical decade of our lives. The global COVID-19 crisis highlighted more than ever our vulnerability and dependence on the environment for our health and prosperity. Many are relying on a growing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 03, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 25, 2021

European Maritime Day

The European Maritime Day (EMD) Conference is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. EMD Conference is the place where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet’. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 20, 2021
  • Place: Willemsoord - Den Helder
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

European Maritime Day

The European Maritime Day (EMD) Conference is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. EMD Conference is the place where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet’. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 21, 2021
  • Place: Willemsoord - Den Helder
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

Better Off Blue Conference

The Better Off Blue 2.0 Conference is organised and co-financed by the Blue Platform project, the GRASS and the Alliance+ projects, as their project activities include the bringing together of actors from across the Blue Bioeconomy fields, including but not (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

Better Off Blue Conference

The Better Off Blue 2.0 Conference is organised and co-financed by the Blue Platform project, the GRASS and the Alliance+ projects, as their project activities include the bringing together of actors from across the Blue Bioeconomy fields, including but not (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 24, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

Workshop on integrating an ecosystem-based approach into maritime spatial planning

The framework established under the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive (2014/89/EU) is “aimed at promoting the sustainable growth of maritime economies, the sustainable development of marine areas and the sustainable use of marine resources” (Art. 1(1)). In preparing and implementing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 27, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 27, 2021

IUCN World Conservation Congress

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the French government have agreed to hold the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020 from 3 to 11 September 2021 in Marseille. The event, originally scheduled for June 2020, was postponed due (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 03, 2021 - September 11, 2021
  • Place: Palais des Congrès Marseille Chanot - Marseille
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 03, 2021

Advanced training on Blue Biotechnologies, Aquatic products and Blue Bio-economy

This advanced training course aims at contributing to the creation of ‘blue skills’, filling knowledge gaps while matching market opportunities via a joint effort among the scientific community, research infrastructures and business operators. The program will offer the opportunity of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 15, 2021
  • Place: CNR-IRBIM - Messina
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: January 28, 2021

Monaco Ocean Week

The 5th edition of the the Monaco Ocean Week will be celebrated from the 22nd to the 27th of March. The Monaco Ocean Week is a unifying event organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic institute of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 22, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 29, 2021

Monaco Blue Initiative

The Monaco Blue Initiative, jointly organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Oceanographic Museum, is a discussion platform bringing together the various stakeholders and decision-makers involved in the sustainable management and conservation of the Ocean, whether (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 21, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: March 18, 2021

Monaco Blue Initiative

The Monaco Blue Initiative, jointly organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Oceanographic Museum, is a discussion platform bringing together the various stakeholders and decision-makers involved in the sustainable management and conservation of the Ocean, whether (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 22, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 29, 2021

Monaco Ocean Week

The 5th edition of the the Monaco Ocean Week will be celebrated from the 22nd to the 27th of March. The Monaco Ocean Week is a unifying event organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic institute (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 29, 2021

Monaco Ocean Week

The 5th edition of the the Monaco Ocean Week will be celebrated from the 22nd to the 27th of March. The Monaco Ocean Week is a unifying event organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic institute (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 24, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 29, 2021

Monaco Ocean Week

The 5th edition of the the Monaco Ocean Week will be celebrated from the 22nd to the 27th of March. The Monaco Ocean Week is a unifying event organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic institute (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 25, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 29, 2021

Monaco Ocean Week

The 5th edition of the the Monaco Ocean Week will be celebrated from the 22nd to the 27th of March. The Monaco Ocean Week is a unifying event organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic institute (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 26, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 29, 2021

Monaco Ocean Week

The 5th edition of the the Monaco Ocean Week will be celebrated from the 22nd to the 27th of March. The Monaco Ocean Week is a unifying event organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic institute (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 27, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: January 29, 2021

EUMOFA Talk - Blue Bioeconomy Outlook

The EUMOFA invites you to join the first talk “Blue Bioeconomy Outlook” on 16 February 2021, 15:00 (CET).Experts will present and discuss the cutting-edge issues surrounding the blue bioeconomy, including integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, cellular mariculture and plant cell technology, and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 16, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 04, 2021

Euro-Argo ERIC Mediterranean and Black Seas workshop

Stakeholders are most welcome to attend and learn more about the role of Euro-Argo in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The objectives are to present scientific usage of Argo data and technical aspects of Argo (platforms, parameters, data..) to the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 08, 2021 - April 09, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 08, 2021

ConferenzaGNL - International LNG Conference & Expo

Three days of debates, conferences and workshops. European and national institutions, associations, companies and experts will discuss the use of LNG (but also hydrogen) for maritime and heavy land transport and for isolated industries and networks in Italy and the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 23, 2021 - June 25, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 11, 2021

SeaFuture 2021: Naval Defense Exhibition & Conference

The international event, unique in the Mediterranean Basin because implemented inside a Navy Base, deals with both military and dual-use technologies, products and services; it is organized in collaboration with the Navy, with the support of AIAD, and many other (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 14, 2021 - June 17, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 11, 2021

International Speleology Meeting

The aim of this event is to create a space where speleology, archeology, paleontology, and cave diving can meet and interact. Moreover, this meeting is meant to be a starting point for the development of a sustainable speleology where the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 29, 2021 - November 01, 2021
  • Place: Marina di Camerota - Camerota
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 22, 2021

EMODnet Biology - Data Solutions for a Changing Ocean

Over the last 12 years EMODnet Biology has championed the aggregation, management and publication of open marine biological data and the development of exemplar data products. The current phase is drawing to a close and as such provides an opportunity (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 24, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 12, 2021

JPI Oceans Strategy Launch

The event will take place on 29 March from 14.00 to 16.30. Participants are welcome to register through the following link.Developed with JPI Oceans members and co-created with stakeholders, the new Strategy Framework provides a coherent setting for the coming (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 29, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 12, 2021

IEA-OES Webinar: Evaluation and Guidance Framework for Ocean Energy Technology

The International Energy Agency (IEA) Technology Collaboration Programme on Ocean Energy Systems (OES) invites you to the Webinar: Evaluation and Guidance Framework for Ocean Energy Technology, on Wednesday, 24th February at 14:00 GMT/UTC.This webinar follows the release of the report (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 24, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 12, 2021

SUMMIT 4 Oceans

The SUMMIT4OCEANS Seville Blue Economy Virtual Event is a global debate forum that will allow participation from anywhere in the world. Seville and Spain will be at the forefront of the Blue Economy sector at a global level.  The SUMMIT4OCEANS (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2021 - March 24, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 23, 2021

Digitalisation in aquaculture - From vision to action

Enabling technologies adapted to sector-specific challenges have the potential to create high-impact innovations. More specifically, the digital transformation of the aquaculture sector, applying tools such as cloud services using big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence, has the capacity to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 26, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 19, 2021

Eurofleets+ International Workshop

Eurofleets+ will hold its first international workshop, focusing on fixed and mobile ocean observing systems and satellite observation, on 13 April at 14:00-17:30 (CET) online. This event will bring together representatives from research vessels operators, fixed-point observatories (coastal and deep-ocean), (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 13, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 19, 2021

First Episode of Members-only Series of Webinars

FIRST WEBINAR OF THE SERIES WITH THE MEDCRUISE: “THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 ON THE CRUISE, FERRIES AND CARGO PORTS”Patrick Verhoeven, Managing Director of the IAPH, will open the webinar with an overview on the impact of the pandemic of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 23, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: February 22, 2021

MedSkippers webinar on Reducing Environmental Impacts of Boating

The MedSkippers project presents a two days seminar on tips for skippers to reduce the environmental impact of boating in the Mediterranean. The webinar targets professional skippers working for the charter sector in the Mediterranean, although charter companies, non-professional skippers willing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 02, 2021
  • Place: ONLINE -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 25, 2021

MedSkippers Webinar on Ocean Literacy

The MedSkippers project is organizing a webinar on Ocean Literacy[1] for professional skippers, and those who wish to become professional skippers one day, in order to help them upgrade their knowledge and drive excellence across nautical charter tourism in the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 04, 2021
  • Place: ONLINE -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 25, 2021

3rd International Ocean Governance Forum

The European Commission in association with the European External Action Service invite ocean stakeholders worldwide to the presentation of the final recommendations for ocean sustainability action by the Eu's International Ocean Governance (IOG) Forum. The event will take place in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 20, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 24, 2021

MedSkippers webinar on Reducing Environmental Impacts of Boating

The MedSkippers project presents a two days seminar on tips for skippers to reduce the environmental impact of boating in the Mediterranean. The webinar targets professional skippers working for the charter sector in the Mediterranean, although charter companies, non-professional skippers (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 09, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 09, 2021

Blue Finance Guidance Launch

The UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) invites you to the launch event of its new guide, "Turning the Tide", a practical toolkit to help financial institutions take a sustainable approach to five key ocean sectors: seafood, shipping, ports, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 02, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: February 26, 2021

Marine data to support aquaculture in the Mediterranean & Black seas

Please note that online attendance to this aquaculture event is under invitation only.This event will explore opportunities and applications for open source marine environmental data to support and innovate the aquaculture sector in the Mediterranean and Black seas regions. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 24, 2021 - March 25, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: March 04, 2021

Save the date: Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2021

Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference (OEEC) will take place in Amsterdam RAI on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 October 2021. The 14th edition of OEEC will have a physical exhibition floor and content programme combined with an online event and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 26, 2021 - October 27, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 04, 2021

EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree 2021

During the event, EMODnet partners, data providers and users will connect across stakeholder communities and look ahead to help us design and implement EMODnet next phase to 2030 and beyond. To start the week, the Open Conference (14-16 June 2021) (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 14, 2021 - June 16, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 10, 2021

9th EuroGOOS International conference

VIRTUAL EDITION: 3-5 MAY 2021The EuroGOOS international conference takes place every three years. The conference provides a forum for a broad range of implementers and users of operational oceanography services, including marine scientists and technologists, private companies, and policymakers. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 03, 2021 - May 05, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 12, 2021

16th Annual International Symposium on Environment

Academic members responsible for the conference:Dr. Nicolas Abatzoglou, Head, Environment Unit, ATINER & Professor, Department of Chemical & Biotechnological Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada; Chair Pfizer, Processes and Analytical Technologies in Pharmaceutical Engineering; Director of GRTP-C & P (Groupe de (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 24, 2021 - May 27, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 12, 2021


The interplay between ocean science, policy and society will be the topic of the 2021 European Conference of Aix-Marseille University, under the high patronage of Member of the European Parliament Maria da Graça Carvalho. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Richard Sempéré, Director (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 16, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 12, 2021

Success Stories on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas

The webinar is organised in the framework of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC) Interreg Med project. The event is part of the MBPC Working Group 2 activities on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, coordinated by the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 17, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 15, 2021

Launching JPI Oceans' new Strategy

In an online event on 29 March, JPI Oceans will launch its Strategy Framework 2021-25, present recent developments in its Joint Actions and projects, and discuss contributions to Horizon Europe, the UN Ocean Decade and other initiatives. Developed with JPI (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 29, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 16, 2021

First international Eurofleets+ workshop

Eurofleets+ will hold its first international workshop, focusing on combining fixed and mobile ocean observing systems and their link with satellite observations. This event will bring together representatives from research vessels operators, fixed-point observatories (coastal and deep-ocean), mobile systems (unmanned (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 13, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 16, 2021

Open Science for the Ocean: meet Blue-Cloud Demonstrators

Europe has developed an impressive marine observation, data-handling and sharing, modelling and forecasting capability. Moreover, EU Member State investments in marine data collection, sharing and processing infrastructures and operations generate huge amounts of information and marine knowledge are at the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 16, 2021

Digital transformation of the blue economy

All sessions and workshop will take place virtually and free of charge to all participants. Link will be published several days prior to the event here.Sessions language: EnglishWorkshop language: CroatianModerator: Emir Džanić

  • Date: March 25, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 16, 2021

International Learning Camp Blue Growth Sector Session - Blue Biotech

This webinar is the first event of MISTRAL’s “international learning labs” aimed at transferring results and findings of the Blue Growth analysis (BLUE GROWTH BOOK) in the Blue biotechonology emerging sector.For registrations click here.

  • Date: March 26, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 17, 2021

Ecomondo's Digital Green Weeks

Digital Green Weeks are five virtual appointments devised by Ecomondo, offering a rich programme of events and business meetings, to guide you through the new ecological transition scenarios and towards the physical show set to take place later this year.Each (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2021 - March 25, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 18, 2021

Ecomondo's Digital Green Weeks

Digital Green Weeks are five virtual appointments devised by Ecomondo, offering a rich programme of events and business meetings, to guide you through the new ecological transition scenarios and towards the physical show set to take place later this year.Each (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 27, 2021 - April 29, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 18, 2021

Ecomondo's Digital Green Weeks

Digital Green Weeks are five virtual appointments devised by Ecomondo, offering a rich programme of events and business meetings, to guide you through the new ecological transition scenarios and towards the physical show set to take place later this year.Each (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 18, 2021 - May 20, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 18, 2021

Ecomondo's Digital Green Weeks

Digital Green Weeks are five virtual appointments devised by Ecomondo, offering a rich programme of events and business meetings, to guide you through the new ecological transition scenarios and towards the physical show set to take place later this year.Each (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2021 - June 10, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 18, 2021

Ecomondo's Digital Green Weeks

Digital Green Weeks are five virtual appointments devised by Ecomondo, offering a rich programme of events and business meetings, to guide you through the new ecological transition scenarios and towards the physical show set to take place later this year.Each (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 21, 2021 - September 23, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 18, 2021

UNESCO FORUM: Our Planet, Our future

UNESCO FORUM: Our Planet, Our futureHow to better live together on Earth?How to address the combined challenges that the climate, biodiversity and the ocean are facing? How to transform policy, economic and citizen action through improved ocean knowledge?What are our capacities (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 24, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 22, 2021

Paving the future of marine conservation policy

After a 2010-2020 UN Decade on Biodiversity, 2021 promises to be a decisive year for global ocean conservation, the future of which will be molded by two major events: the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) World Conservation (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 25, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 24, 2021

Ocean Visions Summit

The Ocean Visions 2021 Summit May 18-21, 2021 “Towards a Global Ecosystem for Ocean Solutions” will bring together a multi-sector community of researchers, innovators, decision-makers, funders, and more to develop roadmaps for solving great ocean challenges including ocean-based solutions to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 18, 2021 - May 21, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 24, 2021

Structures in the Marine Environment 2021 conference

In 2019 MASTS held the inaugural and successful Structures in the Marine Environment (SIME) conference. This was followed up by the session at the MASTS ASM in 2020, and now they are pleased to invite abstracts for the online 2021 SIME (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 17, 2021 - June 18, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 24, 2021

ICOE 2021

The ICOE 2021 virtual gathering will offer a combination of live and on-demand sessions and presentations, with opportunities for live Q&As with industry leaders discussing device innovation, new market developments and regulatory frameworks to spur commercialization. Attendees will have access (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 28, 2021 - April 30, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 24, 2021

Seanergy 2021

Seanergy is the international forum dedicated to MRE (Marine Renewable Energies) and Offshore Wind, organised by Bluesign. In partnership with the Pays de la Loire Region, Nantes Métropole and Carene, this 2021 edition will be held from June 8th to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2021 - June 11, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 24, 2021

SUMMIT4OCEANS Sevilla Blue Economy Virtual Event

The SUMMIT4OCEANS Sevilla Blue Economy Virtual Event aims to involve and sensitize Companies, Governments, Administrations and Citizens in the Blue Economy, in short, the whole of society, and Seville and its area of influence. The initiative, co-organized by Fibes Sevilla, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 18, 2021 - May 19, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 31, 2021

Sea Tech Week 2022

Campus mondial de la mer is organising the 13th Sea Tech Week® which will run from 26 to 30 September 2022 in Brest, France. Sea Tech Week® is an international event focusing on marine science and technology. Every two years, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 26, 2022 - September 30, 2022
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: March 31, 2021

Transferring Seminar “Perspectives on new models of governance for sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean”

BEST MED and SMARTMED are organising the Transferring Seminar “Perspectives on new models of governance for sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean”, that will be held online on Tuesday 20 April 2021 from 9.30 to 13.00 (CET). The two PANORAMED’s Strategic Projects (SPs) (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 20, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 07, 2021

EMB Science Webinar

On Thursday 15 April 2021, EMB will host its eighth Science Lunch Webinar focusing on marine citizen science. The webinar will be 1 hour long and will take place from 13:00 - 14:00 CEST. This webinar follows on from the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 15, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 07, 2021

16th Deep Sea Biology Symposium

The 16th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium will be held in Brest, France between 12 and 17 of September 2021. Brest’s history has always been linked to the sea and the oceans. Nowadays, Brest has a leading position in European deep-sea science, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 12, 2021 - September 17, 2021
  • Place: Océanopolis Port de Plaisance du Moulin blanc – BP 91039 - Brest
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 13, 2021

ICYMARE - International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers

ICYMARE, the “International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers”,  invites you to present your research to (y)our dynamic audience with an atmosphere of being among friends. ICYMARE 2021 BERLIN will take place from 21 to 24 September 2021 in online format.  (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 21, 2021 - September 24, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 13, 2021

Webinar: EuropeWave open consultation

EuropeWave is an innovative R&D programme for wave energy technology. It will combine over €22.5m of national, regional and EU funding to drive a competitive Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) programme for wave energy. Originally pioneered by Wave Energy Scotland, this PCP (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 26, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 15, 2021

ECOncrete Tech Panel Discussion: From Barriers to Opportunities: Eco-Engineering in Marine Construction

Join the coastal resilience pioneers!The live panel discussion will focus on six waterfront experts' experiences bridging the gap between sustainability and development. Gain insights into opportunities to make environmentally-responsible coastal development feasible.Explore how others overcome challenges and include climate adaptation and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 22, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 21, 2021

TheSwitchers.org Demonstration Webinar

Save the date!TheSwitchers.org Demonstration Webinar will take place on Wednesday 28 April - 10.30-12.00 (CEST)Facebook event page: https://bit.ly/3uRRqGj Zoom registration page: https://bit.ly/2QmXQ1k

  • Date: April 28, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 21, 2021


Ocean Energy Europe's annual Conference & Exhibition will take place 6-7 December in Brussels, Belgium.The energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future is more important now than ever. The coronavirus pandemic has only magnified the impacts of the climate crisis, and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 06, 2021 - December 07, 2021
  • Place: The EGG, Rue Bara 175 - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 22, 2021

UfM Working Group on Blue Economy

The UfM Working Group on Blue Economy (BE WG) is a technical group composed of representatives designated by the UfM countries and is co-chaired by the two co-Presidencies with the support of the UfM Secretariat. The group meets at least once a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 10, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: April 23, 2021

BlueMed Hackathon

In the frame of the Pilot Action on marine litter, BlueMed launches an Hackathon team challenge to develop ideas and solutions for a Healthy Plastic Free Mediterranean Sea, to promote sustainable blue growth and circular bioeconomy in the Mediterranean. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 18, 2021 - May 31, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 26, 2021

Multi-use Med – Targeting spatial efficiency in an equitable way?

The “AM EU MSP Platform” – “MSP MED” joint webinar deals with the coexistence and synergetic relationship between economic, social, environmental, and cultural components of “spatial efficiency” at sea. Through case studies, the webinar will present different points of view (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 10, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 29, 2021

Awareness Workshop - Understanding the Benefits of Operational Ocean and Forecasting Systems (OOFS)

Mercator Ocean international, the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (ETOOFS) under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), are hosting a high-level event on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 14, 2021 - June 16, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 30, 2021

Practical Workshop - Implementing an Operational Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting System (OOFS)

Mercator Ocean international, the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (ETOOFS) under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) and the World Meteorological Organisation(WMO), are hosting a high-level event on ‘Understanding (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 22, 2021 - June 24, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 30, 2021

Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional (V.ECOP) Day

The Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional (V.ECOP) Day  will be held June 1, 2021, immediately following the kick-off of the First International Conference of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.As an official UN Ocean Decade Activity, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 01, 2021 - June 02, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 30, 2021

High-Level Launch of the Ocean Decade First International Ocean Decade Conference

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF), in partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO), will host the "High-Level Launch of the Ocean Decade - First International Ocean Decade Conference" on 1 June 2021. This event will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 01, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: April 30, 2021

Engaging diverse stakeholders in the Ocean Decade: the key role of national and regional stakeholder networks

Continued efforts to translate the global priorities of the Ocean Decade to regional and national level action will be essential to its success. The Ocean Decade Implementation Plan contains a framework for diverse groups of partners to identify, implement and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 18, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 05, 2021

Ocean literacy through visualisation and storytelling: local, regional and international examples

On 20 May 2021, the European Atlas of the Seas will participate in the online workshop 'Ocean literacy through visualisation and storytelling: local, regional and international examples' hosted by the Irish Ocean Literacy Network (IOLN).This workshop will explore best practices (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 20, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 05, 2021

From Fishing to Farming: Aquaculture in Ocean Literacy

Nausicaá and Ciência Viva are organising a session about ocean literacy and sustainable aquaculture at the Aquaculture Europe 2021 Ocean of Opportunities annual congress. The congress is a place where hundreds of professionals from the entire sector meet and this (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 04, 2021 - October 07, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 05, 2021

Ensamble Capitalization workshop

The Ensamble project run from January 2019. It brought together professional fishing associations and marine farms, small and medium-sized fishing and aquaculture companies and municipalities: an innovative cooperative based in the Mediterranean (Petra Patrimonia Maritima Corsica), an Italian environmental association (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 25, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 21, 2021

Road map for a sustainability transition in Mediterranean aquaculture

Plan Bleu -  in collaboration with the Interreg Mediterranean communities on Blue Growth and Biodiversity Protection invites Aquaculture sector stakeholders to join them in this workshop, which will take place online on Thursday, 27th May 2021 between 10:00-12.00 am CET.Please save the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 27, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 10, 2021

The 8th Haifa Conference on Mediterranean Sea Research:

Deep Dive – accessing the sea with Science, Education and Art (SEA)8th Haifa Conference on Mediterranean Sea Research The seas and oceans cover 70% of the planet and are critical resources for humanity. Responsibly harnessing the seas and oceans while conserving (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 14, 2021 - July 15, 2021
  • Place: University of Haifa, along the Israeli coasts and remotely (online) - Haifa
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 25, 2021

2nd BLUE DEAL Transferring Lab - Croatia

The 2nd BLUE DEAL Transferring Lab will be held in hybrid mode with online and on-site presentations from 18-21 May 2021. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb (UNIZAG FSB) and the BLUE DEAL partnership, in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 18, 2021 - May 21, 2021
  • Place: Online - Split
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 17, 2021

5th Meeting of the UfM Environment Task Force

The 5th Task Force on Environment will be held online on 27 May 2021. The meeting aims at discussing with countries the priorities for action under the 2030 Greener Med Agenda, also in the light of the Covid developments and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 27, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: May 19, 2021


This event will gather a broad range of relevant stakeholders: governments and public authorities in the EU, national and regional level, industry, NGOs, academia, investors, retailers and consumers. Its objective is to discuss how best to achieve the vision enshrined (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 27, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: May 26, 2021

WavEC Annual Seminar 2021

Mark your calendar for WavEC Annual Seminar 2021 on 30th November 2021. Join WavEC Annual Seminar 2021 this November! This year´s edition in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan in Portugal. The event is an opportunity to network with other (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 30, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 01, 2021

Virtual Forum Sessions

SPA/RAC, MedPAN, WWF, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and their partners invite you to participate in the Virtual Forum Sessions to be held online from 2 to 4 June 2021. The Virtual Forum Sessions represent an essential step (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 02, 2021 - June 04, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 01, 2021

Lauch of Decade of Restoration

For over half a century, UNESCO has been a leader in promoting on-the-ground-solutions to the global challenges of terrestrial, coastal, and marine biodiversity loss while also engaging with human culture, education and values which underpin our decision-making. This event will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 05, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 01, 2021

Live Streaming: Plastic Busters MPAs takes you on a journey of learning, knowledge sharing and collective action towards a litter-free Mediterranean

• Join the first marine litter monitoring campaign streamed online and follow the team at sea, on the coast and in the laboratory. • The 3-day-long activities will be conducted in the recently established MPA of Cape Milazzo in Sicily. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2021 - June 10, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 02, 2021

Workshop on Mediterranean Maritime Governance by SHAREMED

On 17 June 2021, the SHAREMED team is holding a workshop in Barcelona to engage with stakeholders. You can find more information about the workshop, including the agenda here (Catalan and Spanish).

  • Date: June 17, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 09, 2021

Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo 2021

Reading through "plastics in our oceans": Exploring environmental impact and business community’s efforts The event will unfold into a series of academic presentations by experts from different fields followed by a roundtable of Italian businesses discussing opportunities and challenges of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 17, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 17, 2021

Marine Robotics Summer School

The 1st edition of the MIT Portugal’s Marine Robotics Summer School will take place in-between 19 and 30 July 2021 at the facilities of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). The course is organized by MIT (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 19, 2021 - July 30, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 18, 2021

SEAPLANSPACE Summer School 2021

The SEAPLANSPACE Summer School 2021 will take place as an online event on June 28th to July 2nd 2021. The University of Gdańsk, Maritime Institute of Gdynia Maritime University, EUCC Baltic Office, County Administrative Board of Kalmar, EUCC Coastal Union (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 28, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 18, 2021


Hack4oceans is a 2-day Youth Innovation Event where participants from across Europe will learn, explore and co-create opportunities for prosperity through ocean conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. Hosted by European Commission’s Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 20, 2021 - October 21, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 18, 2021

First Expert Consultation Workshop on developing principles for responsible investment in aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as part of its 2030 Strategy for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, is working on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 01, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 23, 2021

FAO Event Artificial Intelligence for a Digital Blue Planet

Artificial Intelligence for A Digital Blue Planet is a three-day global forum that will bring together data scientists, analysts and researchers from marine research institutions and universities around the world to share their knowledge, skills and innovative ideas while discussing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 28, 2021 - June 30, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 28, 2021

Ocean4Biotech Marine Biotechnology Hackathon

COST Action Ocean4Biotech is hosting a 48-hour Co-Creation Hackathon Challenge to gather knowledge and innovative ideas to identify the ingredients needed for a European Marine Biotechnology Innovation Ecosystem of Excellence. This is a Co-Creation Challenge Call to all marine-professionals (biotechnologists, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 10, 2021 - July 11, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 28, 2021

International Ocean Data Conference

Save the date for the "International Ocean Data Conference 2022 - The Data We Need for the Ocean We Want" in Sopot, Poland, which will be held between 14-16 February 2022. The Conference will be held as a hybrid event (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 14, 2022 - February 16, 2022
  • Place: TBD - Sopot
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: June 28, 2021

Ocean Hackathon 2021

Ocean Hackathon is an initiative by Campus mondial de la mer which encourages sharing, the use of new digital technologies and an entrepreneurial spirit. The resultant projects enhance the value of marine and maritime data, often by repurposing it. Data (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 05, 2021 - November 07, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 15, 2021

Behavior Change for Climate Action for the Oceans and Beyond

More and more environmental practitioners are incorporating behavior change into their efforts to increase pro-environmental action, building off the success of the medical community in using behavior change to improve health. Cities, national governments, and utility agencies are some of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: August 26, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: July 15, 2021

“Women in blue economy in the Mediterranean” Webinar

The Union for the Mediterranean is organizing the webinar on “Women in blue economy in the Mediterranean”, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 22nd of September 2021, 9.30-12.30 CET. This webinar will be dedicated to highlighting women contribution and engagement (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 22, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: August 03, 2021

EMB Third Thursday Science Webinar

On Thursday 19 August 2021, EMB will host its twelfth Science Lunch Webinar on the topic of 'Navigating the Future V as inspiration and direction for marine science in the Ocean Decade'. The webinar will be 1 hour long and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: August 19, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 04, 2021

Ocean Acidification week

Last year, GOA-ON launched OA Week as a response to the postponement of conferences and events due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. After such a positive response, OA Week is back this year with more sessions, plenary speakers, and engaging talks (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 13, 2021 - September 17, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 04, 2021

Launch of the ISSS Platform

The Innovation Platform "Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions" (ISSS) aims at key enabling technologies for in-depth technological innovations and solutions for sea, ocean, and subsea activities. It will ensure healthy and resilient oceans through cross-cutting collaboration within shared infrastructures and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 23, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 04, 2021

Towards an EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism: building forward smarter and greener in the EU coastal & insular regions

This SEARICA event on "Towards an EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism: building forward smarter and greener in the EU coastal & insular regions" is organised with the support of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions and co-funded by WINTER MED (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 01, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 04, 2021


HACK4OCEANS is an intense 2-day hackathon-style event that will bring together undergraduate students in blue economy-relevant disciplines from across Europe, private sector stakeholders, and policymakers. Participants will co-create and explore ideas that link the goal of a healthy marine environment (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 20, 2021 - October 21, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 04, 2021

2nd Ocean Observers Workshop

The Ocean Observers is an international educational network of marine scientists and communicators, teachers, and other stakeholders who are willing to share marine science educational resources and experiences for exploring the possibilities to establish new international collaborative activities. The Ocean (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 29, 2021 - December 01, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 04, 2021

3rd WestMED Initiative Stakeholder Conference - 2021

We are delighted to announce that a new edition of the WestMED Stakeholders’ Conference will take place on 9 November 2021 under the Italian and Libyan Co-Presidency of the WestMED Initiative.  The Conference will take place physically in Rome (Italy), and will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 09, 2021
  • Place: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Via Aurelia Antica 415 - Rome
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 20, 2021

Unlocking the potential of Ports and Harbours in preventing and reducing the effects of Marine Litter

This workshop looks at the most promising R&I solutions undertaken, as well as the policy instruments implemented, in the management and valorization of plastic litter in Ports/Harbours and their hinterland at Mediterranean level. The aim of the event is to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 14, 2021
  • Place: CNR-ISMAR, Arsenale – Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, 30122 - Venice
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 09, 2021

Blue Bioeconomy Innovation Forum of the BLUE BIO MED project

The BLUE BIO MED Interreg MED project is organising its firts Blue Bioeconomy Innovation Forum on 18 & 19 November 2021 at Sealogy Blue Economy Exhibition in Ferrara (Italy). This event is organised in collaboration with the following Interreg MED projects: PANORAMED, B-BLUE (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 18, 2021 - November 19, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 10, 2021

Let’s make the Baltic Sea Blue

The EU4Ocean Coalition is organising its second Sea Basin Event in the Baltic Sea this time, on 26-27 August 2021, fully online. The EU4Ocean Coalition specific audience - members of the EU4Ocean Platform, Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: August 26, 2021 - August 27, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 23, 2021

MaRINET2 short-course: Methods and environmental data collection in Marine Renewable Energy sites

In collaboration with MaRINET2, the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), WavEC Offshore Renewables and the Marine Engineering Institute – Italian National Research Council (CNR-INM), is organizing a course entitled “Methods and environmental data collection in Marine Renewable Energy sites”. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 03, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 24, 2021


Among the actions undertaken by the WestMED maritime clusters, in coherence with the priorities of the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance, Cluster BIG is organizing the planned event in the framework of the largest Italian venue on Blue Economy: SEAFUTURE 2021.

  • Date: September 28, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: August 31, 2021

Side event at World Conservation Congress 'The Mediterranean: a model Sea by 2030'

The side event ‘The Mediterranean Sea: a Model Sea by 2030’ is organized by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.  The side event will take place on 3rd September at 14:00 hours (CEST) in a hybrid format, on site (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 03, 2021
  • Place: Parc Chanot, Hall 8 - Salle « Mer de corail » - Marseille
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 31, 2021

World Congress of Marine Stations

The World Congress of Marine Stations (WCMS) will bring together those responsible for Marine Stations and Marine Station networks from around the world to discuss various issues including the status and future of marine stations and how they contribute to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 17, 2021 - November 19, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: August 31, 2021

ETIP Ocean webinar on data transferability

ETIP Ocean is hosting a webinar on the topic 'Environmental data transfer: the role of test centres'. In this webinar, two European leading ocean energy test centres discuss the potential, challenges and opportunities of data transfer. You can register to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 16, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 03, 2021

Oceanthon 2021: Mediterranean Edition

The main theme of Oceanthon 2021 is "Ocean&Climate", as part of Pre-COP26 in Milan and the challenges of the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The focus is dedicated to the Mediterranean area, for this reason the event is (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 24, 2021 - September 26, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 03, 2021

MSPglobal Final Conference

The Intergovernemental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) are hosting the final conference on their joint MSPglobal Initiative. In order to share the key outcomes of the initiative as well (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 05, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 03, 2021

13th Baltic Sea Science Congress

The 13th Baltic Sea Science Congress will take place in the Aarhus University Park in Denmark. Among other, it will include a plenary talk by BONUS EEIG Acting Director Andris Andrusaitis and a dedicated display on BANOS CSA and its (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 18, 2021 - October 22, 2021
  • Place: Søauditorierne, Aarhus University Building 1250 Bartholins Allé 3 8000 Aarhus C - Aarhus
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 03, 2021

Oceans of Knowledge conference

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST) will provide a forum for experts, practitioners and ocean users to discuss climate change and the oceans, the theme of its 4th biennial Oceans of Knowledge conference. Organised by the Institute’s (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 26, 2021 - October 27, 2021
  • Place: Institute of Physics, N1 9BU - London
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 06, 2021

MedSkippers Virtual International Event

Background The Mediterranean Sea attracts 70% of world´s nautical charter demand, mostly in EU countries and Turkey. The European charter sector contributes with an estimated yearly turnover of around € 6 billion, with charter tourists staying longer and spending almost (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 23, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 15, 2021

Webinar “Women and Blue Skills/Careers/Jobs in Lebanon”

With the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Union for the Mediterranean is leading the webinar on “Women and Blue Skills/Careers/Jobs in Lebanon”, scheduled to take place on Friday October 8th 2021, from 10:00 to 13:00 (Beirut Time), via ZOOM. The event (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 08, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 09, 2021

Barcelona Convention COP 22

The 22nd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols is scheduled to take place in December 2021. COP 22 is expected to discuss agenda items including: assessing and controlling marine pollution; ensuring sustainable management of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 07, 2021 - December 10, 2021
  • Place: TBD - Antalya
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 10, 2021

8th EMB Forum - Supporting the Ocean Decade in Europe

Save the date for the 8th EMB Open Forum which will take place as a hybrid event on Wednesday 1 December 2021 at BluePoint, Brussels and online. Held the end of the first year of the Decade of Ocean Science (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 01, 2021
  • Place: BluePoint, 80 Boulevard Auguste Reyers - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 15, 2021

Towards an EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism

The event, organized by Searica, will be held in an online interactive format, as a virtual exchange between members of the EU Parliament, representatives from CPMR coastal and insular regions belonging to different sea basins of Europe, the European Commission (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 01, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 15, 2021

SwitchMed Connect 2021

The SwitchMed Connect 2021 will take place on 19 and 20 October 2021 including the WeMed Award Ceremony that will conclude the event.SwitchMed Connect is a gathering of Mediterranean stakeholders to build synergies, exchange knowledge, and scale up eco and social innovations. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 19, 2021 - October 20, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 17, 2021

BLUE BIO MED Innovation in sustainable aquaculture launch event

Kick-off meeting of the cycle of 3 online multi-stakeholder workshops on innovation in sustainable aquaculture, organised by ART-ER in the framework of the Interreg MED 2014-20 “Blue Bio Med” strategic innovation project.A short seminar to introduce the project goals, explain how the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 28, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: September 20, 2021

BLUE BIO MED Innovation in sustainable aquaculture 1° Workshop

The workshop is part of the cycle of 3 online multi-stakeholder workshops on innovation in sustainable aquaculture, organised by ART-ER in the framework of the Interreg MED 2014-20 “Blue Bio Med” strategic innovation project. This first workshops is aimed at building a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 13, 2021
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: September 20, 2021

Celebrating ocean literacy in the Mediterranean Sea – Welcome to our Mediterranean Sea basin event

A new wave of ocean literacy activities is fast approaching, this time the Mediterranean Sea basin. Supported by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission, the EU4Ocean Coalition is preparing its Let's Make the Mediterranean Blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 24, 2021 - September 27, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: September 21, 2021

Side event Biological Diversity, Ecosystem Restoration and Food Systems

Biological Diversity, Ecosystem Restoration and Food Systems Protecting and Restoring at the core of the shift towards Green, Blue, Circular Economy Side-event to the UfM Ministerial on Environment and Climate Action Organized by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 04, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid (Online / Cairo) -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 03, 2021

8th EMB Forum - Supporting the Ocean Decade in Europe

The 8th EMB Forum will be a hybrid event taking place in person at BluePoint Brussels and online on 1 December 2021. The topic will be “Supporting the Ocean Decade in Europe” and the aim of the Forum will be (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 01, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid (Online / Brussels -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 06, 2021

Baltic Sea ports as drivers of the sustainable blue economy: making the Green Deal a reality

Co-organised with the Informal Baltic Sea group and the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission with the support of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions 22 October 2021, 10h00-12h00 Conference platform: Microsoft teams Ports do not only play an important role in connecting regions, creating jobs (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 22, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 06, 2021

2021 EU-UfM Water Investment Policy Forum

25 October 2021. The 2021 EU-UfM Water Investment Policy Forum will be held on Monday 25 October 2021 from 9:00-13:00 CET under a hybrid format in Cairo (Egypt) and on-line. The overall objective of the EU-UfM Water Investment Policy Forum (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 25, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid -
  • Type: By Invitation Only
  • Posted On: October 06, 2021

2nd Annual Assembly and Webinar on Sustainable Blue Economy

On the 12th & 13th of October, the Blue Growth Community will celebrate its 2nd Annual Assembly and a Webinar on Sustainable Blue Economy. The event is organized in the margins of the General Assembly 2021 of the Conference of Peripheral (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 12, 2021 - October 13, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 06, 2021


The final conference of the ODYSSEA project will be held on Wednesday 3rd November virtually. The purpose of this conference is to present the final results to key target audiences: partners, the scientific community, marine-based industry (including SMEs), policymakers, public authorities, media, consumer (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 03, 2021
  • Place: N/A (Virtual) - N/A (Virtual)
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 18, 2021

Sustainable Tourism Innovation

Dedicated call launched on sustainable tourism in the WestMED region A dedicated call is published for western Mediterranean stakeholders (northern and southern shore) under the EMFAF (European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund). This fund addresses green and sustainable coastal and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 03, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 20, 2021

Blue Invest Thematic Workshop by Ecomondo

The workshop by Ecomondo will focus on market developments, new innovations and technological trends in the Green Blue Economy, investment trends and opportunities for financing a restorative green blue economy for healthy ocean, and introducing high potential companies and projects (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 28, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 25, 2021

Webinar Aquaculture going Circular

Aquaculture is already engaging in circular concepts, but how do we understand circularity in the industry? Join an informative and collaborative event discussing Circularity with high-level thinkers, circular economy experts, and leading aquaculture experts. This webinar will 'unpack' circularity and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 09, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 25, 2021

Business2Sea - Forum

An international event dedicated to facilitate interaction among people and organizations and to promote projects and businesses within the marine economy, open to the participation of any organization. Strengthening the dynamics of strategic cooperation between all the marine economy stakeholders and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 16, 2021 - November 18, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid (Vigo, Spain & online) -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 25, 2021

UNITED 2nd Interactive Webinar

Are you keen on knowing more about ocean multi-use and co-location, as well as their prospects in Europe? Or are you simply interested in how to make European blue economy more sustainable? Then this webinar is not to be missed! (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 27, 2021

Offshore Wind and Biodiversity Event at COP 26 | UN Global Compact and IUCN

With the rise in demand for offshore wind to help mitigate climate change and the importance of protecting biodiversity, the UN Global Compact and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with kind support from ScottishPower Renewables invite (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 05, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid (ScottishPower's HQ, Glasgow & Online) -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 27, 2021

Offshore Renewable Energy and Climate-Smart MSP Roadmap

The ocean hosts a wealth of climate change mitigation solutions, including offshore wind – but is increasingly under pressure from different human activities. Climate-Smart Marine Spatial Planning is a process with potential to reconcile clean energy’s role in delivering decarbonization (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 05, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid (Glasgow, United Kingdom & Online) -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: October 27, 2021


Strategies to foster economic development in coastal areas and deal with the challenges ahead The project Land-Sea-Act aims to bring together stakeholders involved in coastal management and planning, find solutions to Maritime Spatial Planning and Blue Growth challenges around the Baltic Sea, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 09, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 03, 2021

Conference on Wetland restoration as Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean

The online Conference on “Wetland restoration as Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean”, organized by the Union for the Mediterranean and MedWet in the framework of the UfM labelled project, “the Wetland-based Solutions Programme” will be held on the 16th November 2021, 10.00-13.00 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 16, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 03, 2021

Blue Economy Conference at SEALOGY

  In May 2021, the European Commission published a Communication for a Sustainable Blue Economy. It set forth a new approach, which fully embeds the blue economy into the  The Conference, organized by DG MARE in coordination with SEALOGY, builds on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 18, 2021
  • Place: Ferrara Congress Fair, Via della Fiera 11, Ferrara, Italy Plenary Meeting Room "GRECALE" - Ferrara
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 10, 2021

World Congress of Marine Stations

The World Congress of Marine Stations (WCMS) will bring together those responsible for Marine Stations and Marine Station networks from around the world to progress towards the full establishment of World Association Marine Stations (WAMS). The first two days of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 17, 2021 - November 19, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 10, 2021

Save the date for the European Maritime Day

European Maritime Day (EMD), targeting professionals from businesses, governments, public institutions, NGOs and academia, is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. It (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 19, 2022 - May 20, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 10, 2021

EuroSea 2nd Anniversary Webinar

EuroSea is a large European Union project helping stakeholders to co-design European ocean observing and forecasting services and products that deliver information and support decision-making in the areas of climate, coastal and maritime activities, and ocean health. This short and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 25, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 19, 2021

6th International Marine Connectivity Conference

The 6th International Marine Connectivity Conference is a joint event, which will gather participants from both the iMarCo and the SEA-UNICORN initiatives. This conference marks the start of a new and exciting stage in the development of an international network (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 06, 2021 - December 08, 2021
  • Place: Jardin des Plantes of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 57 rue Cuvier, Paris. - Paris
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 19, 2021

The 2020 MPA Forum: Face to Face Forum

MedPAN, SPA/RAC, WWF, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, and their partners, are pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the Forum of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean. After an online consultation process in 2020/2021 with a preparation (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 29, 2021 - December 01, 2021
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 19, 2021

Blue-Cloud Hackaton: Decode the Ocean!

The Blue-Cloud Hackathon is an open invitation to marine scientists & researchers, data scientists, ICT experts, innovators, students, and anyone who is passionate about the Ocean to explore and test Blue-Cloud: A new, Open Science platform for the marine domain (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 07, 2022 - February 09, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 26, 2021

Blue Solutions Virtual Ceremony

Learn about the outcomes and lessons of MSP, Blue Economy and Blue Leadership training implemented worldwide along the 8 years of the project Blue Solutions. You can follow the webinar via this link.

  • Date: November 30, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 26, 2021

Launch of Ocean Watch

Access to data is critical to support policy makers, non-governmental organization and civil society act to restore and protect the health of the ocean. Without the stable foundation of healthy ecosystems, meeting many of the goals for equitable ocean economic (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 30, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 26, 2021

Towards a Maritime Sector Fit for 55

There is significant potential to reduce shipping emissions, as many technical and operational measures can contribute to decarbonising the sector. On 14 July 2021, the European Commission adopted a series of legislative proposals setting out how it intends to achieve (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 07, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: November 26, 2021

BlueInvest Africa

The Blue Economy The blue economy is a very broad concept that encompasses all maritime activities and sectors, both traditional—like fisheries—and emerging—like blue biotechnology—, whether they are based in the marine environment (e.g. shipping, energy generation) or on land (e.g. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 15, 2022 - March 16, 2022
  • Place: Eden Bleu Hotel, Seychelles - Seychelles
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 07, 2021


A highly interactive virtual event bringing together stakeholders from conservation, sustainable tourism and other similar regional and global projects to explore ecotourism development in the Mediterranean.WHAT IS IT ABOUT? A day long virtual event, where participants will also have the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 14, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 13, 2021

MED Sustainable Tourism Days

JOINING FORCES FOR A SMART AND GREEN TOURISM RECOVERY From 14th to 17th December Rome will be the venue for a key upcoming event in the field of sustainable tourism hosted by Regione Lazio: the MED Sustainable Tourism Days. During (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 14, 2021 - December 17, 2021
  • Place: Hybrid (Rome & Online) -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 13, 2021

Co-evolve4BG participatory workshop

Co-evolve4BG participatory workshop on the co-evolution of coastal human activities & Med natural systems for sustainable tourism & Blue Growth in the Mediterranean.AGENDAS (in French)Agenda Day 1Agenda Day 2

  • Date: December 17, 2021
  • Place: Hôtel IBEROSTAR MEHARI Djerba - Djerba
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 13, 2021

Pre-Conference Workshops for the African Kick-off Conference for the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and the Government of Egypt, through the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), are organizing the "Regional Conference for the Launch of the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development in Africa (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 24, 2022 - January 26, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid format (online and Egypt) - Alexandria
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 17, 2021

Call for abstracts - VLIZ Marine Science Day

VLIZ 21st edition of its Marine Science Day will take place online on 2 March 2022. This event is aimed at all scientists to present their research and to get it touch with fellow marine scientists. Scientists are invited to submit (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 02, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 23, 2021

EU Mission info days

The event aims to inform potential applicants about the new topics included in the EU Missions work programme 2021.  EU Missions are a novelty of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 aiming to address some of the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 18, 2022 - January 19, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Save the date for CommOCEAN Conference

Dissemination, outreach and communication of scientific knowledge are becoming more and more important in today’s society, where social inclusion is an integral part of environmental protection and sustainable development. This is particularly true for the world of ocean research, a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 29, 2022 - December 01, 2022
  • Place: Online and Sète, France - Sète
  • Type: Open

Aquaculture Europe 22

The issues of compatibility and mutual synergy between the users of marine, brackish and freshwater resources and their relationship with the quality of those ecosystems are central in promoting the sustainable development of the Blue economy and aquaculture. Traditional and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 27, 2022 - September 30, 2022
  • Place: Palacongressi di Rimini Convention Bureau della Riviera di Rimini, Via Monte Titano 152 47923 Rimini - Rimini
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 23, 2021

Aquafuture – International Show of the Aquaculture Industry

Spain is one of the main European aquaculture producers, being considered a key sector in the food chain that is supported by a strong, competitive and highly technological value chain. That is why it is essential to create an international (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2022 - March 25, 2022
  • Place: Avd. Recinto Ferial S / N 36540 Silleda - Pontevedra - Santiago de Compostela
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 23, 2021

ICMSPM 2022: 16. International Conference on Marine Spatial Planning and Management

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 25, 2022 - April 26, 2022
  • Place: online - Jerusalem
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 23, 2021

Join the second Pan-European Cruise Dialogue in March

On 1 March 2022, European Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius will host the second ‘Pan-European Cruise Dialogue’ in Brussels. This event is the latest in a series of dialogues to promote sustainable cruise tourism in the EU. It will feature high-level speakers (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 01, 2022
  • Place: “Maison de la Poste” at the Gare Maritime Avenue du Port 86c 1000 - Brussels
  • Type: Open
  • Posted On: December 28, 2021

Stakeholder Event and Final Project Meeting MiningImpact 2

Coming to a close in February 2022, the MiningImpact 2 project, which looks into the environmental impact of deep-sea mining, will present and discuss its project results with all relevant stakeholder groups.  As plans for the mining of mineral resources from the seabed are (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 01, 2022 - February 02, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Coastal Futures CF2022 – Innovation for Ocean Recovery

These conferences began in 1994. The title of the first meeting was ‘Marine Environmental Management – Review of Events in 1993 and Future Trends’. The meeting has evolved but the essence of review and future trends remains with its main (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 18, 2022 - January 20, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open


The SICOMAR plus project, funded under the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme 2014-2020,  is drawing to its natural conclusion. In the historic venue of Palazzo Pancaldi, in Livorno, the project's final event will be held, bringing together the protagonists of this long (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 12, 2022
  • Place: Palazzo Pancaldi , Viale Italia, 56 - Livorno
  • Type: Open

Thematic Workshop on Green Nautical Technologies

This one-day thematic workshop, organised by BlueInvest, shall bring together entrepreneurs, corporates, investors and stakeholders from the Blue Economy to discuss developments in green nautical technologies and provide insights into investment opportunities. In addition, the pitch session will allow 5 European (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 24, 2022
  • Place: Düsseldorf - online -
  • Type: Open

Ocean Decade Laboratory - A Safe Ocean

The Ocean Decade Laboratories are a creative, interactive platform to support action for the Ocean Decade around the globe. They are a virtual catalyst of action for the Ocean Decade. Each laboratory focuses on one of the Outcomes of the Ocean Decade. Coastal (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 05, 2022 - April 07, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Our Ocean Conference

The seventh Our Ocean Conference is a key moment for governments, civil society, and industry to commit to concrete and significant actions to protect the ocean. The conference focuses on six thematic areas: climate change, sustainable fisheries, sustainable blue economies, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 13, 2022 - April 14, 2022
  • Place: Palau -
  • Type: Open

EU LIFE Platform meeting

The Commission produced in October 2020 a draft note on criteria and guidance for protected areas designation, which includes a definition of strict protection for the purpose of the implementation of the targets set in the strategy. A draft definition of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 22, 2022 - March 23, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid - La Rochelle, France & Online
  • Type: Open

Plastic Busters CAP project kick-off & press conference. “Combating marine litter in the Mediterranean through an integrated and strategic management approach”

The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation as the use of single-use plastics such as gloves and masks has increased, threatening to stall and even reverse the progress achieved, as single plastic accounts for up to 50% of beach litter.The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 26, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only

One Ocean Summit

A SUMMITTO TAKE ACTION AGAINST THE THREATS TO THE OCEAN The ocean covers more than 70% of the surface of our planet, yet too often remains on the sidelines of major European and international events. The ocean is a regulator (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 09, 2022 - February 11, 2022
  • Place: Ateliers des Capucins - Brest, Brittany
  • Type: Open

World Wetlands Day 2022

World Wetlands Day, celebrated annually on 2 February, aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and planet. This day also marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 02, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open


The Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, comes at a critical time as the world is seeking to address many of the deep-rooted problems of our societies laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic and which will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 27, 2022 - July 01, 2022
  • Type: Open

Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation delivering smart, green, safe and competitive waterborne transport

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD), and the STEERER project (Structuring Towards Zero Emission Waterborne Transport) are organising the workshop “Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation delivering smart, green, safe and competitive waterborne transport”, which will take (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 07, 2022
  • Type: Open

Mediterranean Forum

The Mediterranean Forum, organized at the initiative of the President of the French Republic, will be held in Marseille on 7 and 8 February 2022. Building on the commitments made during the Summit of the Two Shores in 2019, the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 07, 2022 - February 08, 2022
  • Place: Parc Chanot 13008 Marseille, France - Marseille
  • Type: Open

BlueMed workshop - “Working together towards a Mediterranean lighthouse for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters”

The European Commission, in close collaboration with the UfM and the BlueMed Pilot team are organizing the workshop “Working together towards a Mediterranean lighthouse for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters”, that will be held on 1st and 2nd (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 01, 2022 - March 02, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid (Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) offices and Online) - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only

10th Meeting of the Working Group on Blue Economy

Hybrid, 23 March 2022. The 10th Meeting of the UfM Working Group on Blue Economy will take place in person in Brussels and online, on 23 March 2022. The meeting aims at: Presenting and exchanging on the Roadmap for the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid (Brussels and Online) - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Co-design workshops

In-person event in Spain with the whole SBB-MED-IA (Sustanable Blue Economy - Mediterranean Innovation Alliance) community invited, so as to start building the MIA building blocks towards the expected outputs.

  • Date: March 16, 2022
  • Type: Open

BLUEfasma Capitalization event in Barcelona

Organized by BLUEfasma partners MedCities and CMIB, it will aim at presenting the project's policy recommendations and white paper on "Proposing solutions to overcome barriers and support blue circular economy in the Mediterranean fishery and aquaculture sectors" to local, regional (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 04, 2022
  • Type: Open

2022 UN Ocean Conference - Global Online Stakeholder Consultation - inputs to concept papers of interactive dialogues

Background Pursuant to General Assembly decision 75/578 of 9 September 2021, the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development is scheduled to be held (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 21, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

4th Marine Imagining Workshop

Marine imaging with cameras is a major method in the science, policy and public understanding of the world’s Oceans. The topic is developing rapidly, driven by the technological evolution and increasing application of marine imaging in all Oceans. The international Marine (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 03, 2022 - October 07, 2022
  • Place: Online & onsite - Brest
  • Type: Open

PANORAMED High-level Event on Tourism:

The High-level Event is being organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia as a leader of Work package 5 (WP5) "Coastal and Maritime Tourism" in cooperation with the Tuscany Region (Italy) as (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid event - TBC
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Plastic Busters MPAs hybrid capitalization event

The Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs capitalization event entitled "Learning together: how to curb marine plastic pollution in Mediterranean MPAs" will take place on the 23rd and 24th of February 2022. The hybrid event, which is organized by the Ministry of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 23, 2022 - February 24, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid event -
  • Type: Open

BlueInvest Day 2022

BlueInvest Day 2022 will bring together innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and enablers in the Blue Economy.  This year's edition will be a hybrid format, taking place at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium and online. Livestreaming, live chat and B2B matchmaking (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 28, 2022
  • Place: Rue du Musée 5, 1000 Brussels, Belgium - Brussels
  • Type: Open


The Capitalization Lab is addressed to national, regional and local authorities, universities, energy agencies, innovation offices, schools, SMEs, NGOs, financial institutions, and all entities that are involved in the planning and implementation of Blue Energy projects, in the participating countries (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 03, 2022 - March 04, 2022
  • Type: Open

Closure of the European Territorial Cooperation project PANORAMED

The Directorate General of European Funds of the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Civil Service, as Lead Partner of PANORAMED project, organises the PANORAMED project closure event on 6 April 2022 in Madrid (Spain). Paseo de la Castellana 162, Salón (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 06, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid event (Paseo de la Castellana 162, Salón de Actos & Online) - Madrid
  • Type: Open

2nd Blue Deal Business Forum

The Valencia’n Business Forum is aimed at transferring BLUE DEAL knowledge and tools to private stakeholders, at fostering their interactions and at creating concrete partnerships for implementing BE projects. During the event SMEs and organizations involved in the value chain of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2022 - March 25, 2022
  • Place: TBD - Valencia
  • Type: Open

WestMED Steering Committee

The WestMED Steering Committee will take place on Thursday, 17th March 2022, from 14:00 to 17:30 CET via Webex.

  • Date: March 17, 2022
  • Place: N/A - N/A
  • Type: By Invitation Only

II Marine Biogeochemistry Training School on: Biogeochemical and ecological dimensions of a changing Ocean

The Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR-Algarve) is organizing the II Marine Biogeochemistry Training School that will bring together diverse researchers that have made important contributions to the field of Biogeochemistry and are effective communicators to teach and interact with (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 31, 2022 - June 05, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

UN World Oceans Day 2022

This year's 2022 United Nations World Oceans Day celebration will be around the theme of "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean". The programming will shed light on the communities, ideas, and solutions that are working together to protect and revitalize (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Seaweed Around the Clock

                                                                                (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 02, 2022 - June 03, 2022
  • Place: Online - around the world
  • Type: Open


The 2022 edition of Monaco Ocean Week will gather local and international experts, the scientific community, voluntary sector and public authorities in the Principality of Monaco to share their findings on key marine environment issues and take action to preserve (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 21, 2022 - March 26, 2022
  • Place: Quai Louis II, 98000, Monaco - Monaco
  • Type: Open

Symposium on Marine Carbon Sequestration

To meet the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, greenhouse gas emissions must reach net-zero by mid-century. Achieving this will not only require reducing existing emissions in all sectors, but also the deliberate removal of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 11, 2022
  • Place: Ostend Science Park, Bluebridge, Belgium - Bluebridge
  • Type: Open

EU Green Week 2022

EU Green Week is an annual opportunity to debate European environmental policy with policymakers, leading environmentalists and stakeholders from Europe and beyond. This year's edition focuses on the European Green Deal - the EU’s sustainable and transformative growth strategy for (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 30, 2022 - June 05, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Connectivity in Marine Spatial Planning - Training Workshop

From the 6 to 10 June 2022 in Piran, Slovenia will be organized a Training workshop on Connectivity in Marine Spatial Planning. Dr Maria Beger, Dr. Ant Türkmen and Dominic Muenzel will convey knowledge and skills to integrate connectivity into (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 06, 2022 - June 10, 2022
  • Place: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy - EMUNI - Piran
  • Type: Open


Plastic Busters MPAs consolidates efforts to slash marine plastic pollution in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas - Athens, Greece, 12-13 April 2022 The conference will feature and fully exploit the knowledge, know-how, experience and lessons learned obtained by the implementation of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 12, 2022 - April 13, 2022
  • Type: Open

MISTRAL project final event

After 4 years our project comes to the end. Our final event will take place on 8th April 2022 in Rome both in vivo and virtual presence. During the event, MISTRAL partners will retrace the main achievements of the project (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 08, 2022
  • Place: Palazzo della Regione Lazio Sala Tirreno, Rome - Rome
  • Type: Open

Building projects for a plastic-free Mediterranean

The event "Building projects for a plastic-free Mediterranean", organized in the framework of our Working Group on Transport & Integrated Maritime Policy will take place online on 1st April 2022 from 10.00 to 12.00 (CET). Translation will be available in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 01, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Greening the Cruise and Recreational Boating sectors in the Mediterranean

The hybrid event will take place in the Port of Sète, France on April 13th 2022, from 9:00 to 13:00 (CET). During this event the Guidelines for Sustainable Cruise and Yachting in the Mediterranean Region developed by the Mediterranean Blue Growth Community in partnership with the Sustainable (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 13, 2022
  • Place: Sète, France & Online -
  • Type: Open

Aquaculture Congress “Challenges and Perspectives for Blue — Green Aquaculture”

The event is organized by AMBIO S.A. (www.ambio.gr) on 15 and 16 April 2022, at the Athens International Conference Centre — Concert Hall, with the support of the Hellenic Aquaculture Producers Organization — HAPO (www.fishfromgreece.com). It should be noted that (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 15, 2022 - April 16, 2022
  • Place: Megaron Athens International Conference Centre - Athens
  • Type: Open

Fostering Circular Blue Economy in the Mediterranean

How can we bridge circular and blue economies in the Mediterranean? The conference “Fostering Circular Blue Economy in the Mediterranean” will seek to answer that key question in Barcelona on 10 and 11 May 2022 through a hybrid event with (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 10, 2022 - May 11, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid Event - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

UfM Conference on Blue Finance 'Investing in a Mediterranean Sustainable Blue Economy'

The Co-Presidency and Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean have the pleasure of inviting you toattend the UfM Conference on Blue Finance ‘Investing in a Mediterranean Sustainable Blue Economy’, which will take place in Barcelona on June 22nd, 2022. Following (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 22, 2022
  • Place: World Trade Centre - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only

9th Meeting of the UfM Working Group on Blue Economy

The 9th meeting of the UfM Working Group on Blue Economy took place online on November 18, 2021. Preliminary advancements on the technical assistance to draft the Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 18, 2021
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only

“WestMED in my Country”: Diversificación en el Sector Pesquero y Acuícola: Oportunidades dentro de la Economía azul en el Mediterráneo Occidental

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 “WestMED in my Country” consiste en 9 eventos presenciales en todos los países participantes en WestMED. Cada evento será interactivo, se llevará a cabo en el idioma del (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 05, 2022
  • Place: Clúster Marítimo Marino de Andalucía The Green Ray, Blvr. Louis Pasteur, 47 - Málaga
  • Type: Open

UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15)

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 The second part of COP 15 will take place in the third quarter of 2022 (dates to be determined). The first part was held online from 11 - 15 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 01, 2022
  • Place: Online/ In Person - Kunming, China
  • Type: Open

11th Meeting of the UfM Working Group on Blue Economy

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 The 11th meeting of the UfM Working Group on Blue Economy will take place on June 21st, in the afternoon, back-to-back with the UfM Conference on Blue Finance of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 21, 2022
  • Place: In Person - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

3rd World Conference on Mediterranean Diet

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the CIHEAM, the CIHEAM Bari is organizing the Third World Conference on the Revitalization (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 28, 2022 - September 30, 2022
  • Place: In Person - Bari
  • Type: Open

UN Climate Change Conference 2022 (UNFCCC COP 27)

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 Details will be uploaded later. To receive updates from the SDG Knowledge Hub in your inbox, subscribe (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 07, 2022 - November 18, 2022
  • Place: Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt - Sharm El-Sheikh
  • Type: Open

14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties

The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14) will take place from 21 to 29 November 2022 in Wuhan, China. The Standing Committee approved the COP14 provisional agenda through Post-SC58 Intersessional Decision 08. Some of the topics (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 05, 2022 - November 13, 2022
  • Place: In Person - Wuhan, China
  • Type: Open

B-Blue Final Conference

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 B-Blue - Building the blue biotechnology community in the Mediterranean. The event will present the main results of the Mediterranean Innovation Alliance on Sustainable Blue Bioeconomy. Time: 9:30 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 04, 2022 - May 05, 2022
  • Place: Online/ In Person - Bari
  • Type: Open

Smart specialisation for marine renewable energy Atlantic Strategy National Events of Pillar III & IV

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 National Events organised by Pillar III: Marine renewable energy and Pillar IV: Healthy ocean and resilient (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 09, 2022
  • Place: IH Cantabria Auditorium, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Cantabria, C. Isabel Torres, 15, 39011 - Santander
  • Type: Open

Smart Specialisation for marine renewable energy - Brokerage Event

Malawi: Economic Development Document, IMF Country Report No. 17/184, May 29, 2017 The EU is a global leader in both mature technologies of offshore wind and emerging technologies of floating wind and ocean energy. Marine renewable energy will be an (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 10, 2022
  • Place: Online/ In Person (IH Cantabria Auditorium, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Cantabria, C. Isabel Torres, 15, 39011) - Santander
  • Type: Open

Workshop on Financial Engineering

The workshop will present success stories, information and investment options for project managers to consider with the objective of making existing and future projects more sustainable. It will take place at  10:00 am CET This workshop seeks to address a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 05, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

BLUE DEAL Final Conference

In the transition to renewable energy, can we afford to leave the sea out? If we are serious about making this change, the answer is no. This, however, raises further questions including: Which is the optimal route to support the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 18, 2022
  • Place: Sala Ragazzini - Ravenna
  • Type: Open

WestMED in my Country: Hackathons

The event will also mark the end of the WestMED in my country campaign, where National Events in the countries concerned will be taking place during May and June. The main outcomes and summary conclusions of those events will be (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 30, 2022
  • Place: Online/ In Person - La Valetta
  • Type: Open

Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (SRC-EM)

The SRC-EM will include a WGMSE session on round sardinella and deep-water red shrimp in the Levant including presentations on data-limited MSE methods. It is a closed event. Experts are invited to submit proposed contributions through the registration form.

  • Date: May 10, 2022 - May 13, 2022
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Workshop EBRII: Bringing together marine biodiversity, environmental and maritime boundaries data in R

In this LifeWatch VLIZ workshop you will learn different steps in a workflow to query and combine data from European marine databases, visualize and get them ready for further analysis. We will also apply the workflow to your own datasets (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 30, 2022
  • Place: VAC Herman Teirlinck Havenlaan 88, Room 01.53 Stijn Streuvels - Brussels
  • Type: Open

2nd Climate Observation Conference

The 2nd GCOS Climate Observation Conference will focus on activities and solutions that help to achieve a fully implemented, sustainable, and fit for purpose global observing system for climate. The Conference will also provide the occasion to celebrate GCOS 30th (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 17, 2022 - October 19, 2022
  • Place: Darmstadtium Science and Congress Center (Schlossgraben 1) - Darmstadt
  • Type: Open

Stakeholder event on the common fisheries policy

Registrations are now open for a hybrid stakeholder event on the functioning of the common fisheries policy (CFP) and common market organisation (CMO). Concluding a consultation process that started last December, the event will help the European Commission prepare the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 10, 2022
  • Place: Charlemagne Conference Centre, Alcide de Gasperi - Brussels
  • Type: Open

Ocean Literacy EU4Ocean Summit

The EU4ocean booth and exhibition space will have many interactive activities organised by the coalition’s members. During the European Maritime Day (EMD), the hybrid Ocean Literacy EU4Ocean Summit  will showcase and award the most successful initiatives, collaborations and actions of the EU4Ocean Platform, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 19, 2022 - May 20, 2022
  • Place: Online/ In Person - Ravenna
  • Type: Open

SEArica Conference on Blue Skills

A competitive, resilient, and socially fair blue economy needs highly qualified and skilled professionals. Yet today, many blue economy sectors have difficulties finding the right people, which hampers their growth. Within the shift towards a sustainable blue economy approach lie (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 23, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

European Research and Innovation Days

Let's shape the future together European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 28, 2022 - September 29, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Les rendez-vous du Plan Bleu #2

En 2022, le Plan Bleu souhaite aller plus loin dans la sensibilisation pour la sauvegarde de la Méditerranée. Nous avons imaginé "Les rendez-vous du Plan Bleu" : une rencontre en ligne animée par les experts de l'environnement pour présenter et (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 07, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

WINTER MED -Final Project & Capitalisation Event

On 31st May the WINTER MED project will hold its Final Project and Capitalisation Event "Shared vision and commitment to year-round sustainable tourism in Mediterranean island destinations and beyond" The WINTER MED Final Project & Capitalisation Event will be the occasion (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 31, 2022
  • Place: In person and Online - Rhodes
  • Type: Open

MapSIS 2022

The MapSIS 2022 will take place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) co-organized within the International Symposium on Marine Science (ISMS) that will run from the 6th-8th July 2022.  More information available here. 

  • Date: July 07, 2022 - July 08, 2022
  • Type: Open

Lancement de l’Economie Bleue en Tunisie

L’événement national organisé, le 2 juin 2022, par le Hub National Tunisie sera ouvert par la Ministre Chargée du Secrétariat Général pour la Mer qui présentera les éléments clés de la stratégie nationale de l’économie bleue en Tunisie et exprimer (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 02, 2022
  • Place: Golden Tulip El Mechtel, Avenue Ouled Haffouz El Omrane - Tunis
  • Type: Open

RMSC2022: Past, Present and Future of a Living Ocean: 2022 Ramon Margalef Summer Coloquia

The RMSC2022 will promote synergies and dialogues between different disciplines as well as networking and knowledge exchange between senior, junior and next-generation researchers from different disciplines in order to develop improved perspectives on the future ocean, based on knowledge from the past and present. The workshop will take place (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 25, 2022 - October 02, 2022
  • Place: Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

Euromaritime 2022

This exhibition aims to bring together all players in the maritime economy. The international event will take place in Marseille from 29 - 30 June 2022. Throughout the course of the event, it will be possible to meet more than 250 exhibitors and attend (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 29, 2022 - June 30, 2022
  • Place: Parc Chanot - Marseille
  • Type: Open

2nd MED Sustainable Tourism Convention

The MED Sustainable tourism Convention is the occasion for the Mediterranean tourism stakeholders to debate on key topics related to Sustainable Tourism in the region. The event promotes the encounter of organisations, regions and experts of the tourism sector with different territorial (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2022 - June 09, 2022
  • Place: Hotel Alimara – CETT - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

Webinar: Marine Data for Policies

Mercator Ocean International is organizing a webinar about Marine Data for Policies. This event aims to gather and engage the marine policy community in order to provide the view on the Copernicus Marine offer and bring its knowledge and capacities to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 21, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Shaping a Circular Blue Economy in the Mediterranean

On 27-28 June 2022, the BLUEfasma project celebrates its closure inviting you to attend the Conference “Shaping a Circular Blue Economy in the Mediterranean” in Cairo, Egypt. Some of the topics that will be discussed are the following: How can (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 27, 2022 - June 28, 2022
  • Place: Four Seasons Nile Boat, 35 Giza Street, Giza - Cairo
  • Type: Open

Interreg Euro-MED Programm

The Interreg Euro-MED Programme in collaboration with the Cypriot Directorate General Growth of the Ministry of Finance is organising an Information Session on the 2nd call for project proposals. The objective of the conference is to brief potential partners on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 23, 2022
  • Place: Online / In person (Atlantica Miramare Hotel) - Limassol
  • Type: Open

Webinar: The win-win approach of POSBEMED2: reconcile the tourist use of a beach with Posidonia Oceanica Conservation

The Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC) project, led by the European Topic Centre of the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA), and its Working Group 2 on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, coordinated by the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission, is organizing a webinar on sharing best (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 12, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

BlueFIN 22: Global Blue Finance Summit

The annual Global Blue Finance Summit, hosted by World Ocean Council, will take place October 19 in Barcelona, Spain — the new headquarters for WOC. BlueFIN 22 will convene a broad network in finance and investment to explore sustainable ocean (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 19, 2022
  • Place: In Person - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Blue Invest Africa 2022

BlueInvest Africa 2022 aims to showcase Africa’s potential on sustainable blue economy; foster innovation, sustainability, and entrepreneurship; and promote public-private cooperation. It has a continental scope, and will consist of pitching sessions, B2B meetings, an exhibition showcasing small-scale African projects, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 07, 2022 - September 08, 2022
  • Place: Online & In-person (Eden Bleu Hotel) - Seychelles
  • Type: Open

SHAREMED International Workshop

The SHAREMED project is actively assessing and addressing common and emerging challenges on trans-boundary marine environmental threats and pollution in the Mediterranean, and the shared, effective observing systems needed to monitor them and support informed decisions and actions. The workshop builds on the project achievements to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 13, 2022 - September 14, 2022
  • Place: Online/ In Person - Malta
  • Type: Open

SAVE THE DATE (WEBINAR): Access EU funding for your Blue Economy project: Training Session on project proposal development

The Co-Presidency and Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in an online capacity-building / training session on project development associated to EU funding programs (‘Access EU funding for your Blue Economy (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 25, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid Event (Aqaba, Jordan and online) - Aqaba
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Sustainable Ocean Summit - SOS 2022

The World Ocean Council is partnering with the City and the Port of Barcelona to develop a global Blue Economy hub, headquartered in Barcelona, Spain. In celebration of this new partnership, World Ocean Council will host two high-impact ocean events in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 17, 2022 - October 18, 2022
  • Place: World Trade Center Barcelona - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

European Research and Innovation Days

European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. This year’s European (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 28, 2022 - September 29, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Sea Level Rise Conference 2022

The conference will bring together researchers, stakeholders and policy professionals to assess available and required scientific knowledge on regional-local sea level change in Europe, policy development and implementation with up-to-date geographical and contextual detail. The conference will also put the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 17, 2022 - October 18, 2022
  • Place: the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista Di Venezia - Venice
  • Type: Open

Marine Research Infrastructures Management Workshop

This management workshop is organized within the scope of the EurofleetsPlus training program and will be held at Tallinn University of Technology. The workshop will have a duration of 2.5 days (from 19 to 21 September 2022) and is offered (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 19, 2022 - September 21, 2022
  • Place: Tallinn University of Technology - Tallinn
  • Type: Open

Sustainable blue economy and aquaculture in EU regions

The hybrid conference on sustainable blue economy and aquaculture in EU regions will take place on 22 September 2022. It is organised by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions. Interpretation to 9 languages and web streaming will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 22, 2022
  • Place: Brussels, Belgium and Online -
  • Type: Open

Blue Growth Community Final Conference - Sustainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean

The Blue Growth Community run for six years in the European Mediterranean region. During this period, the Community has set the ground for unique cooperation opportunities aimed at fostering a new paradigm for sustainable Blue Growth. To celebrate this achievement, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 29, 2022 - September 30, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid Event (Online and Lisbon) - Lisbon
  • Type: Open

EMFAF 2022 Info Day

An Info Day about two new calls for proposals under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) takes place on 24 November 2022. The two calls are “Blue careers for a sustainable blue economy” and “Regional flagships projects supporting (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 24, 2022
  • Place: Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels, Belgium - Brussels
  • Type: Open

International TouMaLi Conference 2022

Target Group Political Institutions, Municipalities, International Organisations, NGOs, Research & Education Institutions, Tourism Industry, Private Sector, Producers, as well as Media & Communications! Contents Marine Litter Monitoring Results & Practices Waste Management in Tourism Destinations Involvement of the Tourism Sector (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 10, 2022 - October 11, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid Event (Arab Academy and Online) - Alexandria
  • Type: Open

MSPMED Project Final Conference

FINAL CONFERENCE 13-14 October Save the Date!! The final conference of the MSPMED Project will take place on the 13th and 14th of October 2022 and will be held at National Research Council CNR in Rome. The conference will present the outcomes (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 13, 2022 - October 14, 2022
  • Place: National Research Council CNR - Rome
  • Type: Open

Smart Specialisation for Sustainable Blue Economy

As a direct follow-up from the five brokerage sessions held by DG Mare focusing on Blue Bio-techonology, Marine Renewable Energies, Coastal and Maritime Tourism, Aquaculture and Fishery, DG MARE is organising a hybrid back-to-back event focused on smart specialisation strategies (S3) that promote (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 25, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid Event (Agios Nikolaos Crete and online) -
  • Type: Open

5th International MSPforum

The MSPforum aims to bring together practitioners to discuss and exchange about concrete examples and recommendations on how to apply Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). This 5th edition will be structured around panels and round-table discussions about six main topics: (1) Knowledge (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 21, 2022
  • Place: TBC - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

3RD International Conference on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning

The Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission (DG MARE) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) are jointly organising the 3rd edition of the International Conference on Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning. Objective: To assess the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 22, 2022 - November 23, 2022
  • Place: TBC - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

FAMENET Launch Event

FAMENET (Fisheries and Aquaculture Monitoring, Evaluation and Local Support Network) supports stakeholders in the implementation of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). FAMENET merges the support previously provided by FAME and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 20, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Forum Blue Cluster 2022

The 13th edition of the ForumBlueCluster, an event of the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, dedicated to blue biotechnologies will take place on Tuesday 29 November at the Roscoff Biological Station. With a view to the environmental transition of the Agro-Food (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 29, 2022
  • Place: Station Biologique de Roscoff - Roscoff
  • Type: Open

UfM Water Task Forces

UfM Water Task Forces, Water Access, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), and Water Climate Change Actions (WCCA), will be held from 10:45 to 12:00 and from 12:00 to 13:30 hours (CEST), under a hybrid format.   Achieving water security is a major challenge (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 19, 2022
  • Place: TBC - Valencia
  • Type: Open

1st International Conference on Ocean Education and Training

This conference is organised by the consortium of partners of the OceanTraining project, which gathers researchers and educators working on marine and Ocean sciences and digital education. This event aims to bring together educators, educational programme coordinators, joint programme coordinators, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 09, 2023 - January 11, 2023
  • Place: TBC - Ghent
  • Type: Open

Restart Med! Sustainable Tourism Summit

The EU-funded Restart Med! project will celebrate World Tourism Day on 27 September 2022 with a summit organised by project lead CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples. The Summit will look for “better policies to increase sustainability (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 27, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid event (Online & Palermo) Officine Baronali - Via Villa Rosato 22 - Palermo
  • Type: Open

4th ESP Europe Conference

The aim of this European ESP Conference is to highlight pathways for involving diverse societal groups (e.g., local stakeholders, public and private decision makers, NGOs, civil society organizations, students, businesses) in ES science, policy and practice. Besides the participation of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 10, 2022 - October 14, 2022
  • Place: Galaxy Hotel Iraklio - Heraklion
  • Type: Open

BlueGeneration International Conference

The BlueGeneration International Conference will take place in Palma de Mallorca, Spain on 29th of September 2022 and will bring together professionals, experts and various stakeholders from the Blue Economy with Employment offices, Youth organizations and Inclusion institutions from eight European (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 29, 2022
  • Place: Cambra de Comerç de Mallorca 7 - Palma de Mallorca
  • Type: Open

The EcoScope annual General Assembly

This event will bring together the EcoScope consortium for the purposes of collaboration, planning and reporting the project's activities, results, and outputs.

  • Date: October 25, 2022 - October 27, 2022
  • Place: 11 rue Hermès, Parc Technologique du Canal, 31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne (Toulouse, France) - Toulouse
  • Type: By Invitation Only

The Mediterranean leading the way - a cooperative framework to strengthen area-based nature conservation actions

The Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community project is organizing its Final Event, entitled “The Mediterranean leading the way - a cooperative framework to strengthen area-based nature conservation actions”. This event will be the opportunity to showcase the community’s results and nature-based solutions found (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 02, 2022 - November 04, 2022
  • Place: TBC - Brussels
  • Type: Open

12th UfM Working Group on Blue Economy and Back-to-back Capacity building on project development associated to EU funding programs (‘Access EU funding for your Blue Economy project: Training session on project proposal development’)

Countries and stakeholders will meet in Aqaba, Jordan, and online on 24-25 October 2022 in order to (i) continue making progress on the Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy; (ii) discuss ongoing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 24, 2022 - October 25, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid Event (Aqaba, Jordan and online) - Aqaba
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Side Event in the framework of the UNECE Environment Conference

In the framework of the UNECE Environment Conference on 'Circular economy, Sustainable Tourism and Education for Sustainable Development’(Cyprus, 1-5 October), the UfM together with CPMR-IMC and with the participation of the World Tourism Organization, is organizing a Side Event on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 06, 2022
  • Place: 4/NTL Building Cyprus Institute - Nicosia
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference

The Environment for Europe process (EfE) is a unique pan-European platform – established  by the region’s Ministers of Environment over thirty years ago in Dobris Castle (Czechia) – for addressing environmental challenges, improving environmental governance, promoting environmental and cross-sectoral cooperation and information-sharing (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 05, 2022 - October 07, 2022
  • Place: Filoxenia’ Conference Centre - Nicosia
  • Type: Open

Info session – How to be part of Interreg Euro-MED?

The Interreg Euro-MED Programme in collaboration with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and WestMed Initiative is organising a joint information session “How to be part of Interreg Euro-MED? “. The meeting will be the occasion for WestMed and UfM stakeholders to discover how they can participate in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 10, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Ocean Best Practices Workshop

The Ocean Practices: OBPS Workshop VI will take place virtually with Plenaries on 5, 6, and 19 October 2022 (each three hours long). Working Group sessions will meet in between, at times of their own choosing.  The Workshop will cover (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 05, 2022 - October 06, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Copernicus Biodiversity in Coastal Ecosystems Workshop

This workshop offered by DG DEFIS and EUSPA will illustrate what Copernicus can offer in relation to biodiversity and coastal ecosystems, and their protection. Numerous products are available across several Copernicus services to describe and monitor various elements related to it, including the effects (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 11, 2022 - October 12, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu #3

« Les rendez-vous du Plan Bleu » are online meetings, led by Mediterranean environmental experts to present and decipher a topical subject. This third edition, which will take place on Thursday, October 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., focuses (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

MARBLUE 2022 Blue growth: challenges and opportunities for the Black Sea

The aim of the first International Joint Conference is to contribute to the protection of the Black Sea by supporting the sustainable development in a multi-disciplinary way. The conference will provide a space for fruitful discussions, including aspects related to both (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 26, 2022 - October 28, 2022
  • Place: ”OVIDIUS” University of Constanta, Nr.1. University Alley, B Campus, 900437 - Constanta
  • Type: Open

ECOMONDO 2022 -One-to-EU meetings

If you want to learn more about upcoming EU Calls for proposals or if you have a specific question about EU funding programmes this event is for you. During the ECOMONDO 2022 event, participants can book a 15-minute One-to-EU meeting (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 08, 2022 - November 11, 2022
  • Place: Rimini Expo Centre - Stand N.069 (Hall Sud) - Rimini
  • Type: Open

Paddle Final International Conference

From 4 to 6 April 2023, the Paddle project will hold its final international conference. More information will follow soon.

  • Date: April 04, 2023 - October 06, 2022
  • Place: TBC - Brest
  • Type: Open

First Stocktaking Meeting of the GEF-UNEP MedProgramme

The GEF-UNEP MedProgramme’s Annual Stocktaking Meeting (ASM) will be held on 2-3 November 2022 in Athens, Greece. “Assess – Synergize – Move forward” is the slogan chosen for the meeting. The MedProgramme Coordination Unit, which is hosted by the Mediterranean Action Plan (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 02, 2022 - November 03, 2022
  • Type: By Invitation Only

The Ocean Pavilion and Ocean events at COP27

For the first time, the ocean is taking center stage inside the COP Blue Zone at the COP27 conference. The Ocean Pavilion will bring together world leaders in ocean science, engineering, and policy to carry the message that the ocean matters to everyone, everywhere (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 06, 2022 - November 18, 2022
  • Type: Open

Blue skills and careers for the European Green Deal

On the 09/11/2022, the European Commission, Ecomondo STC and the Italian Ministry of Education are organising the EMFAF session “Blue Skills and careers for the EUGREENDEAL” at Ecomondo2022. The best practices, lessons learnt, bottlenecks and new funding opportunities for Blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 09, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid Event (Online & Ravezzi 1 Room South Hall) -
  • Type: Open

COP27 Side Event: Observing and understanding climate change and biodiversity from the coast to the deep ocean

The participating global networks will discuss how developing capacity for observing and understanding marine ecosystems will support tracking, forecasting and stewardship of these ecosystems to address the intertwined threats of climate change and biodiversity loss from the coast to the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 15, 2022
  • Place: Blue Zone - Sharm El-Sheikh
  • Type: Open

OceanPrediction online kick-off meeting

The Call for Applications for the EU4Ocean Winter School on Ocean Literacy & Collaboration is now open! It's a 3-day event set to improve collaboration on ocean-related projects. The event is developed under the European Ocean Coalition (EU4Ocean) framework in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 11, 2023 - January 12, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

EU4Ocean Winter School on Ocean Literacy and Collaboration

Are you following a Master’s course or P.h.D? Would you like to know how you can best collaborate in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment across the ocean? The Call for Applications for the EU4Ocean Winter School on Ocean Literacy & (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 12, 2022 - December 14, 2022
  • Place: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science - Venice
  • Type: Open

International Ocean Data Conference

The second edition of the International Ocean Data Conference will be held in Paris, France at the UNESCO headquarters on 20-12 March 2023. The IODC-II will focus on the implementation of those commitments and recommendations, and report on the problems (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 20, 2023 - March 21, 2023
  • Place: UNESCO headquarters - Paris
  • Type: Open

The 9th Atlantic Stakeholders Platform Conference

Stakeholders of the Atlantic Community are invited to apply to lead a workshop at the 9th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference (ASPC 2022). ASPC 2022 will take place two years after the launch of the Atlantic Action Plan 2.0 – A New (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 30, 2022 - December 02, 2022
  • Place: Cadiz’s Conference Centre - C/ Plocia s/n - Cádiz
  • Type: Open

Apply for Horizon Europe Young Observers

Are you interested in how research projects acquire EU funding? Don’t miss this interview with the current Young Observers for insights on the process and tips for a successful application. Deadline to apply for the next round is December 14.   Who can (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 14, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership: Regional Workshop - Atlantic

The European Commission is organising Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) Regional Workshop for the Atlantic. The hybrid event will take place on Wednesday the 23th of November 2022, from 15:00 to 17:15 GMT at  Carrigaline Court hotel. The workshop is followed by a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 23, 2022
  • Place: Carrigaline Court hotel - Cork
  • Type: Open

Blue-Cloud Final Conference - Unlocking Open Science in support of the EU Green Deal

The final conference of the Blue-Cloud pilot project is an opportunity to learn about the main results, achievements and the road ahead of this key component of the EU “Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative”.  Gain insight into the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 08, 2022 - November 08, 2022
  • Place: The Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi, 155 · Wetstraat, 155 - Brussels
  • Type: Open

UN 2023 Water Conference

The Conference will feature an opening and closing ceremony, six plenary meetings and five multi-stakeholder interactive dialogues. It will also feature a number of high-level special events and side events organized by Member States, the UN system and other stakeholders. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 22, 2023 - March 24, 2023
  • Type: By Invitation Only

EU4Algae virtual event

The EU4Algae first presential meeting and event is taking place in Rome on 12 December, back-to-back to the AlgaEurope 2022 Conference (13 to 15 December). The EU4Algae event in the afternoon will be open and hybrid. This session aims to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 12, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Global Workshop on Source-to-Sea Management

While freshwater and marine specialists have largely worked in silos, nature has always worked as one: the land, freshwater, and ocean ecosystems are closely interlinked and interdependent. The source-to-sea approach aims at bridging existing gaps by connecting the ecosystems’ management (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 14, 2022 - December 16, 2022
  • Place: Online - Geneva
  • Type: Open

Regional MSPforums

IOC-UNESCO and its Sub-Commissions IOCAFRICA, IOCARIBE, and WESTPAC are delighted to launch a series of Regional MSPforums to amplify the dialogue about the priority areas of the updated MSProadmap at regional level. *Africa* When: 8-9 December 2022, 10h00 to 13h00 (UTC) (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 08, 2022 - December 09, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Co-Evolution of coastal human activities & Med natural system

The Co-Evolve4BG project aims at analysing and promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural eco-systems in touristic coastal areas, towards sustainable development of tourist activities based on the principles of Integrated Coast Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 08, 2022 - December 09, 2022
  • Place: Hotel RAMADA PLAZA Gammarth - Tunis
  • Type: By Invitation Only

The Mediterranean Corner -'Talks for Naure'

The Mediterranean Corner is an open space set up at the CBD COP 15 exhibition area (Room 220a - Booth #420) to showcase solutions for effective biodiversity conservation from the Mediterranean, especially those linked to marine protected areas, and to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 10, 2022 - December 16, 2022
  • Place: Hybrid event (Online & Montreal) -
  • Type: Open

Towards an integrated and convergent EuroGEO

EuroGEO combines the contributions of European members of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), a partnership of more than 100 national governments, over 100 participating organisations and the European Commission. GEO envisions a future where decisions and measures for the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 07, 2022 - December 09, 2022
  • Place: Hotel Electra Palace Athens - Athens
  • Type: By Invitation Only

EU Missions Annual Forum. Restore our ocean & waters

The Annual Forum of the EU Missions Restore our ocean & waters will take place in Brussels on 17 February, from 09.00 to 17.00.   What are EU Missions? EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 17, 2023
  • Place: Royal Museums of Fine Arts - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only

CMCC Webinar: Monitoring and forecasting marine heat waves

Marine heat waves (MHWs) occur when exceptionally warm Ocean temperatures persist for several days or more. They cause mass-mortality events of wild and farmed marine species, severely affecting marine conservation efforts and aquatic food sector activities. In many parts of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 16, 2022
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

I International Forum on Marine Litter & Circular Economy in Islands Environments

MARLICE ISLANDS addresses the problem of marine litter from the singularity of isolated territories, seeking solutions on a local scale and bringing together experiences, studies and policies on islands in different seas and oceans of the planet. MARLICE ISLANDS 2023 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 07, 2023 - December 08, 2022
  • Place: Av. de Cristobal Colón, s/n, 38400 - Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife
  • Type: Open

Opportunities and challenges for blue SMEs and maritime regions

Blue SMEs, active in sectors such as marine renewable energy, shipping, fisheries and aquaculture, coastal tourism and marine biotechnology, are vital to the long-term success of the blue economy and the sustainable development of maritime regions.  However, many businesses in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 25, 2023
  • Place: European Parliament, Room SPINELLI 1G369 - Brussels
  • Type: Open

International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions

The International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions (ICMB) is an international forum where scientists and policy makers from around the world meet to review current challenges in the global management of invasive marine organisms and to share new developments in science (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 15, 2023 - May 19, 2023
  • Place: University System of Maryland's, Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET), - Baltimore, MD, USA
  • Type: Open

OCEANS 2023: Blue Ocean Planet Earth

The OCEANS conference is the flagship event of the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES). Global thought leaders and innovators in the areas of marine technology, engineering, science, research, and education will gather together at the University of Limerick (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 05, 2023 - June 08, 2023
  • Place: University of Limerick - Limerick
  • Type: Open

3rd Workshop Community of Practice on Data sharing, information and communication technology serving MSP

As part of the European eMSP-NBSR project, the French National Hydrographic and Oceanographic Office (SHOM) will be organizing the third Workshop for the Data Community of Practice (CoP). This WS will be held physically in Paris as well as online. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 18, 2023
  • Place: 73 avenue de Paris – 94160 Saint-Mandé - Paris
  • Type: Open

EU Missions Ocean Info Day

The EU Missions Ocean Info Day is an online event aimed at informing potential applicants about the new topics included in the EU Missions work programme 2023. It will present funding opportunities for projects aimed at reaching the EU Mission's goals (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 17, 2023 - January 18, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Blue Economy Forum III

The Blue Economy Forum III is the third edition of this insightful conference on all things blue. It aims to explore the crossroads of the ocean, the climate crisis and the energy challenges along with the UN and EU goals (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 21, 2023
  • Place: TBC - Athens
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Refreshing H2O policy workshop

The Refreshing H20 Policy Workshop, on the social and economic aspects of fresh and marine water policy, will be held in Rotterdam, Netherlands, from January 30 to February 1. It provides a space for policymakers, practitioners, and environmental socio-economists to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: January 30, 2023 - February 01, 2023
  • Place: SS Rotterdam - Rotterdam
  • Type: Open

The 10th Annual World Ocean Summit & Expo

The greatest challenges facing the ocean will be addressed at the World Ocean Summit, which takes place on February 27th through to March 1st.  In its 10th year, the annual global event brings together the widest cross-section of the ocean (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 27, 2023 - March 01, 2023
  • Place: Praça das Indústrias 1, 1300-307 - Lisbon
  • Type: Open

BlueInvest Day 2023

BlueInvest day will take place on 9th March 2023 and provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and innovation stakeholders to plug in to the Blue Economy. It is a community which helps SMEs and start-ups to access finance and business (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 09, 2023
  • Place: TBC - Online - Brussels
  • Type: Open

World Maritime Week

WORLD MARITIME WEEK is the benchmark event in the international maritime sector, which holds four parallel international congresses for the following fields: naval (SINAVAL); fishing (EUROFISHING); ports (FUTUREPORT); and wave, tidal and current energy (OCEAN ENERGY CONFERENCE). It includes a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 21, 2023 - March 23, 2023
  • Place: Bilbao Exhibition Centre - Bilbao
  • Type: Open

International Conference on Sustainable Blue Economy

The International Conference on Sustainable Blue Economy takes place in Rome. Details on the venue will follow. The event aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 17, 2023 - July 18, 2023
  • Place: TBC - Rome
  • Type: Open

Open Sea Lab 3.0 Hackathon

TheOpen Sea Lab Hackathon is a unique event that brings together data and multidisciplinary scientists, software developers, social innovators, students, and businesses in Europe and around the world to harness the wealth of open-source, marine data offered by EMODnet  to develop (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 27, 2023 - March 28, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Essential Biodiversity Variable workflows workshop

EuropaBON is organising a virtual workshop on Essential Biodiversity Variable workflows. Prof. W. Daniel Kissling and his team are hosting this event that will take place between 22 and 24 February 2023. The workshop sessions will last for about 2-2.5 hours (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 22, 2023 - February 24, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5)

The Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) is an opportunity for the global community of marine conservation managers, practitioners and decision makers to exchange knowledge, experience and best practices to strengthen the conservation of marine biodiversity and to protect (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 03, 2023 - February 09, 2023
  • Place: Vancouver Convention Centre, West Building - Vancouver , Canada
  • Type: Open

Atlantic Innovation Week

Registration is open for the Atlantic Innovation Week (AIW) 2023. The agenda includes sessions dedicated to Blue Economy, Digital Transformation, training sessions, presentations on the relevance of Azorean entities, and projects and initiatives of the AIR Centre and TERINOV. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 20, 2023 - March 23, 2023
  • Place: Academia de Juventude e das Artes da Ilha Terceira - Azores
  • Type: Open

Fair Seas World Ocean Day Conference

Fair Seas will host its inaugural conference in Cork next June on World Oceans Day. They will bring ocean advocates, government, industry and key stakeholders together to map out the next steps for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Irish waters. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2023
  • Place: Cork City Hall - Cork
  • Type: Open

Salon Halieutis 2023 | L’initiative WestMed : Opportunités pour renforcer l’économie bleue durable en Méditerranée occidentale

Le Salon Halieutis à Agadir Maroc, est le lieu de rencontre international du secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture.Le Mécanisme d’Assistance WestMED sera présent sur le stand de l’Union européenne où vous pourrez rencontrer les représentants du Hub WestMED (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 02, 2023
  • Place: Salon Halieutis - Agadir
  • Type: Open

Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030’

From April to October 2023, the European Commission will organise a series of events taking place in: Hamburg (Germany): 25-26 April Palermo (Italy) 30-31 May and Salina (Italy) 1 June Genoa (Italy) 26 June Vigo (Spain) 10-11 October These high-level (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 25, 2023 - October 11, 2023
  • Place: TBC - Hamburg, Palermo, Genoa and Vigo
  • Type: Open

Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030’: Mission Baltic and North Sea lighthouse

The European Commission, in close cooperation with the German Ministries and with the support of the BlueMissionBANOS Co-ordination and Support Action for the Baltic & North Sea, will organise the event Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”: The Baltic (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 25, 2023 - April 26, 2023
  • Place: Factory Hammerbrooklyn - Hamburg
  • Type: Open

Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030: EurOCEAN 2023 conference - One Ocean, One Voice

This is the final event of the “Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030" events. Under the Spanish Presidency, this high-level event is planned to take place in Vigo. The aim of the EurOCEAN 2023 conference is to highlight the synergies (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 10, 2023 - October 11, 2023
  • Place: Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos Mar de Vigo - Vigo
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Enhance Climate Change Adaptation and Coastal Resilience

Despite the international and European efforts to address climate change and mitigate the negative effects on our planet and human livelihood, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, coastal erosion, floods and many other consequences are a reality to face, in particular (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 28, 2023
  • Place: European Parliament - Brussels
  • Type: Open

Training course on Big Marine Data Analytics and Models

EcoScope, a four-year (2021-2025) research project, addresses ecosystem degradation and anthropogenic impact that cause fisheries to be unsustainably exploited in several European Seas and promotes efficient, holistic, sustainable, ecocentric fisheries management Within its Academy, the EcoScope project offers a series (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 16, 2023 - May 18, 2023
  • Place: KEDEK AUTH, Balkan Center, 10th km Thessaloniki-Thermi, 57001 - Thessaloniki
  • Type: Open

Eurofleets+ Final Conference

The Eurofleets+ consortium is delighted to announce the Eurofleets+ Final Conference will take place on Wednesday, 13th September 2023 at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. During the conference, the EUROFLEETS+ Transnational Access Funded projects will be (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 13, 2023
  • Place: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Brussels
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2023

This year’s Baltic Stakeholder Conference (BSC2023) aims to speed up the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and send an emphatic call for action. We need to think outside the box and get creative! The Conference is hosted (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 09, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

EuropeWave 2nd Annual Conference

EuropeWave is an innovative R&D programme for wave energy technology. It will combine almost €20 million of national, regional and EU funding to drive a competitive Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) programme for wave energy. The second EuropeWave Annual Conference will be (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 28, 2023
  • Place: The Press Club, 95 Rue Froissart, Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 1000 - Brussels
  • Type: Open

Webinar: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Call 2023

The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership is organising an Information Webinar on the 1st Joint Transnational Call on 2 March 14:00 - 16:30 CET. This webinar will be outlining priority areas, evaluation criteria and selection processes. Agenda Welcome and IntroductionIntroduction to the First Transnational Co-funded (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 02, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

OCEAN:ICE Introductory Webinar

This webinar is the first in a series introducing the EU-funded OCEAN:ICE project. This webinar will include an overview of the project, its goals, and the partners involved. This webinar series is facilitated by the European Polar board.   About (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 23, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

European Blue Economy Conference 2023

The Blue Economy sectors play an integral role in the transformation of Europe’s future economy, and helps support the EU meet its ambitions set out in the European Green Deal. Against the backdrop of a Europe-wide energy crisis and major disruptions in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 21, 2023
  • Place: TBD - Brussels
  • Type: Open

UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024

Three years after the start of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), a global conference will bring together the Ocean Decade community and partners to celebrate achievements and set joint priorities for the future of the Decade. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 10, 2024 - April 12, 2024
  • Place: TBD - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

Save the date! EurOCEAN 2023 conference

EurOCEAN conferences are major European marine science-policy conferences organized every 4-5 years. They provide a forum for the marine and maritime research and innovation community and wider stakeholders to interface with European and Member State policymakers and strategic planners. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 10, 2023 - October 11, 2023
  • Place: Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos Mar de Vigo - Vigo
  • Type: Open

FutureEUAqua final conference

The final FutureEUAqua conference aims to summarize the results and outcomes achieved during the project's four-year life, highlighting the challenges faced and accomplish issues and tasks. Moreover, it will be a discussion and debate platform for policy-makers and other regional (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 20, 2023
  • Place: CIHEAM Bari “Cosimo Lacirignola’s Campus - Valenzano
  • Type: Open


Since 2021, the Interreg Euro MED, Maritime Italy France and NEXT MED Programmes, have been working together to enhance sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean. The Programmes will present this joint pilot action on May the 4th 2023, in Florence, with the launch event “Towards (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 04, 2023
  • Place: TBD - Florence
  • Type: Open

United Nations World Oceans Day Annual Event

ABOUT THE UN WORLD OCEANS DAY CELEBRATION The ocean covers the majority of the earth, but only a small portion of its waters has been explored. Despite humanity’s utter reliance on it, and compared to the breadth and depth of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2023
  • Place: Hybrid Event -
  • Type: Open


This conference aims to reimagine the Blue Economy, not as a business-as-usual approach to economic development, but as an innovative framework that recognizes the diversity of economies, facilitates energized transdisciplinary dialogue and enables multi-stakeholder activation and empowerment in order to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 08, 2023 - November 10, 2023
  • Place: University of Connecticut Avery Point Campus, Groton, Connecticut -
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) Conference 2023

Date: Thursday 30 March 2023 Duration: 09:30 – 16:00 CET Language: English Format: Online event – Live streaming availableThe event is planned as a live recording from a Brussels-based studio and will be broadcasted for an online audience. Speakers are (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 30, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

EcoScope Summer School - Oceanography & Fisheries Within The Ecosystem

EcoScope Summer School - Oceanography & Fisheries Within The EcosystemOrganised by the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), and Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis (DUTH), the EcoScope Summer School titled ‘Oceanography & Fisheries Within The Ecosystem’ will take place (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 25, 2023 - September 29, 2023
  • Place: Fisheries Research Institute, Nea Peramos Kavala - Nea Peramos-Kavala
  • Type: By Invitation Only


Love the Ocean but not the way it looks like right now? Believe that innovation is the key to preserve it for generations to come? Want to support innovative startups but don’t know how? Wants to get into serious business (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 21, 2023
  • Place: Fokker Terminal 249 Binckhorstlaan 2516 BB - Den Haag
  • Type: Open

EUMOFA Talk at the Seafood Expo Global exhibition

EUMOFA invites you to visit its booth at the Seafood Expo Global exhibition, which will take place in Barcelona from 24 to 27 April. You can drop by at booth number 4G700, Hall 4, where the EUMOFA team will offer practical demonstrations (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 24, 2023 - April 27, 2023
  • Type: Open

WestMED Initiative stakeholder Conference

After the successful 2021 WestMED Stakeholder Conference in Rome and the 2022 Hackathons on project development in Malta, we invite you to the 2023 edition of the WestMED Stakeholder Conference. The Conference will be held on Thursday, 22 June 2023 in Malta. The event (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 22, 2023
  • Type: Open

Launch of the Black Sea SRIA Implementation Plan What is next for the Black Sea research and innovation cooperation?

Launch of the Black Sea SRIA Implementation Plan What is next for the Black Sea research and innovation cooperation? Hosted by MEP Marian-Jean MARINESCU, SEArica member Co-organised by the Black Sea CONNECT Project and the European Commission DG RTD,  with the support of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 04, 2023
  • Place: European Parliament Brussels - Brussels
  • Type: Open

IMBeR ClimEco8 Summer School – Sustaining the Ocean We Need for the Future We Want

This will be the 8th in IMBeR’s Climate and Ecosystems (ClimEco) Summer School series. ClimEco summer schools are designed for 60-70 post-graduate students and early career researchers, and are led by an extraordinary interdisciplinary group of marine scientists, many who are leaders in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 19, 2023 - June 24, 2023
  • Place: ZRS-Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies - Koper
  • Type: Open

BlueWeek 2023

Dare to set ambitious goals, apply novel techniques to produce renewable ocean energy, rethink transport & shipping to reduce drastically energy use, set sails on all ships, develop and choose zero emission power technologies, protect and cherish the environment, while (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 17, 2023 - April 21, 2023
  • Type: Open

Fostering transregional S3-based cooperation: Advancing the sustainable blue economy through macroregional innovation collaboration

The event will explore the potential of macroregional smart specialisation-based cooperation in advancing sustainable development in EU macro-regions and Euroregions. Utilizing the Interreg Adrion project BLUEAIR as a case study, the event aims to demonstrate the steps taken towards S3-based (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 20, 2023
  • Place: Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union (Boulevard du Régent 45-46, 1000 Brussels) - Brussels
  • Type: Open

European Blue Forum – Official Launch Event

As a part of the European Blue Forum, we are creating Europe’s Blue community. A community of different users of the sea, passionate and committed to working together to deliver bold and ambitious change to our shared challenges of nature (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 26, 2023
  • Place: Brest, France / Hybrid -
  • Type: Open

First BlueMissionMed Stakeholder Forum

Are you a stakeholder representing any of the following categories: Regions and Islands, Cities, Ports and Shipping Industries, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Conservation, Research and Education, and/or Citizens & youth? Then, join the debate to shape the future for a Healthy, Pollution free Mediterranean Sea! The first BlueMissionMed Stakeholder (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 30, 2023
  • Place: Palermo (Italy) & Online -
  • Type: Open


Organized through the World Council of Fisheries Societies, every four years delegates from around the world meet to exchange ideas and perspectives about new research, emerging issues, scientific breakthroughs, and governance related to fisheries science, industry, conservation, and management.  Join this (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 03, 2024 - March 09, 2024
  • Place: Seattle, Washington, USA -
  • Type: Open

Earth Observation Data Visualisation workshop series

As there is a real increase in the use of Earth observation (EO) data and data visualisation in general, EUMETSAT will bring together journalists, researchers and anyone who is interested in visualising EO data for a series of online workshops. The (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 16, 2023 - June 20, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

CREATE Project final conference

Save the date for the final conference of the CREATE project on Climate Responses for the Adriatic Region. The conference will be held in Venice, Italy on 14 June 2023. More details including the agenda will be released shortly, but (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 14, 2023
  • Type: By Invitation Only

SEAFUTURE Green and Blue Innovation Hub

SEAFUTURE, AT ITS 8TH EDITION, is the business convention for maritime and dual use technologies: unique in the Mediterranean basin because implemented inside a Naval Base. In the current European energy transition process, a sustainable blue economy represents an essential element in achieving (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 07, 2023
  • Place: La Spezi Naval Base Viale Giovanni Amendola 1, 19121 - La Spezia
  • Type: By Invitation Only

2013-2023 | 10 years of the Galway Statement

The event is co-organised by Irish Government, the European Commission, the Marine Institute, and the University of Galway. It will be a hybrid event held in Galway, Ireland, on 5-6 July 2023, bringing together European and international Atlantic partners and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 05, 2023 - July 06, 2023
  • Type: Open

eMSP NBSR: Community of Practice on Ecosystem Based Approach jointly with Community of Sustainable Blue Economy

The Workshop “Strengthening the ecosystem-based approach in MSP and supporting sustainable blue economy” will be held in Helsinki June 13-15, 2023. It is organized jointly by the eMSP NBSR project Ecosystem-based Approach and Sustainable Blue Economy Communities of Practice and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 13, 2023 - June 15, 2023
  • Type: Open


This event gathers experts and stakeholders from the offshore renewable energy industry to discuss the latest innovations and technologies for the energy transition. The 2023 conference will be held in Paris.

  • Date: June 20, 2023 - June 21, 2023
  • Type: Open

MedPAN Workshop on tourism in Mediterranean MPA's

This workshop is organised by the Mediterranean network of Marine Protected Areas Managers (MedPAN) and will focus on tourism in Mediterranean MPAs. The objective of this event is to enable MPA managers and stakeholders to share knowledge, expertise and experiences (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 13, 2023
  • Place: Hybrid event - Hyères
  • Type: Open

Winds of change: a nature-positive energy transition at sea

To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, we must take swift action to reduce global emissions and decarbonize human activities, including energy production. Offshore wind, a low-cost and proven technology, is a key component of this transition. However, we must not (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 07, 2023
  • Place: European Parliament - Brussels
  • Type: Open

Digital Ocean Forum 2023

The European Digital Twin of the Ocean (EU DTO), announced by President von der Leyen at the One Ocean Summit in Brest, will be a key deliverable of the EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters. Its purpose is to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 15, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Workshop: "A vision for the Ocean information value-chain: systematically connecting up components from observations to user applications"

The 2nd workshop of EuroSea & OceanPredict on "A vision for the Ocean information value-chain: systematically connecting up components from observations to user applications" will take place on 11 July 2023 as a virtual event. The workshop is the follow-on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 11, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

4th Community Ecology conference

The 4th International Conference on Community Ecology (ComEc 2023) will be held in Trieste, Italy, September 20-22, 2023. The ComEc series is a highly international and interdisciplinary scientific environment focused on theoretical and applied advances in all aspects of community (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 20, 2023 - September 22, 2023
  • Place: The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS - Trieste
  • Type: Open

2023 Fisheries Science Seminar - Citizen Science

The annual Fisheries Science Seminar, organised by the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will take place on June 30, 2023. This year's seminar will center on the crucial role of citizen science in supporting fisheries science and management. The event (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 30, 2023
  • Place: Hybrid -
  • Type: Open

6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2023

The 6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference will be held in Dublin (Ireland), organized by the Joint Programme Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe" (JPI Climate), together with the MAGICA project, supported by the European Commission. This two-day event will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 19, 2023
  • Type: Open

WestMED Clusters Alliance at SEAFUTURE 2023

The WestMED National Hub Italy, in collaboration with the Italian national clusters will organise two important WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance workshops at SEAFUTURE 2023 Room 2 9:30 Achievements and developments of maritime clusters as drivers of Blue Economy Initiatives.   The WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 08, 2023
  • Place: La Spezia Naval - La Spezia
  • Type: Open


SEAFUTURE, AT ITS 8TH EDITION, is the business convention for maritime and dual use technologies: unique in the Mediterranean basin because implemented inside a Naval Base. SEAFUTURE IS THE HUB ON THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA FOR THE BLUE ECONOMY AT SEAFUTURE YOU CAN EXPLORE THE (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 05, 2023 - June 08, 2023
  • Place: La Spezia Naval Base, Viale Giovanni Amendola 1, 19121 - La Spezia
  • Type: Open

Co-Evolve4BG organizes a Hybrid Event: Disseminating and Transferring Sustainable Coastal/Maritime Tourism Best Practices in Tunisia

The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia (INSTM), as the Lead Beneficiary of the Co-Evolve4BG project, and in partnership with Valenciaport Foundation, is delighted to invite you to our upcoming event, the “Co-Evolve4BG Results Sharing: Advancing Sustainable (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 04, 2023
  • Place: Sidi Mansour Djerba Hotel” - Djerba
  • Type: Open

14th meeting of the UfM Working Group on Sustainable Blue Economy (11 October, UfM Premises – In presence)

Following the 13th UfM Working Group on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) held in Brussels on 14 March 2023, back-to-back with the First meeting of the Blue Mediterranean Partnership (BMP), UfM countries and SBE stakeholders will meet on 11 October at (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 11, 2023
  • Place: UfM Premises - Barcelona
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Save the Date: International Underwater Glider Conference

We are pleased to invite you to join the highly anticipated  International Underwater Glider Conference. This will be the 9th EGO meeting, supported by OceanGliders and the EuroGOOS Glider Task Team. The event is scheduled from June 10th to June 14th 2024 at (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 10, 2024 - June 14, 2024
  • Place: Reveljen - Gothenburg
  • Type: Open

Co-Evolve4BG Dissemination at MED Region

The 2-day online event will take place on 17 & 18th July, related to the dissemination of project results and the development of a transferability strategy for the Mediterranean region, as part of the Co-Evolve4BG project. The first day of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 17, 2023 - July 18, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

European Blue Forum ‘Deep – Dive’ Workshop

European Blue Forum ‘Deep – Dive’ Workshop Workshop Rationale The question ‘What do we need from European Seas by 2030 – are we asking too much?' was originally posed to members of the European Blue Forum as a panel session (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 25, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

European Blue Forum - 2nd Deep Dive Workshop

Workshop Rationale The question ‘What does a fossil fuel free blue economy look like? How can we as a community support this transition?’ was originally posed to members of the European Blue Forum as a panel session at the official (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 16, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Save the date: 7th UfM Task Force on Environment

The 7th UfM Task Force on Environment  will take place on 15th  November 2023, from 9:00am to 6:00 pm CET in Brussels followed by a field visit on 16th November from 9:00 am to 1:00pm.  The Task Force aims to highlight and exchange on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 15, 2023 - November 16, 2023
  • Type: By Invitation Only

DG MARE workshop at EU Regions Week 2023: an innovative energy transition of the EU blue economy

DG MARE will participate in this year’s edition of EU Regions Week with a workshop on ‘Coastal Cities and Regions at the forefront of the innovative energy transition of the blue economy’. Whilst focusing mainly on fisheries and aquaculture, the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 11, 2023
  • Place: SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Hall 300 - Brussels
  • Type: Open

2nd International TouMaLi conference

After the successful first TouMaLi Conference in 2022, the University of Marrakech Cadi Ayyad will host a follow-up international event with high-level guests. The conference on "Effective Waste Management for Sustainable Tourism and Marine Ecosystem Protection" will be held in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 08, 2023 - November 09, 2023
  • Place: University of Marrakech Cadi Ayyad - Marrakech
  • Type: Open

Tomorrow.Blue Economy: A new global initiative developing the potential of the Blue Economy

Tomorrow.Blue Economy is the new global summit dedicated to promoting and developing the potential of the Blue Economy. It has celebrated its first edition within the framework of Smart City Expo World Congress 2022. The potential for our oceans is vast, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 07, 2023 - November 09, 2023
  • Place: Fira Barcelona · Gran Via Venue - Barcelona
  • Type: Open


COP28 UAE will be a milestone moment when the world will take stock of its progress on the Paris Agreement.The first Global Stocktake (GST) will provide a comprehensive assessment of progress since adopting the Paris Agreement. The GST will help (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 30, 2023 - December 12, 2023
  • Place: Expo City Dubai - Dubai, UAE
  • Type: Open

Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous 2023

Participate in the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous 2023, an event organized by Monaco Marina Management at the Yacht Club de Monaco. An event that brings together an ecosystem of entrepreneurs and startups to meet industrialists, financials, promotors, marina developers and architects (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 24, 2023 - September 25, 2023
  • Place: 30 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, Monaco - Monaco
  • Type: Open

26 edition Ecomondo - The Green Technology Expo

Ecomondo, the ecological transition ecosystem, is the place for industry, stakeholders, policy makers, opinion leaders and local authorities to meet and talk. It brings together and systemises the key elements that define the development strategies of the European Union's environmental policy. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 07, 2023 - November 10, 2023
  • Place: Rimini Expo Centre - Rimini
  • Type: Open

Workshop “Fostering Ocean Innovations – Sustainable Ocean Economy between the Mediterranean’s Northern and Southern Shores

With active participation by the WestMED Assistance Mechanism with its WestMED Clusters Alliance and the WestMED National Hub for Italy There is an increasing need to protect our ocean and waters. To do so, a high level of innovation, entrepreneurship and technology (transfer) (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 04, 2023
  • Place: Hybrid (Naples-Online) - Naples
  • Type: Open

Spring-to-Sea: Societal transformation towards water stewardship

October 17, 2023 Online Event The OTTERS project organize a webinar entitled ‘Spring-to-Sea’: Societal transformation towards water stewardship, which will take place during the European Week of Regions and Cities. Register here   All over the world, people regardless of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 17, 2023
  • Place: Online (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/spring-to-sea-societal-transformation-towards-water-stewardship-tickets-699485569167) - Brussels
  • Type: Open

Final conference Co-Evolve4BG project

The upcoming Co-Evolve4BG Closure Event will be held on October 25th and 26th, 2023, in Tunis. This event aims to celebrate the successful completion of Co-Evolve4BG project and showcase its outcomes.   Operating under the UfM's label, MedCoast4BG, the project (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 25, 2023 - October 26, 2023
  • Place: TBD - Tunis
  • Type: By Invitation Only


SEAFUTURE, AT ITS 9TH EDITION, is the business convention for maritime and dual use technologies: unique in the Mediterranean basin because implemented inside a Naval Base. SEAFUTURE IS THE HUB ON THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA FOR THE BLUE ECONOMY AT SEAFUTURE (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 29, 2025 - October 02, 2025
  • Place: La Spezia Naval Base, Viale Giovanni Amendola 1, 19121 - La Spezia
  • Type: Open

Information Session on the Call for expression of interest for new partnerships under the S3 CoP Sustainable Blue Economy Platform

An online information session on the Call for expression of interest for new Thematic Smart Specialisation  Partnerships (TSSPs) under the S3 Thematic Platforms within the Smart Specialisation Community of Practice (#S3CoP) is taking place on 15 September 2023 from 15:00-16:30 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 15, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Blue Planet Economy Expo Forum

WestMED is partner of this event and provide a workshop on desalination on October 11,2023 This year’s theme will be the Ecological Transition Challenge for the Mediterranean and is centered around 6 main topics: Blue Food Blue Energy Blue Life (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 10, 2023 - October 12, 2023
  • Type: Open

MedPAN Workshop on tourism in Mediterranean MPA’s

This workshop is organised by the Mediterranean network of Marine Protected Areas Managers (MedPAN) and will focus on tourism in Mediterranean MPAs. The objective of this event is to enable MPA managers and stakeholders to share knowledge, expertise and experiences (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 13, 2023
  • Place: Hybrid (Hyères, France – online) - Hyères
  • Type: Open

S3 Forum for practitioners

·The Smart Specialisation (S3) Forum 2023 is the second in a series of events that the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the S3 Community of Practice Secretariat, is organising for (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 28, 2023
  • Place: Hybrid (Barcelona – Online) -
  • Type: Open

SAVE THE DATE: WestMED Steering Committee

The Co-Presidency of the WestMED Initiative will organize the upcoming WestMED Steering Committee Meeting on the morning of October 27th (online format), with the participation of all the Steering Committee Members. The agenda and connection details for this event will (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 27, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only

GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives: Transformative actions to address new challenges

Why participate to the GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives? Five years away from reaching the targets set by the Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration, and in the wake of recent crises that have called for greater adaptation and need to boost progress, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 03, 2023 - October 04, 2023
  • Place: Hilton Malta, St Julian's - Valletta
  • Type: Open

Our Baltic conference

The European Commission is organising the 2nd edition of the Our Baltic Conference in Palanga (Lithuania) on 29 September 2023. This high-level event will bring together ministers from the 8 EU countries surrounding the Baltic Sea (Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 29, 2023
  • Type: Open

MSPglobal 2.0 Online Kick-off Conference

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) and the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission (DG MARE) are delighted to invite you to the Online Kick-off Conference of the new phase of the MSPglobal Initiative on Wednesday 6 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 06, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Introduction to Ocean Governance Short Course

Co-hosted by: Beth Orcutt (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and Associate Director of COBRA) and Ben Boteler (Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) in Potsdam and TMG Think Tank for Sustainability) Have you ever wondered how your science can connect with ocean policy development, like (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 07, 2023 - September 08, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open


Following the success of the first edition, held alongside the 2022 UN Ocean Conference, Portugal is committed to organize the II edition of the Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum (SBEIF) on the 4th of October. This II edition of SBEIF pursues the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 04, 2023
  • Place: Estoril Congress Center - Avenida Amaral 2765-192 Estoril - Cascais
  • Type: Open

The first ever EU Algae awareness summit

Introduction: The first ever EU Algae Awareness Summit will be held 5-7 October 2023 at the Maison de l’Océan in Paris. The Summit will kick off a process and raise awareness among EU Member States’ administrations and the general public (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 05, 2023 - October 07, 2023
  • Place: Hybrid (Online & Maison de l’Océan) - Paris
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Interreg Euro-MED Consultation Day

The upcoming Consultation Day of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme that will be held online on October 17th. The objective of this meeting is to present the state of the art of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme by leveraging the insights and recommendations from third-party (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 17, 2023
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

Blue Investor - II SBEIF Special Event

Blue Investor will explore concepts, ideas, challenges, and opportunities regarding the role that technology and innovation can play in supporting a sustainable blue economy in Europe. Through three interactive keynote sessions, we will delve into current investments in Portugal within key (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 04, 2023
  • Place: Gare Marítima de Alcântara - Lisbon
  • Type: Open

Économie Bleue en Tunisie ; Potentiel et Besoins en Formation (in French)

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à l’événement national sur l’économie bleue qui se tiendra le 29 septembre 2023 à la salle El Afrah (appartenant à la Municipalité) à Sfax. L’événement national mettra en lumière la stratégie tunisienne visant à stimuler (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 29, 2023
  • Place: la salle El Afrah (appartenant à la Municipalité) - Sfax
  • Type: Open

Restoration of Blue Ecosystems in the Balearic islands

Organized by the Cátedra del Mar "Iberostar" (University of the Balearic islands & Iberostar Foundation).  The objective of this event is to promote the restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems in the Balearic islands.  Secondary Objectives are: To present the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 18, 2023 - October 19, 2023
  • Place: University of the Balearic Islands- Edificio Guillem Cifre de Colonya - Palma de Mallorca
  • Type: Open

EuroMed Clusters Forward Face-to-Face Academy

Berytech is launching the EuroMed Clusters Forward Face-to-Face Academy, a three-day intensive training program offering expert support for five clusters in building their capacities, developing growth strategies, and learning from 15+ Cluster Managers and Board Members.  The program will focus (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 16, 2023 - October 18, 2023
  • Type: Open

51st CPMR General Assembly and 50th Anniversary

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe invites you to attend the next General Assembly and 50th Anniversary of the CPMR which will be hosted by Brittany Region and take place on 15-17 November 2023 in Saint-Malo (Brittany, France), the very town in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 15, 2023 - November 17, 2023
  • Place: Palais du Grand Large - Saint-Malo
  • Type: Open

Ocean Decade Vision 2030 Process – Public Webinar

Mark your calendar for 2 November 2023 and join the first public webinar of the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 process! A milestone initiative of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (‘Ocean Decade’), this process led by (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 02, 2023
  • Type: Open

Capitalization Event of the Project “BLUE-GREEN WAY”

The Capitalization Event of the "BLUE-GREEN WAY: Innovative Solutions for Improving the Environmental Status of Eutrophic and Anoxic Coastal Ecosystems" project is scheduled for Tuesday, 24th October 2023, from 10:15 to 16:30 at the premises of the European Public Law Organisation (EPLO), located (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 24, 2023
  • Place: Premises of the European Public Law Organisation (EPLO), 2 Polygnotou and Dioskouron St., Plaka - Athens
  • Type: Open

UfM Regional Forum

The 8th Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) will take place from the 27th to the 28th of November 2023 in Barcelona, Spain.

  • Date: November 27, 2023 - November 28, 2023
  • Type: Open


The 23rd Meeting (COP 23) of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) and its Protocols will take place from 5-8 December 2023 in Portoroz, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 05, 2023 - December 08, 2023
  • Type: Open

9th Our Ocean Conference

The 9th Our Ocean Conference will take place from 15-17 April 2024 in Athens, Greece.

  • Date: April 15, 2024 - April 17, 2024
  • Type: Open

European Maritime Day

The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. The EMD is the place where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet’. It (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 30, 2024 - May 31, 2024
  • Type: Open

37th Americas Cup Barcelona

The Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup is set to take place between August and October 2024 in the beating heart of beautiful Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia and one of the most visited cities on planet Earth. Situated around Port (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: August 22, 2024 - October 20, 2024
  • Type: Open

Towards an Italian Supply Chain for Desalination

Desalination is both an important and urgent topic. This became very clear during both the Italian-Maltese WestMED national event in Catania and the WestMED workshop at the Blue Planet Economy expoforum in Rome. The organisers (WestMED Italy, ART-ER, BIG and Federazione del (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 08, 2023
  • Place: Rimini Expo Centre - Rimini
  • Type: Open

OTTERS workshop on legal issues in citizen science

The OTTERS project promotes societal transformation for marine and freshwater stewardship through scaling up citizen science, and supports the coordination of citizen science initiatives focused on water. This workshop focuses on legal issues around water-based citizen science and engagement (including (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 27, 2023
  • Type: Open

1st EU Blue Parks Community Workshop

The 1st workshop of the EU Blue Parks Community: Working together for the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems and biodiversity, will be held online on 6 December 2023. The first workshop’s primary objective is to present the EU Blue Parks Community and its benefits.   The aim is to set (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 06, 2023
  • Type: Open

Save the date: 2nd Annual EU Mission Forum

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Mission Ocean and Waters Forum on 5 March 2024, an annual gathering essential to the ongoing efforts to restore and protect our ocean and waters. This event serves as a dynamic platform, fostering a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 05, 2024
  • Type: Open

COP28 Side Event - The Mediterranean leading the way for a cleaner sea: our biggest ally in the fight against climate change!

Join us on December 5, 2023 for a pivotal COP28 side event themed: "The Mediterranean leading the way for a cleaner sea: our biggest ally in the fight against climate change!"The event will take place at the Mediterranean Coalition Office – Blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 05, 2023
  • Place: Dubai Expo City - Dubai
  • Type: Open

2nd Meeting of the UfM Working Group on Blue Economy

On November 8, 2016, Brussels hosted the second gathering of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Blue Economy Working Group. This event, co-chaired by Jordan and the European Commission, served as a platform for delegates from member countries, along with (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 08, 2016
  • Type: By Invitation Only

1st Meeting of the Working Group on Blue Economy

Euro-Mediterranean experts on the blue economy met for the first time after the Ministerial Meeting of last November to discuss the state of play of UfM regional cooperation, including recently labelled projects, and to prepare for the launch of the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 17, 2016
  • Type: By Invitation Only

7th Meeting of the Working Group on Blue Economy

The 7th meeting of the Working Group (WG) on the Blue Economy will take place on the 15 September 2020. Due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions and related health and safety recommendations, the WG will take place online. The 7th meeting (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 15, 2020
  • Type: By Invitation Only

European Ocean Days

Organised for the first time in 2024, European Ocean Days will be a week of events related to European maritime topics. It will cover, on separate days over the week, the EU Mission Ocean and Waters, future priorities for Europe’s Seas, blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 04, 2024 - March 08, 2024
  • Type: Open

OTTERS workshop on ethical issues and water stewardship

The Horizon Europe/Mission Ocean & Waters OTTERS project promotes societal transformation for marine and freshwater stewardship through scaling up citizen science, and supports the coordination of citizen science initiatives focused on water. This workshop will focus on key ethical issues (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 15, 2024
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: Open

The 5th Mediterranean Water Forum

 The Fifth Mediterranean Water Forum, scheduled to be held from 5-7 February 2024, is a pivotal event co-organized by the Tunisian Government, the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME), and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). The forum will take place at (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 05, 2024 - February 07, 2024
  • Place: Hotel Laico - Tunis
  • Type: Open

“Charting the course towards a Sustainable Blue Economy” Symposium

The first Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Symposium taking place at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium will bring together thought leaders, experts, and practitioners in a big-scale European event to promote the transformation towards a sustainable blue economy. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 13, 2024 - February 14, 2024
  • Place: Royal Museums of Fine Arts - Brussels
  • Type: Open

11th annual World Ocean Summit

The 11th annual World Ocean Summit will put a focus on the importance of blue finance for ocean health. Many sessions on this year's agenda will bring together participants from the finance community to demonstrate investment opportunities and highlight case studies of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 11, 2024 - March 13, 2024
  • Type: Open

Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2024

The Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2024 is set to bring together experts, policymakers, and enthusiasts to discuss and shape the future of the Baltic Sea region.  Official registration for the event is now open, and will close on 31 January 2024, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 29, 2024
  • Place: Hanaholmen, Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, Hanasaarenranta 5, 02100 - Espoo / Hybrid
  • Type: Open

Blue Mission BANOS’ 2nd Mission Arena

Blue Mission BANOS’ 2nd Mission Arena will take place on 25-26 April in Riga, Latvia.  The event will inspire, engage and support a wide range of stakeholders across the Baltic and North Sea in making the Blue Economy carbon-neutral & circular by 2030, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 25, 2024 - April 26, 2024
  • Type: Open

European Coastal Challenge Summit

The Littoral 24 European Coastal Challenge Summit will be organised in Constanta by the Professional Association of Romanian Geographers (APGR), the Ovidius University of Constanța, the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), the Coastal & Marine Union Germany (EUCC-D) and the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 24, 2024 - September 27, 2024
  • Type: Open

Polar Symposium

This year the polar symposium will bring together distinguished scientists, representatives of non-governmental organisations, holders of indigenous knowledge, and policymakers to discuss the challenges facing polar regions and their broad implications on the global system. The symposium will be a (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: February 22, 2024 - February 23, 2024
  • Type: Open

Ocean Literacy Dialogues 5th edition

Save the date for the immersive Ocean Literacy Dialogues 5th edition to take place during the Ocean Decade Conference! During this week, full of interactive events, join this event to explore the relationship between humans and the ocean, as well (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 08, 2024 - April 09, 2024
  • Place: World Trade Center - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

World Water Day

World Water Day, held on 22 March every year since 1993, is an annual United Nations Observance focusing on the importance of freshwater.  World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 22, 2024
  • Type: Open

5th EU Macro-Regional and Sea Basin Strategies Days

This year the EU Macro-regional Strategies Week becomes a two-day onsite event where sessions will cover topics of interest to both the Macro-regional strategies and the Sea Basin Strategies. Under the slogan Strategies4Cooperation, the focus will be on present and future synergies between the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 12, 2024 - June 13, 2024
  • Place: The Egg - Brussels
  • Type: Open

MSP Data Tools and Guidance Workshop

The Technical Expert Group (TEG) on data for Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is holding a workshop to present the outputs of their work on MSP data tools and guidance. Since its establishment in 2020, the TEG has been dealing with the current (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: March 13, 2024
  • Place: Hybrid - Brussels
  • Type: Open

2nd Edition of the Med Innovation Camp

The Innovation Camp is organised under the umbrella of the Interreg Euro-MED Mission on Innovative Sustainable Economy.This year's edition focuses on the Smart specialisation strategies and their (potential) pivotal role in supporting a green and just transition in the Mediterranean (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 28, 2024 - May 29, 2024
  • Place: Espai Bital Generalitat de Catalunya - C. de José Agustín Goytisolo 22-28, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Barcelona
  • Type: Open

BlueWeek 2024

BlueWeek 2024, jointly organised by the Blue Forum and by the Vessel Operator Forum, will discuss the sustainable future for Oceans, Energy and Shipping. It will be hosted by Vela and the Public Transport Network of the laguna ACTV in (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 08, 2024 - April 12, 2024
  • Type: Open

OTTERS Summer School 2024

The OTTERS course will specifically target the educational sector, focusing on secondary teachers’ capacity building needs. The primary objective of this course is to equip educators with the essential tools and expertise required to empower students and enhance their understanding (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 30, 2024 - July 05, 2024
  • Place: Golden Coast, Paralia Marathonos, 19007 Attica, Greece - Marathon
  • Type: By Invitation Only

Economist Regional Ocean Summit

The Regional Ocean Summit in Jordan is a compelling addition to Economist Impact’s World Ocean Summit series. It is strategically designed to bring a regional focus to the robust analysis and inspiring content of the global summit. This regional summit (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 14, 2024 - May 16, 2024
  • Place: King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre, Hilton Dead Sea -
  • Type: Open

15th Regional Platform on SBE

The 15th regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy will be held on June 27th, 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.More information will be shared here soon.

  • Date: June 27, 2024
  • Type: Open

Sun&Blue - Blue Tourism Congress

Sun&Blue is an important annual meeting on Tourism and Blue Economy in Europe, where key members of the value chain of smart coastal destinations, infrastructure management, port activities, blue tourism (hotels, gastronomy, sports, experiences...) and conservation of oceans and natural resources (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 20, 2024 - November 22, 2024
  • Place: Cabo de Gata Exhibition and Conference Center - Almeria
  • Type: Open

WestMED Spain: Prototypes for the decarbonization of fisheries and recreational ports and vessels

Description As with other economic activities in the EU, there is a growing need for our maritime fleets to transition away from fossil fuels as soon as possible. This is not only a contribution to the objectives of the European (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 17, 2024
  • Place: Sala “Claustre del Carme” | Pl. Miranda s/n (entre el 11 i el 12) - Mahón, Menorca
  • Type: Open

Technologies in Sustainable Ocean Observation

9 April 2024, 12:00 - 14:00 CET | Barcelona, SpainMany technology challenges exist when it comes to observing and monitoring the Ocean. Dismantling these barriers and identifying opportunities towards achieving a mature and vibrant Ocean Observing Enterprise for all is (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 09, 2024
  • Type: Open

Co-Designing Ocean observing for the tropics

11 April 2024, 13:15 - 14:45 CET | Barcelona, SpainBuilding a transformative and solutions-oriented ocean observing system is critical to the success of the UN Ocean Decade. The design of such systems should follow the principles of co-design, working with (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 11, 2024
  • Type: Open

THALASSA 2024 Marine Sciences Conference

Following the success of ‘Thalassa 2022 Conference’, the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI) invites you once again to Larnaca, to participate at the second regional conference on marine sciences. To bring together leading researchers from academia, industry, NGOs and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: May 28, 2024 - May 29, 2024
  • Type: Open

Shaping the future of Maritime Spatial Planning

The CPMR General Secretariat, with the support of Murcia Region, organises a Symposium in the framework of the REGINA-MSP project, 30 April 2024, in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) in Brussels.  The symposium will take stock of the state of play in the implementation of the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: April 30, 2024
  • Type: Open

Virtual celebration of UN World Oceans Day

This year's United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) celebrates the theme ‘Awaken New Depths’. In celebration of the 2024 theme, the United Nations are joining forces with global policy-makers, scientists, managers, thought leaders, and artists to showcase how our (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 07, 2024
  • Type: Open

Workshop 'The key towards Mediterranean Regional Sustainability'

The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership’s workshop "Blue Economy - The key towards Mediterranean regional Sustainability," is part of the POSIDONIA International Shipping Exhibition in Athens in June 2024. The Partnership is committed to engaging key actors from academia, industry, government (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 07, 2024
  • Place: Metropolitan Expo - Athens & Online
  • Type: Open

Shaping Sustainable Innovation in the Mediterranean

Join us in Marseille on the 18 and 19 June for two days of interactive sessions and networking with like-minded people and organisations working for a more sustainable Mediterranean region. On 18 June, we will celebrate the launch of the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 18, 2024 - June 19, 2024
  • Place: 2 Rue Henri Barbusse, 13001 Marseille - Marseille
  • Type: Open

CPMR Intermediterranean Commission General Assembly

The upcoming General Assembly gathering all the IMC Member Regions is set to be held in Valencia, Spain on 2 & 3 July 2024. More information (including the thematic seminar/open sessions) will be disclosed soon.

  • Date: July 02, 2024 - July 03, 2024
  • Type: Open

Shaping Sustainable Innovation In The Mediterranean

Join us in Marseille on the 18 and 19 June for two days of interactive sessions and networking with like-minded people and organisations working for a more sustainable Mediterranean region. Register now below! On 18 June, we will celebrate the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 18, 2024 - June 19, 2024
  • Place: World Trade Center Marseille Provence: WTCMP - Marseille
  • Type: Open

#OceanHack4EU Hackathon

#OceanHack4EU is a hackathon aiming to find data-driven solutions to the challenges the ocean faces. The hackathon is organised by Mercator Ocean International, implementer of the EU Copernicus Marine Service. The hackathon focuses on 5 key topics: Healthy ocean; Safe ocean; Living ocean; (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 03, 2024 - June 07, 2024
  • Type: Open

Ocean Literacy World Conference

Organized by IOC/UNESCO and Prada Group, the Conference brings together the ocean literacy and ocean education communities from around the world to promote a more harmonious relationship between humans and the ocean. To affirm collective efforts for equity and justice, (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 07, 2024 - June 08, 2024
  • Type: Open

International Flatfish Symposium

The 2024 edition of the International Flatfish symposium will be organized on 25-28 November in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The objective of the 2024 Symposium is to bring together researchers working on flatfish and their fisheries again, providing them with an opportunity (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 25, 2024 - November 28, 2024
  • Type: Open

S3 Conference 2024: Save the date!

The DG for Regional Policy of the European Commission and the S3 CoP Secretariat, in partnership with Emilia-Romagna Region and with the support of the Municipality of Rimini and Palacongressi di Rimini, are organising the highly anticipated S3 Conference. The event (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: December 11, 2024 - December 12, 2024
  • Place: Palacongressi di Rimini - Rimini
  • Type: Open

Shaping Sustainable Innovation in the Mediterranean

Join the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission for the Shaping Sustainable Innovation in the Mediterranean event in Marseille! The Mission's CoP launch is set to ignite collaboration, spark knowledge sharing, and nurture a vibrant community of stakeholders who are passionate about (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 19, 2024
  • Place: World Trade Center - Marseille
  • Type: Open

UfM Webinar – “Scaling up synergies & partnerships for the sustainable maritime & coastal tourism transformation in the Mediterranean”

The Co-Presidency and Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean have the pleasure of inviting you to the upcoming UfM Webinar on "Scaling up synergies and partnerships for the sustainable maritime and coastal tourism transformation in the Mediterranean", scheduled on June 20, 2024, at (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 20, 2024
  • Type: Open

CommOCEAN Conference - Registration & call for presentations and posters now open

Registration and abstract submission are now open for the CommOCEAN Conference which will take place on 26-27 November 2024 in Málaga, Spain. The CommOCEAN Conference series is a unique International Marine Science Communication Conference series dedicated to fostering effective communication within the (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: November 26, 2024 - November 27, 2024
  • Type: Open

High-level national dialogue on ‘The challenges of integrated governance and the roadmap for implementing the blue economy in Morocco’

Morocco has made significant progress in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures through the submission in 2021 of the new ambition of its updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)and the national low-carbon development strategy to 2050 (SNBC). However, the blue economy (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 05, 2024
  • Type: By Invitation Only

BEING SEA-EU Conference

The SEA-EU Alliance is pleased to invite academics and students to the first edition of the international, multidisciplinary scientific conference ‘BEING SEA-EU’ that will take place from 10 to 12 June 2024 in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea – Malta. The ‘BEING (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 10, 2024 - June 12, 2024
  • Place: Hybrid (Online & Malta) -
  • Type: Open

Blue Planet Economy Expoforum

The Blue Planet Economy Expoform retrurns with 3 days of presentations, workshops, exhibtions and business meetings. It is centered around 6 main topics: 1.     Blue Food 2.     Blue Energy 3.     Blue Life Protection 4.     Blue Mobility and Logistics 5.     Blue (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 16, 2024 - October 18, 2024
  • Type: Open

UfM Webinar - Fostering the Sustainable Development of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) through effective Licensing and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)

The Co-Presidency and Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean have the pleasure of inviting you to the upcoming UfM Webinar on ‘Fostering the Sustainable Development of Marine Renewable Energy through Effective Licensing and Maritime Spatial Planning’, taking place on (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 01, 2024
  • Place: Online -
  • Type: By Invitation Only

IOC Executive council 57th session - Side event

During the 57th session of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC) Executive Council, this side event will present Member States with the key outcomes and recommendations of the two major convenings of the ocean community that have been held in 2024 (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: June 25, 2024
  • Place: UNESCO HQ Room XI & Online - Paris
  • Type: Open

ICES Annual Science Conference

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Annual Science Conference is an event where hundreds of attendees will gather to present and discuss the latest marine science, develop new ideas, network, establish partnerships, and make plans for research projects. The scientific programme provides opportunities (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 09, 2024 - September 12, 2024
  • Place: Gateshead - United Kingdom
  • Type: Open

Black Sea Stakeholder Conference

The Black Sea Stakeholder Conference is a landmark annual event under the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea. It will gather speakers of diverse background and extensive experience around blue economy topics. The event will address blue economy challenges and opportunities, delving (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 11, 2024 - September 12, 2024
  • Place: Chișinău - Molvdova
  • Type: Open

BlueInvest Africa Forum

BlueInvest Africa is an important business event, initiated by the European Commission in 2022. The objective of BlueInvest Africa is to facilitate meetings between African entrepreneurs seeking financing and international investors scouting for opportunities, all centred around projects capable of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 03, 2024 - July 04, 2024
  • Place: Diani, Kwale County - Kenya
  • Type: Open

European MSP Week

Join Us for the European Maritime Spatial Planning Week, 22 – 24 October 2024 Be part of European MSP Week 22nd – 24th October 2024! This series of dynamic events is dedicated to Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and offers a unique opportunity (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 22, 2024 - October 24, 2024
  • Place: Palais du Pharo - Marseille
  • Type: Open

Prep4Blue Webinar series: Stakeholders Engagement

This webinar series aims to help upskill participants in the use of different stakeholders’ methods/tools. Over three one-hour sessions, participants will learn good practices on stakeholder engagement in line with the targets of the EU Mission: Restore Our Ocean and Waters By 2030. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 03, 2024
  • Type: Open

Prep4Blue Webinar series: Stakeholders Engagement

This webinar series aims to help upskill participants in the use of different stakeholders’ methods/tools. Over three one-hour sessions, participants will learn good practices on stakeholder engagement in line with the targets of the EU Mission: Restore Our Ocean and Waters By 2030. (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: July 17, 2024
  • Type: Open

2nd High-Tech Summit for the Black Sea

The High-Tech Summit for the Black Sea (HTS4BS), organized under H2020-funded BRIDGE-BS, is a research-based forum focused on ocean digitalization and Industry 4.0. It brings together blue economy innovators from the Black Sea region and beyond, fostering dialogue among industry members, academia, research organizations, investors, policymakers, and civil society. There (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 16, 2024
  • Type: Open

Mediterranean Coast Guard Function Forum

The Albanian Coast Guard is pleased to announce the new edition of the “Mediterranean Coast Guard Functions Forum”, which will take place in Tirana, from the 29th to the 31st of October 2024 cofounded by European Commission.  The scope of the conference (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 29, 2024 - October 31, 2024
  • Type: Open

MSP-GREEN project - Mediterranean workshop

The MSP-GREEN project have the pleasure of inviting to the upcoming workshop "Maritime Spatial Plans as enablers of the European Green Deal: Mediterranean discussion on the recommendations prepared by the MSP-GREEN project", taking place in Izola (Slovenia) and online on the 20th of (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 20, 2024
  • Place: Manzioli Square 5 - Izola and online
  • Type: Open

BRIDGE-BS 2nd Summer School

In order to upskill and ensure the understanding of the challenges and opportunities to be addressed for a sustainable Blue Economy across the Black Sea, BRIDGE-BS conducts a range of educational and capacity-building activities. With this aim, the 2nd Summer School is (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 15, 2024 - September 17, 2024
  • Type: Open

2024 Fisheries Science Seminar - Artificial Intelligence

The annual Fisheries Science Seminar, organised by the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will take place on 25 September 2024. This year's seminar will focus on the potential contribution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) towards achieving fisheries sustainability.  The 2024 science (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: September 25, 2024
  • Place: Quai Fernand Demets 23, 1070 Anderlecht - Brussles
  • Type: Open

WestMED Hackathon '24

We are pleased to inform that the WestMED Hackathon 2024 will take place on 3 October 2024, in the region of Algarve, Portugal. This event marks the 3rd edition of the interactive stakeholder Hackathon that takes place every 2 years, with (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 03, 2024
  • Type: Open

A Decade of European MSP – Stakeholder Conference

22nd October 2024, 09:00-17:45 CETJoin us for exciting and dynamic conference exploring the evolving landscape of MSP. This event brings together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders from across the European Union and beyond, to foster dialogue, share best practices, and (...) اقرأ كل شيء

  • Date: October 22, 2024
  • Place: Palais du Pharo - Marseille
  • Type: Open